Chapter 73. Till Death Do Us Part.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! I really want to thank everyone for your wonderful support, not only for the support of the Archer Queen but for all my stories and I wouldn't be where I am today with my writing without you all... so thank you, I love you all and you are like my wattpad family! Have a wonderful Christmas that is filled with love, hugs, presents, yummy food and Cassili feels ;)
Here's what you've all been waiting for!!! The countdown is complete!! ITS THE CASSILI WEDDING!!
The pic of Cassy's the dress is on the side:):)
PLEASE comment, vote and follow!! Thank you all so so so much and please enjoy this chapter!!
*Cassy's POV*
The night passed quickly and before I knew it, it was the day of my wedding.
I was awoken by Dis who immediately greeted my sleepy figure with a bright smile that could've outshined the sun itself. She helped me out of my bed and ushered me into the bathroom and nearly ripped my clothes from my body as she helped me into my hot bath that was filled with rose petals.
Another maid began scrubbing my back and shoulders with my vanilla soap before washing my hair with my vanilla and coconut shampoo. I felt myself beginning to relax in the tub but was pulled from my thoughts when Dis told me to climb out.
"You are the cleanest anyone could be." Dis grinned before seating me on a stool as she and another maid began shaving my legs, arms and pits carefully, luckily they were so skilled that they didn't cut my skin which releived me.
They dried me off and covered my body in my delicious smelling vanilla lotion, which made my skin feel unbelievably smooth and gave it a gorgeous slow.
They wrapped me in a silk robe and sat me in front of a mirror with dwarrowdams hovering around me. Their hands were in my smooth, silky hair as they weaved thin threads of purple and silver into my black strands, while leaving one section of hair untouched for the braid Kili would put in my hair later.
My dress was strapless and the white corset was laced at the front and back with the finest silk lace. Layers of white, purple and silver surrounded me, the skirt of the dress flowed out around my legs. Dis was just fastening Thorin's silver pendant around my neck when the door opened and Brielle came in, a large smile plastered on her face. Her red hair was done up in an intricate style, bringing several braids together in a large bun on the back of her head.
"Have you seen Fili, is that why you are so happy?" I asked with a small grin, chuckling slightly as Brielle's cheeks reddened with a soft blush.
"No of course not." Brielle replied finally, slightly nudging my shoulder as she came to stand behind me. "In fact, I've just seen the groom make his way to the Great Hall with King Fili and his companions."
Dis spoke up, pulling her hands out of my now intricately done hair. "Just as well," my soon to be mother-in-law said with a proud smile. "I think we are just as about done here."
"You look beautiful, my dear." One of the older dwarrodams said from the edge of the bed, before she stood and walked over to us. She placed a hand on my shoulder, motioning me to stand from my chair, which I did slowly. The purple and silver threads in my hair made my purple eyes shine, the top of my dress hugged my figure like a second skin while the skirt flowed around my legs in a pool of silk and lace. I only had time for a last glance at myself in the mirror before a loud knock suddenly sounded from the door.
"Mahal, Cassy." Devlin spoke as he was granted entrance and he looked at me from where he was standing on the threshold in his smart purple tunic and pants. "You look... well... breathtaking."
"Thank you, dear. I'm glad someone appreciates the work we put in." One of the maids grinned jokingly.
I gave Devlin a shy smile as he looked from a now very satisfied looking maid to me and I saw him return my smile. "You're a beaming beauty, cousin."
"Thank you, Devlin. You are looking very smart yourself." I grinned as I stepped towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek in greeting.
"I know, I know, I look hot." He grinned as he took my hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow and my feet moved of their own volition as our little group left my chambers and made for the Great Hall.
The way was short but it offered enough time for the knot in my stomach to tighten almost painfully and my muscles tensed as the large grey stone doors came into view.
The doors slowly swung open as the guards saw our group approaching and Devlin and I stopped shortly to let Dis, Brielle, and the other two dwarrodams; Rimma and Delifra to walk ahead and enter the hall before us to find their places before we would follow.
