Chapter 76. Mistaken.
I'm sorry for not updating regularly but here is the update! :D
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Now I hope you enjoy it :D
*Cassy's POV*
Golden flames licked the cool night air, curling and swirling as it fought against the breeze that was cast against it. The orange and reds flashed and flickered in the dark sky illuminating my face in the darkness.
It was the second night on our journey to find and rescue Alan and it was my turn to keep watch as the others got some much needed rest.
According to Dastan, who was our best tracker, we were merely a few hours away from the orcs hideout. I was only a few hours away from saving my nephew and I knew I wouldn't be able to get any sleep until he was with me.
I sighed as I continued to sharpen my dagger where I was sat.
I felt bad for not going back to the mountain to get my friends and to tell Kili. I couldn't imagine how badly he would react when Carter took Catalina to the mountain and told him I went after Alan and the orcs...but I knew there was no time to travel back to the mountain no matter how much I wanted to go back.
I was roused from my far away thoughts when Dax shook my shoulder. I turned to look at him with a tired smile.
"Get some sleep, Princess." He told me as he sat beside me on the log. "You'll need your sleep for tomorrow so I'll keep watch for the rest of the night."
"Are you sure?" I asked him as I ceased sharpening my dagger.
"Yes I'm sure - now go to sleep." He ordered.
"Thank you." I said before I tiredly slid from the log and on to the floor where I planned to sleep.
After tossing and turning for a while I managed to fall into a fitful sleep but soon enough Devlin was shaking me awake so we could pack away camp.
We mounted our horses and slowly continued to travel deeper into the darkness of the forest. We rode in utter silence - the others seemed on edge about being attacked but I couldn't reasure them because I felt the same about the situation.
"Do we have a plan or do we just continue straight into an orcs camp not knowing where they are keeping Alan nor how many of them there are?" Dastan asked from beside me.
Before I could reply Mikaelson interjected, "Even when we do get there - no matter what we plan - we will end up doing something completely different to what we had orginally planned so we might as well ride straight there and face whatever in the name of Durin they have planned for us."
I rolled my eyes. "Or we could split up and take the camp from all sides." I suggested considering the numerous battle strategies I have used before when fighting on behalf of Dain.
"We can't split up - there's five of us so one of us will be on there own." Dax argued from behind me, and I didn't have to turn to know that the others were all nodding in agreement.
"I know that. And that is why Dax and Mikaelson will go together and attack from the west while Devlin and Dastan will go together and attack from the east." I explained.
"We can't leave you on your own - King Fili and Prince Kili would kill us if we let you go alone - and we are family so I'm not leaving your side." Devlin said.
"I'm sorry but I give the orders and my decision is final. I won't let myself get killed so don't worry about me." I said.
"You are our Princess - we will always worry about you." Mikaelson said causing me to smile warmly. What he said warmed my heart but I was going to stand by my matter what my mind was telling me to do.
"Do as I said...please." I said.
It took a few moments but one by one they all nodded reluctantly.
"We will tie the horses up here and split up. We will continue on foot from here on." I told them. I swung myself off of my horse and landed with a gentle thud on the ground as I strapped my weapons to my body more securely.
As I tied the horse up, the others dismounted too and followed my lead.
"If you find Alan you will take him straight back to Erebor - there will be no heroic acts by trying to find everyone else as well. Alan is our main priority, is that clear?" I asked them.
"Yes." They said as they nodded.
"Good. Dax and Mikaelson go and head west to attack and Devlin and Dastan will head east." I said. "And you better all survive." I added.
"Be careful, Cassy." Devlin said as he pulled me into a tight hug.
"You too." I said. "Lets bring Alan home."
It was twenty minutes later when I was sneaking in between the looming trees on my own. The shadows that the trees casted acted as an ideal cover for me as I snuck closer and closer to what could only be described as the ruins to a stone castle.
I looked closer and saw no one in sight - no orcs, no wargs, no signs of life.
The grip on my bow tightened slightly as I realised that all the orcs must be inside - that meant Alan would be in there too.
I subconsciously raised my bow as I stepped out of the safety of the shadows and down onto the no-longer used cobblestones that led to the front of the castle.
Slowly and with steady steps I made my way closer to the front wall. I saw plenty of ridges in the stone so I could climb over the wall. And so with no more thoughts on the matter I strapped my bow back to my back and reached up to put my hand in one of the ridges in the
stone bricks and pulled myself up.
After climbing to the top I stopped to make sure the coast was clear before I heaved myself up over the top.
As soon as my boots hit the ground I grabbed my bow again and notched an arrow ready for a sudden attack.
