Chapter 77. Trapped.
Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for my terrible updating! I can't promise that I will be able to update soon because I can't. My A-Levels are really starting to hit me now and I have to admit I am struggling to keep on top of my work load and my wattpad account... I even considered deleting my account so I could concentrate solely on my work but then I mentally slapped myself for considering such a thing.
Anyway, I really appreciate how understanding you all have been about how I can't update regularly, but I promise I will try to update when I can.
So, now that I've explained all that, here is Chapter 77 and I really hope it was worth the wait.
Thank you for the lovely comments and votes for the last chapter! I really do love reading what you have to say :) So thanks!
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Here we go!!!!!
*Cassy's POV*
"How are you alive?" I breathed as I stared at Donovan, my bow never lowering.
"Well that is one very interesting story - I'd love to tell you the whole story but I think it would be better if I showed you."
I didn't have time to say anything as he opened up his palm and my eyes widened as a ball of fire hovered above his palm.
"What the hell..." I muttered. "How -"
"Next time you shoot someone make sure they are dead." He hissed and before I could release the arrow that was aimed at him, he had hurled the fireball at me.
I screamed as the fire hit me in the chest. My leather corset protected my skin from most of the burn but the pain was still there as I was thrown backwards into the wall, my bow falling from my grip.
As my head hit the wall I saw black dots cloud my vision but I could just make out the outline of Donovan as he walked towards me.
"You should have stayed in the Mountain, Archer Queen." He said as he raised his fist and before I could even think to fight back he brought his fist down and everything went black.
*Dax's POV*
Mikaelson and I were in the deserted courtyard of the orcs hideout. There was no sign of Cassy, Dastan nor Devlin.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Mikealson muttered and he moved his battle axe over in his hands.
"Where are they?" I said as I looked around.
"Get down!" Mikaelson grabbed me by the shoulder and forced me to the ground as an arrow barely missed me.
I grabbed a dagger and threw it towards the orc that had shot at us from the battlements.
"Well at least we know that the orcs are here." I muttered.
Mikaelson looked at me and nodded as we rose to our feet. "We need to find the others." He said.
"Yes we do. Let's check that way." I suggested as I pointed to an open door of the building before walking over to it as Mikealson followed behind me.
"Do you think something bad has happened?"
"Who knows?" I said. "Something bad always seems to happen lately."
I heard Mikaelson sigh from behind me as we descended the stairs into the eerie darkness.
My daggers were raised defensively in front of me as I led the way into the corridor. "Which way?" I asked just as a loud crash and yelling was heard from down the corridor.
"How about towards the sounds of a battle?" Mikaelson said with raised eyebrows.
I couldn't help but smile. "Let's kick some ass then."
Mikaelson ran ahead of me towards a door at the very end of the corridor. It was already open and looked as though it had been knocked off of its hinges as it now hung open but was only still standing because one of the hinges was still only just connected to it.
As soon as Mikaelson ran into the room I saw him come to an abrupt halt, as did I when I saw what he was seeing.
On the other side of the room a young boy - who I knew was Alan - was chained to the wall while an orc was busy chaining another body up beside him. The other person was unconscious and my blood boiled when I caught sight of the person's raven black hair along with her famous bow that lay a little further away from where she was now chained up.
Mikealson - after noticing that Cassy was the unconscious figure - sprung into action and charged towards the orc that was chaining her up. To my horror he was stopped before he could reach the orc when a ball of fire flew out of nowhere and knocked him backwards into the wall.
"Mikaelson!" I yelled, hoping my friend would get up and start cursing at the person who did that but unfortunately he did not get up - he had been knocked out upon the impact.
Before I could even blink another fireball came barreling towards me but I managed to duck in time and dive out of the way but the second one met its mark and I was suddenly thrown backwards to where Mikealson lay.
I groaned as I tried to sit up. "Move again and I'll aim the next one towards your heart."
I looked up to see a strange man who I had never seen before although some aspects of him looked familiar - like his purple eyes...they were Cassy's eyes...
"Who are you?" I breathed out.
"Someone to be feared."
Then, as if by magic, the burning in my side was gone but my vision was suddenly shrouded in complete and utter darkness.
*Devlin's POV*
Dastan and I had split up ten minutes or so ago to cover more ground and to find the others who we still had yet to locate in this maze of an abandoned castle. I walked back into the courtyard with a frustrated groan as I had no luck in finding anyone.
I was just about to go back to find the other's when Dastan crashed through one of the doors yelling for me to run as a group of orcs chased after him.
My eyes widened but I quickly recovered and ran after him towards the gates as the orcs pursued us.
"What about the others?!" I yelled urgently as I sprinted towards the doors before helping Dastan pull them open.
"We have to get reinforcements." He said totally ignoring my question which worried me even more. I tried to ask again but he just pulled me through the doors and towards the darkness of the forest that awaited before us.
"Why do we need reinforcements? Where are the others?" I ordered as I pulled him to a stop once we reached a darkened area of bushes which we decided to hide amongst.
"They've all been captured." He sighed defeatedly as he slumped against a tree.
"By the orcs?" I questioned feeling my heart sink at the thought of the others being locked up.
"I guess you could say that."
"What do you mean? Dastan, tell me, now." I ordered.
"The orcs aren't working alone. There's a man that leads them - I saw him use some form of magic to knock both Mikaelson and Dax out and that's how I think he got Cassy too." I closed my eyes in defeat as he explained what he saw. "I wanted to help them but I knew I had to find you so we can go and get help."
"You did the right thing." I sighed, knowing deep down he did. I wanted so badly to turn back and save them but there was nothing I could do that could fight against magic.
"We have to get back to the mountain and tell King Fili and Prince Kili." I said as I motioned for him to follow me as I led the way to where we had tied up the horses.
"Kili is going to flip out when he finds out Cassy has been captured." Dastan sighed as he untied his horse like I was doing.
"Tell me about it." I said as I mounted my horse and began leading the way through the forest. We had to hurry back.
"Oh by the way, did you get the name of the man that captured them?" I asked as Dastan rode up beside me.
"I heard one of the orcs call him Donovan."
The air caught in my throat as my eyes widened. father? No, it couldn't be him - he was dead. But I never did see a body... could he - could he really be alive? That would explain why he wanted Alan and Cassy - he wants revenge on our family.
I couldn't believe it - my father was alive.
I really hope you liked it! I'm sorry it was short but the real action begins in the next chapter when Kili finds out!! DUH DUH DUH!! ;)
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