I watched them go, my heart slamming against my chest. I could feel my pulse throbbing quickly in my veins, could hear the blood whooshing in my ears. All wanted was for my mother, father and Caspian to surround me with their comforting words to ease my nerves but they weren't around which made the knot in my stomach build up even more.
My grip on Devlin's arm tightened considerably, my nails digging into the fabric of his dark purple tunic as the noise within the hall quieted down in expectation of the bride.
"Ready?" Devlin whispered, leaning his head down to me when the doors were standing open completely before us and I felt my eyes widen as I saw the crowd gathered within the hall, leaving a narrow path between them for Devlin and I to pass through to the front where I could see the High Priest standing.
I was staring at the High Priest until my eyes caught slight movement next to him and my gaze suddenly found Kili. The brunet dwarf was clad in a regal blue tunic that looked about as heavy as my dress felt with the purple and silver embroidery it had. On his brow shone the thin silver crown of a prince as he stood there at the end of the aisle with his hands joined in front of his body, waiting for me with a small smile that I could see even from this distance.
"Ready?" Devlin asked. I shortly turned my head to look at my warrior cousin who gave me a small smile in return as I nodded with a smile to match his before he made the first step, with me following his lead as he gently guided me along the crowd.
*Kili's POV*
I couldn't remember ever having seen Cassy look more beautiful than when I saw her walking towards me. Everything about her was radiant and glowing, a dream of purple and white and silver. My gaze wandered over the silver embroidery on her dress to the silver jewellery she was wearing to the thin purple, gold and silver threads that had been woven into her dark black hair. It all matched her perfectly and it all led my attention to the warm purple of her eyes that shone brightly as she approached me.
I shot a short glance to Fili who was standing next to me, finding a warm smile on my brother's face. Fili met my gaze after only an instant, sending me a small smirk and a wink before I turned back to look at Cassy once more, feeling my chest swell with love.
My heart was hammering against my chest, and I would have liked to cross the distance between us now immediately and kissed her there and then if I could have. It seemed almost like an eternity until she was finally standing right before me, her eyes locked on me as Devlin took her hand from his arm and held it out for me to take. A deep breath left the back of my throat as I reached out and wrapped my hand around her smaller one, feeling her fingers slightly colder than usual against mine.
"You better look after her. Prince or not, I won't hesitate to harm you if you hurt my cousin." Devlin spoke, not entirely loudly but loud enough for the people in the first few rows to hear, which were mostly family and friends. I nodded in reply and saw Devlin grant me a small smile before he kissed Cassy's cheek with a grin. He retreated back into the crowd around us, finding his place next to Bofur who was smiling kindly at the scene before him. I squeezed Cassy's hand slightly for reassurance before we both turned to look at the High Priest standing before us.
The ceremony began as the priest began with an opening prayer to Mahal. The hall was filled with hundreds of dwarves and yet complete silence reigned around us, as everyone followed the ceremony with the utmost respect. I felt Cassy's fingers twitch slightly in my hold as the priest finished the prayer and began to speak.
"Kili, son of Vìli, Prince of Erebor." He began with a deep, resonating voice that echoed through the silent hall. I focused my gaze on the priest. "Do you accept Cassandra, daughter of Marcus Mandaria, into your halls as your beloved wife?"
I silently turned towards Cassy as tradition demanded, and slowly I got down on one knee before her, holding her hand in mine as I looked up at her. The archer stared down at me, gentle warmth shining in her eyes. I lowered my gaze and lifted her hand to my head, pressing the back of it against my forehead softly in a sign of acceptance, respect and appreciation of her. As I looked back up, Cassy had a small smile playing around her lips and the High Priest nodded contentedly. I stood back up, all the while keeping Cassy's hand firmly in mine. I just wanted to hold on to Cassy during the ceremony.
