Chapter 74. Surprises.
Okay so on the 3rd of January it was Tolkien's birthday (I know it's a bit late but oh well!) and @WatsonTheHobbit has asked us to honour the great Tolkien for giving us Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, middle earth, etc. So at my friends request could everyone please use the hashtag #HonourTolkien and use it on instagram (etc) on hobbit/LoTR pictures, fan art, memes, and even post pictures of #HonourTolkien on your forearm, head etc. Please also tag @_watsonthehobbit and @Official_Crunchie17 (Watsonthehobbit and I's instagram accounts!) Thank you!! Let's honour Tolkien!!! :):) Any questions ask @WatsonTheHobbit
Here's chapter 74! I really hope you like it - sorry for the short chapter! :3
Please comment, vote and follow! Thank you!
*Cassy's POV*
"Good morning Princess."
I smiled at the maid that greeted me as I passed her in the corridor.
It still felt incredibly weird to be called the Princess of Erebor even though Kili and I have been married for a month now but I was still adjusting to the name. Now I was called the Archer Queen, the Head of the King's Guard and the Princess of Erebor. Not much had changed over the past month apart from Bilbo leaving with Gandalf to return to the Shire. I was very sad to see him go but we all knew how much he was missing his home so we let him go without too much fuss.
I sighed and stuffed my hands in the pockets of my trousers as I turned the corner and headed towards the maids room. Once I got there I raised my fist and knocked on the door. A blonde haired dwarf maid opened it and bowed.
"My lady. Is there something you require?" She asked.
"I'm actually looking for Brielle, I don't suppose you know where she is do you?" I asked.
"I'll fetch her for you, Princess." She said before disappearing back into the room.
"Thank you." I called after her.
After a few moments Brielle walked out of the room.
"Cassy? What's the matter?" She asked.
"I'm going on a ride down to Dale to watch over some of the repairs with Dastan, Carter, Dax, Mikealson and Devlin and I wanted to let you know that I probably wouldn't be back until tomorrow as I will be staying the night." I told her.
"Oh would you like me to pack you an overnight bag?" She asked.
"No, I've already done it. I just wanted to tell you that you have the day off and the morning off." I smiled.
"Thank you. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, Cassy." She grinned.
"Have a lovely day, Bree." I smiled.
"Be careful!" She told me before I turned and made my way towards the front gate.
Once I made it there I saw that Dastan, Dax, Mikealson and Devlin were already prepared to leave for Dale.
"M'lady." Dax greeted when he was the first to see me.
"Gentlemen." I smiled in greeting as all of them graced me with smiles in return.
"Are we all prepared to leave?" I asked.
"Yes. We have everything we need, we are just waiting on Carter who was awoken late." Dastan told me and I nodded as I walked over to my black stallion as I pulled my cloak on.
"Cassy!" I turned and my face lit up in a smile upon seeing Kili and Fili walking towards us.
"Hey there." I smiled as Kili's arm wrapped around my waist.
"Did you think you were going to leave without saying goodbye?" He said as he raised his eyebrows.
"I'm only going for one night." I told him.
"Its still too long for me to be without you, my love." He replied.
"Well in that case," I grinned as I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and whispered in his ear, "I'll see you tomorrow."
Once I pulled away I pulled him closer by the front of his shirt and pressed my lips to his.
"Try not to miss me too much." I grinned making him chuckle.
"See you later, Fili." I said as I quickly pulled my honourary brother into a brief hug.
"Tell Bard we said hello." He told me and I nodded.
"I'll tell him." I smiled before I kissed Kili once more and mounted my horse just as Carter ran towards us.
"Sorry I'm late." He yelled as he quickly climbed onto his horse.
"You're always late." Mikaelson muttered causing everyone to smile.
"Let's get going guys." I told them and urged my horse forwards to lead the way.
I sent my husband and brother-in-law one final wave before I urged my horse into a gallop as the others followed swiftly behind me.
I pulled the hood of my cloak up as we left the safety of the mountain and rode down the rocky clearing outside the front gates.
It only took us five minutes at a fast gallop until we reached the entrance of Dale.
I waved to Bain when I saw him at the entrance to the city and called for my company of King's Guard soldiers to come to a stop.
I quickly swung myself off of the saddle as the others swiftly followed my lead.
"Cassy! My father is waiting for you." Bain grinned when he ran towards me and hugged me tightly.
"Its good to see you Bain." I said as I released him and took my horse's reins so I could lead him into the city. "How are your sisters?"
"They are good! Sigrid is now training to be a healer and Tilda has been helping out in the kitchens. She really looks baking now." He told me.
"Good, I'm glad they are happy. And what about you?"
"I've been training our guards with my father and helping rebuild the west wall." He said.
"Have you been practicing your archery?"
"Yes but I rarely get time." He said as he led us further into the city as a group of men took our horses to the stables.
"Well I still have to give you those lessons I promised." I grinned.
"I thought you forgot that." He said.