My boots thudded gently as I descended the stone staircase into the seemingly empty courtyard.
"Where is everyone...?" I whispered almost inaudibly as I gazed at the abandoned guard towers and barricades. The opened portculus and closed gate. What used to be the market was just a square of tables turned over, burned stalls and rotting food.
I gupled nervously but my gaze became fixed on a certain door. I noticed how it was the only one slightly ajar.
I put my bow away and unsheathed my sword instead as I walked over to the door.
The wood of the door felt slightly damp against my hand as I pushed it further open revealing the darkened stairwell that led down below.
After sending once fleating glance behind me I started to walk beyond the doorway so that the darkness felt like it was swarming around me, enveloping me in its cold clutches.
The light gradually grew brighter as I reached a lower corridor of which was lined with lit torches.
I stopped at the last step and looked left and right. Where was Alan...?
Suddenly as if my silent question was being answered, a loud piercing scream echoed throughout the hall.
"Alan..." I breathed.
My legs were carrying me before I could comprehend what was happening as I sprinted with my sword drawn defensively.
I saw a closed door up ahead and the screams were emitting from the other side of it. Without thinking of the damage I would inflict on my poor shoulder, I threw my body against the door effectively knocking it off of its hinges.
My gaze was blinded by anger as I saw a bloodied child - who I knew was Alan - chained to a wall as an Orc held a red hot poker against his side. Seven other orcs stood and laughed at the sight.
An anger-filled scream passed my lips as I jumped at the nearest orc avoiding the set of stairs before me.
My sword was driven straight through its back before I ripped it out and sliced open another's throat - not even blinking as a bit of the orcish blood splattered against my arm, neck and cheek.
"Get away from him!" I screamed as I turned to the others.
"Well, well, well... we were beginning to wonder when you would get here... Cassandra." The one holding the poker said with a sadistic smile.
"I don't think you heard me. I said get away from my nephew!"
"I heard you but I'm choosing to ignore you." He said before he looked to the other orcs. "Get her."
All five orcs lunged at me and I easily avoided the first one as I kicked him to the floor before slicing open the next one's stomach. I blocked the next one's sword and stabbed him using my curved dagger.
I then threw the dagger so it was emedded in the fourth orcs throat as I stabbed the first orc that was on the floor.
The final orc lunged at me but I ducked under his arm and kicked him so he crumpled to his knees. The blade of my sword was slicing open his neck before he could plead for mercy - not that he would have gotten it.
Slowly, I turned to face the orc who had spoken. I sheathed my sword and grabbed my bow before he realised and I aimed an arrow at him.
"I'm sure you have heard of my archery skills. If you move - even an inch - I will kill you." I hissed.
"Well, it seems that I have underestimated you, Cassandra. It is okay of I address you by your first name isn't it? Or would you prefer your new royal title of Princess of Erebor?" He asked dropping the poker into the fire.
"I said don't move."
"You would have killed me already if you didn't need me but you have questions you want answering. You are wondering why we have taken him?" He said gesturing to Alan.
I felt my heart skip a beat as I stared into Alan's eyes - Caspian's eyes - Alan looked so much like my brother, it was like I was staring at a younger version of him.
"Why did you take him? What is he to you?" I ordered.
"He is your family. He is our only way of getting you here."
"And why do you want me here? To kill me?" I asked.
"What makes you think it was us who wanted to get to you?"
"But if it wasn't you and your orcs then who was it?" I asked, my hands sweating due to my nerves.
"I would have thought you would have recognised me when I pulled Bard from the lake all those months ago... I am disappoint my dear neice." Said a new - but definitely familiar - voice from the doorway.
My breath caught in my throat as I looked at the man who just entered. The hooded figure who had saved Bard after Smaug's defeat.
"Y-You're dead. You can't be here. I killed you!" I said. My voice growing louder.
"Oh but I am very much alive. You always seem to underestimate me, darling niece. Well, not after today."
I stared into those deranged purple eyes that looked nothing like mine or my father's - his brother.
"Its time for you and everyone else in this God-forsaken family to pay for what they did to me."
"Donovan...please just let Alan go -"
"No! Everyone is going to pay!" He yelled.
As I stared from the bloodied body of my nephew, to the blood-thirsy orc and then to the crazy figure who was once my caring uncle but was now the deranged lunatic who had come back from the dead, I could think only two things;
1: My once-dead-uncle-Donovan is a thousand times more crazy than all those years ago. In other words he was a thousand times more dangerous than before.
And 2: Alan, my guards and I were totally screwed.
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