"Now, we shall move on to the final words of this joyous ceremony, the recital of the Seven Blessings." The High Priest spoke loudly, so that even the last dwarf in the hall could hear. I straightened myself slightly as the priest began. "Blessed are you Mahal who has created everything for the glory of Eru. Blessed are you Mahal..."
I didn't really focus on the Priest's words, for I knew the words exactly and found them rather boring. I would be the first to recite the blessings after the priest and Cassy would follow his example before finally, we would both say our vows. I shot a short glance towards Cassy who was staring at the High Priest. It was as if she felt my gaze on her because her gaze suddenly shot up and found mine. I shot her a soft smile, my thumb stroking slightly over the back of her hand as the priest went on. She returned my gesture silently and that was the moment that I truly felt everything settle within me. There was no more nervous flutter in my stomach, no more unreasonable fear that she might turn and run at the last minute. There was only love for the woman next to me and nothing else.
When it was my turn to recite the Seven Blessings, I held Cassy's gaze, stifling a laugh as she slightly cocked her eyebrow at me. It took a while to recite all the words and Cassy followed my example swiftly. I couldn't help the broad smile spreading on my lips as she spoke the last words.
"Blessed are you Mahal who gladdens groom and bride."
The High Priest gave Cassy a satisfied nod before he motioned towards Fili who was standing a few feet behind me, smiling happily at the scene before him with a twinkle in his eyes. "It is now time to exchange the rings."
Fili immediately stepped forward and I shortly saw him winking mischievously at Cassy before he held out his hand, two simple gold rings lying on his outstretched palm. I reached out and took the smaller one that was intricately engraved - my own handiwork - with markings of the clan of my family, the clan of the Longbeards, Durin's folk. It was a symbol that Cassy would from now on be a member of my clan, my family. I slid the ring onto Cassy's finger with a short glance up into her eyes. I couldn't see any more nervousness in them anymore, only silent affection.
"In my Halls you will find a house, in your heart I will find a home." I recited the traditional vow spoken at dwarven weddings. Cassy's chest rose as she took a deep breath and released it, taking the bigger ring from Fili's hand and sliding it onto my finger. Mine was a plain gold ring with no engravings except for the Mandaria crest, and I saw her smile as she returned the vow.
"In your Halls I will find a house, in my heart you will find a home."
Next to us, Fili made a little excited noise, causing both Cassy and I to shoot him amused looks, before he quickly stepped back to his former position again, quietly clearing his throat and adjusting the collar of his tunic.
"And now, if the groom and bride would bind hands." The High Priest spoke then, though his eyebrows rose slightly and he gave me a small look as I simply raised our already entwined hands. I just grinned slightly in return as the priest produced a thin gold string and wrapped it once around our hands with a small smile. "And thus, seal this marriage with a kiss."
My grin turned into a smirk as I met Cassy's gaze and used our joined hands to pull her towards me, wrapping my free arm around her waist as she bumped into my chest and kissing her deeply. We both smiled into the kiss as the silence around us ended abruptly and cheers erupted from all around the Hall, filling the air around us. I had to admit that I might have kissed Cassy a bit longer and with a bit more ferocity than was entirely considered proper in front of a High Priest, but I couldn't have cared less at the time. My cheeks hurt from how much I was smiling when I finally released her, seeing her cheeks slightly reddened and her eyes bright with joy.
"My wife." I murmured against her lips, only for her to hear and my heart gave a little flutter when I heard her breathy laughter in return.