"I never forget a promise." I told him.
"There you are Cassy!" I grinned as I hugged Bard.
"Its good to see you." I said.
"Well I did attend your wedding but I didn't get the chance to talk to you." He explained. "You did look stunning though."
"Thank you Bard." I smiled.
"How's the rebuilding going?" I asked.
"Quite well, we should be done in the next four months." He explained with a happy smile. "It's just the main hall, the watch towers and the south wall that needs rebuilding and fixing next."
"Well we're here to help so what can we do?" I asked as I allowed Bain to take my bag.
"We're focusing on the main hall today so follow me." Bard explained before he began leading us through the most recently built parts of the city.
"So how is married life suiting you?"
"Its not much different. But it is still wonderful!" I replied.
"I am glad you and Kili are happy together." He smiled as he opened the double doors of the main hall.
For the next few hours we got to work on helping the people of Dale fix the furthest wall in the main hall which seemed to have been knocked down all those years ago when Smaug attacked the city. Dax and Mikaelson were doing most of the heavy lifting of the rocks and bricks while Carter and Dastan were helping some of the other men to put the stone bricks in place. Devlin and I were concentrating on the tiled floor.
We had been working for a while and had gotten a lot built and I kept seeing Bard smile at how much was getting done with our added assistance - and that made me happy.
"You okay Cassy?"
I turned to look at Devlin who was looking at me worriedly.
"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" I asked as I wiped the sweat from my face.
"Its nothing," he smiled reassuring me that it was indeed nothing.
"Okay." I frowned slightly and stood up when Bard came over to us.
"I think we are done here for the day." He told me with a proud smile.
"Okay, Bard." I smiled as he pulled me to my feet.
"Come with me and I'll show you where you will be staying for the night." He told us and I called for Dax, Mikealson, Dastan, Carter and Devlin to follow us.
Bard led the boys down the street as I trailed behind, I watched as Bard told them that they were to sleep in the large spare room in his house that he was given in Dale.
We left the boys to settle in for the night as Bard took me to Tilda and Sigrid's room which I would be staying in for the night.
"Make yourself at home, the girls are helping out the healers this evening so they won't be back until later tonight." Bard told me and I nodded.
"Okay, thanks Bard." I smiled as I stepped inside the room.
"I'll see you in the morning, Cassy. Sleep well." He told me.
"You too, goodnight Bard." I replied before he closed the door and I could hear his footsteps fading.
I sighed and grimaced as I looked down at my dirt-coated clothes and skin.
I needed a bath.
After I had finished my quick bath, I changed into some clean trousers and a shirt from my bag and braided my hair over one shoulder before I pulled on my boots.
I wad still wide awake and didn't want to go to sleep just yet so I sighed and grabbed my jacket before I silently left the room - a walk through Dale might tire me out a little more.
Once I managed to sneak out of the house undetected I began my stroll down the streets. It wasn't busy but some people were still working and walking around so I didn't feel too nervous about someone jumping out at me.
It was when I found myself stood on a balcony that looked out towards the Lonely Mountain that I came to a stop. The moon was high in the sky and casted a calming blue glow across the Mountain and its surroundings.
It was strange being away from Kili - especially when he was only a ten minute journey away from me on horseback. It was safe to say that I missed him dearly... I mean I missed the rest of my friends but I loved Kili and I wanted nothing more right now than for me to be engulfed in his warmth as I slept by his side - but unfortunately I could not.
I leant forwards against the railing and stared up at the stars just as I heard a twig snap from behind me.
Out of instinct I turned around only to find myself frozen in place at who was stood there...
Her blonde hair was short and spiky in an almost pixie-cut, her blue eyes were covered in a veil of tears as more streamed down her pale face.
Her simple blue dress was dirtied, torn and smudges of blood could be seen standing out against the blue material.
The large scar that went from her right temple, across her pale eyebrow, down her nose and along her left cheek was very noticable. And I immediately wanted to harm whoever had done that to her.
"Cassandra? I-Is that really you?" She shook as more tears escaped her eyes.
"Catalina? Y-You're here? What are you doing here?" I gasped as I stared at the woman who I least expected to see in Dale.
"It's Alan... orcs attacked us on our way here and they took him - they took my son!" She sobbed and flung herself at me in a hug.
My eyes widened before I felt my blood boil.
Orcs took my friends from me.
Orcs took my parents from me.
Orcs took my brother from me.
And I swore then and there that I wasn't going to let them take Alan from me... they weren't getting their filthy hands on my nephew!
I was going to get Alan back, I swore in my head as I hugged Catalina, Caspian's wife, tighter.
My sister-in-law was here but my nephew was taken... and I couldn't believe I had thought the worst was behind me... I was obviously wrong - so wrong.
Caspian's dying wish was that I'd protect his family and I wasn't going to break my promise - those orcs were going to pay - even if something happens to me in the process.
YAY! DRAMA! I hope you liked it! Please comment, vote and follow! Thank you! :)
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