"Husband." She smiled, one hand coming up to stroke lightly over my cheek. I smiled as I felt the ring on her hand softly brush against my jaw. She was swept away from me then as Fili wrapped his new sister-in-law up in an enthusiastic hug, making her happy laughter echo over the crowd that was now bringing forth tables, chairs, benches, ales and food to celebrate the concluded wedding ceremony of their prince and princess. I watched with a smile from the side for a moment as Cassy was swept up in congratulations and hugs from all the people she loved once Fili had released her. Bofur planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek, his smile so bright it could have rivalled the light of the sun. Gloìn, Bombur, Dori and Oìn all wrapped her in a hug, all looking as proud as if one of their own children had just gotten married. Balin patted her cheek affectionately with a small wink that had her chuckle before he hugged her too. Dwalin lifted her up and hugged her tightly with a deep rumbling laugh before Ori walked up to her with Bilbo, both of them smiling happily. From this distance, I could have sworn that the hobbit's eyes were a little wet.
"Congratulation my dear!" Gandalf said with his charming smile as he hugged my wife.
"Congratulations, Kili." A voice from beside me suddenly ripped me out of my thoughts and I turned my head to see Devlin standing next to me, arms crossed over a chest that was swelled with pride. The Mandaria warrior was watching the small scene before us as well before he looked at me, a small smile on his lips.
I shook my head with a small grin as I watched Cassy be released from Bilbo's hug and her gaze shortly wandering through the crowd before she found me, a smile splitting her face as her eyes found mine.
"Thank you, Devlin." I spoke with a smile to the warrior who simply nodded and clapped my shoulder in return before he pushed me towards my new bride. Cassy took hold of my hand as I reached her and I was immediately bombarded with the words of happy dwarves just as she had before. I didn't quite know how long we had stood receiving congratulations from people with grateful smiles before finally we were sitting down at a table, ale and food before us.
"You look beautiful, Cassy." I said, leaning my head down so Cassy could hear me over the noise and chatter that filled the hall. At our table alone, which was assigned to friends and family of the couple, the mood was merry to say the least. Fili and Bofur watched as Ori downed a whole flagon of ale in one giant gulp. Laughter flowed along the table as Cassy leaned into my side while she answered me, making it easier for me to hear her.
"I think I might just be starting to get used to wearing dresses, after all." She uttered with a small smirk and I laughed, pulling her close and dipping my head to plant a quick kiss on her lips. Cassy smiled brightly when I pulled back and I immediately returned her smile.
I grinned, shortly turning my head so I could press a small kiss to Cassy's temple while she'd gotten caught up in a conversation with Balin, Dwalin and Devlin by now. I didn't really know how many hours we had spent in the Great Hall, celebrating, laughing, drinking and feasting. One of my hands was always touching Cassy in some place, whether it was her hand, her waist, her hip, her back, simply enjoying the freedom of showing affection to my wife right out in public. I danced with her several times, and later watched as Bofur taught her one of his many drinking songs before he went on making her judge of a drinking contest he was having with Gloìn, all the while a happy smile on my face. The ale had by now done its business of warming my insides pleasantly and relaxing me without actually being drunk. I didn't want to get drunk and I kept one eye on Cassy's consummation of alcohol during the evening, discretely putting a cup of water in front of her every now and then instead of another ale. The Archer Queen merely graced me with a sweet smile when she noticed, gratefully taking the cup I'd pushed in front of her. I had never felt happier than that night.
Okay the following content for the rest of the chapter is quite mature but I made it so pretty much anyone can read it so it isn't too explicit ~ only people over the age of 15 should be reading it but you can read it if you are younger but don't complain if the content seems too mature ;) Hope you're enjoying the chapter so far!
It was when Cassy began leaning into me more heavily than before, having to stifle a yawn every now and again, that I silently took her hand and leaned my head down to speak quietly to her.
"Would you like to go to bed?" I asked, without actually realizing the implications of my words.
Cassy raised her head from my shoulder and I smiled at the look in her eyes, sweet and innocent and sleepy as she nodded slightly. I shortly lifted her hand to my mouth and placed a kiss on her knuckles before I pulled her up from the bench we'd been sitting on.
I turned to the dwarves at our table, excusing us both with a small smile on my face even as Fili shot Cassy a broad grin and in a slightly drunk way slurred for her to be gentle with me, making her cheeks redden in return. I simply rolled my eyes and whacked my brother over the head for that comment, ignoring Fili's laugh as I gently pushed Cassy towards the doors with my other hand.
I held her hand until we were out of the hall, and as soon as we were out of sight, I wrapped my arms around Cassy, one around her back and the other beneath her knees, and lifted her up. She laughed quietly, bringing her arms around my neck as she looked at me. I looked at her face, smiling softly at her as I carried her along the corridors toward our new chambers, our home.
Cassy closed her eyes as I carried her away from the Great Hall, leaning her head on my shoulder silently. She was relaxed and happy, and only when she felt me struggle slightly with the opening of the door did she open her eyes again, though I had already managed to open it and carry her over the threshold by the time she had lifted her head.
Cassy met my gaze as I loosened my hold on her and she slowly slid back down onto the floor, standing right in front of me as I pulled the door closed behind me without breaking away from her gaze.
Cassy smiled as my hand came up to rest on her cheek, my gaze trailing over her face before I leaned back against the door with a content sigh, my hand never leaving her cheek. "My wife," I murmured quietly. "After all this time and everything we've been through... Finally."
"Finally." Cassy repeated softly, following the light pressure of my hand as I pulled her in for a kiss. This kiss was slow and patient and filled with the knowledge of a life together, the knowledge that we had all the time in the world.
Cassy didn't protest as I pushed myself gently from the door and her with me, my arms wrapping around her waist as I slowly, carefully guided her backwards into the room. I smiled at her as I pulled back.
"I don't know about you but I really need to get rid of this crown." I said then, grabbing at the silver crown on my head. "It's awfully uncomfortable. I don't know how Fili does it, his is about ten times as big."
Cassy just chuckled as she nodded and I took her hand, leading her from the living room into the bedchamber. As I took the small crown from my head and put it on a nearby chair, Cassy sat down on the edge of the bed, her hands coming up to pull carefully at the purple threads that were woven into her hair. She flinched slightly as one got caught. I silently moved to sit beside her and pulled her fingers from her hair.
"Let me." I simply muttered as I pulled her so that she was sitting with her back to my chest, my fingers starting to gently remove the threads from her hair. Cassy sighed gratefully, leaning back against me as I worked without hurting her once.
"They start to feel really heavy when you have them on your head for so long." She said into the comfortable silence between us.
"It looked beautiful, though." I told her as her hair slowly came undone beneath my fingers. "I didn't think I could find you more beautiful than I already did, but as it turns out, I was wrong."
"Your charm won't work on me, Kili." Cassy chuckled as I pulled the last thread out of her hair and gently combed my fingers through it, making her sigh with contentment. I grinned as I leaned my head onto her shoulder, turning it slightly so my lips could meet the skin of her neck.
"Oh, but it already has, my One." I muttered into her ear, my voice low and almost resembling a purr, making Cassy shiver slightly. "Got you to marry me, didn't I?"
"You got lucky."
I gave Cassy grin as I chuckled against the skin of her neck before I leaned my face against her, inhaling deeply as my arms tightened slightly around her. "Aye, I suppose I did."
Cassy turned her head on my shoulder then so she could look at me and I met her gaze for a moment before she leaned in and kissed me, gripping at my forearm when I deepened the kiss after a few moments. I moved and gently lowered her onto the mattress so that I was lying next to her on the bed, half of my weight on top of her. Our kissing continued and Cassy's hands came up to stroke over my cheeks to my neck into my hair as my tongue asked for entrance into her mouth. She granted it all too willingly, sighing against my lips at the intensity of the kiss. My hands wandered from her waist to her hips and then down to slip beneath the hem of her wedding dress. Cassy abruptly pulled back from my lips in slight surprise as my hand travelled up her calf and reached her knee. It halted immediately in its journey when I found her eyes with my gaze.
"Nothing has to happen tonight, Cassy." I spoke softly, holding her gaze so she could see that I was being genuine. "I understand if you don't feel ready for it yet."
Cassy held my gaze and without breaking eye contact with me, she leaned up until I slowly retreated backwards into a sitting position, one hand still on her knee while the other reached up to support her back as she came to sit on my lap. Her own hands came up to frame my face, her thumbs stroking gently over my stubbly jaw. Cassy leaned down to press a short but sweet kiss to my lips before she pulled back and looked me in the eyes.
"I'm ready, Kili." She whispered, as she tugged on the hem of my heavy embroidered tunic and I lifted my arms so she could pull it over my head. Cassy's hands came to rest on my bare chest after she'd mindlessly thrown the tunic to the side and she took a small breath as my hands came around her back and started carefully undoing the laces of her dress. I held her gaze as my fingers ghosted over the naked skin of her back as the dress loosened around her.
"Are you sure?" I asked quietly and Cassy simply nodded with a smile before I pulled the dress off her shoulders and began placing kisses on every inch of skin that I revealed. Cassy let me push her back onto her back as I continued disrobing her and undoing anything that needed undoing while she did the same to me, helping me with my laces and layers as I helped her until we were both bare. I kissed every single part of her body until Cassy was laughing beneath my touch and I couldn't help but smile against her bare skin.
I let her explore me as I explored her. We took our time, getting used to each other, finding sensitive spots on each other, loving each other. I kissed her scars and she kissed mine. And when I was in her, there was no fear or discomfort left, because it felt good and right. We were one as we moved into each other, breathed into each other and by the end, I couldn't have said in which direction earth or sky were as my face was buried in the crook of Cassy's neck and her cheek rested against mine, nothing more left in us but sighs and smiles.
*Cassy's POV*
It was a while later that I lay comfortable against Kili's chest, both of us lying on our sides, looking at each other. His arms were wrapped around me in a protective circle, one hand splayed on my naked hip and his thumb trailed small circles on my skin. I smiled silently as I returned his gaze in the dim light that surrounded us.
"I love you." Kili murmured quietly after a while, smiling down at me as I stroked one hand softly over his bare chest, my fingers grazing the large scar on his torso gently as we moved. I smiled warmly, "I love you too." I grinned.
I followed the movement of my fingers with my gaze as I lightly grazed his shoulder, though I suddenly halted in my tracks when my eyes fell on a small mark on his skin. My mouth opened slightly as I let my fingers stroke over the lightly reddened spot before my gaze shot up to Kili's eyes.
"Did I bite you?" I asked in disbelief when I realised it was a love bite. My eyes widening as a broad grin illuminated his features in reply to my question. Kili's arms tightened around me as he pulled me closer, chuckling quietly.
"Only a bit." He said and I scowled at him when his grin didn't vanish from his lips. "It was more of a little nip than a bite." I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment at his words and I shook my head slightly as Kili brought one hand up and stroked it gently over my cheek and into my hair. His grin had turned into a smile by now.
Kili pulled me towards him and kissed me again, rekindling the passion between us as he rolled us so I was lying on top of him. I laughed quietly, leaning my elbows on his muscular chest and looked down at him with one of my eyebrows raised slightly. Kili just shot me a questioning look as his hands ran up my sides, ghosting lightly over my skin and making me squirm slightly.
"I thought we were meant to braid each other's hair?" I muttered, remembering Dis' words of how groom and bride were supposed to weave a marriage braid into each other's hair after the wedding. I turned my head slightly, seeing the beads lying on the small stand next to the bed. Kili's hands splayed on my waist, pulling me against him and making me return my focus to him. Kili grinned up at me roguishly.
"Aye." He said as he moved abruptly and rolled us around again, pinning me to the bed with his weight. I raised my eyebrows with an amused smile as he grinned down at me. "We will. Later..."
I sighed quietly as he leaned down and pressed a few delicate kisses to my neck, murmuring against my skin. "We have all the time in the world, Cassy..."
I really hope you liked it!! I'll update again soon!! :)
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