Chapter 72. Last Night of Freedom.
Hey crunchinites!
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*Kili's POV*
This past week has been torture. My mother has forced Cassy and I to stay away from each other until the wedding as part of our wedding custom and although Cassy and I had both agreed to it at first I was really regretting it now.
It was torture knowing that Cassy was in her room across the hall from me and yet I wasn't allowed to see her or talk to her.
By now I would've tried to sneak into her room to see her but unfortunately my mother and Dain had thought of that and so they planned for Devlin and Brielle to watch over Cassy while Dwalin and Fili made sure I didn't sneak off to see her.
I swear I was on the verge of insanity at the moment. I was just relieved that there was only five days left until Cassy and I would be stood at that alter and that's why I wasn't currently going crazy.
"You alright brother?" Fili asked as he sat beside me on the edge of my bed.
"I guess so. I just really want to see Cassy, Fee. I just want to talk to her!" I sighed loudly as I slumped backwards onto my bed.
Whenever I closed my eyes I would just see her bright purple orbs staring back at me, her smooth tanned skin, her long curly hair that was the darkest shade of black and her smile that made my heart skip a beat. I just wanted her to be in front of me; I never knew how horrible it was being away from her like this and that's how I knew for sure that I'd never let her out of my sight again.
"I would try and sneak you over to her room but I guarantee that if mother found out she'd kill the both of us." Fili told me as he patted my shoulder.
"I know." I mumbled.
"But it's only for five more days, right? You can last that long." He told me.
"I doubt it." I muttered causing him to laugh.
"You really can't stand not seeing her?" He asked.
"I love her, Fili. I love her more than anything in the world." I told him as I draped my arm over my eyes.
"I wish I could find someone to love as much as you love Cassy." Fili said causing me to remove my arm and grin wickedly up at my brother.
"It won't be long, not after what Cassy told me." I told him.
"What do you mean?" He frowned in confusion.
"Well according to my wonderful fiance, you and her maid, Brielle are obviously attracted to each other and yet you avoid each other and try and deny it."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He grumbled making my grin widen.
"See! You are denying it!"
"No I'm - I mean I - Oh shut up." He mumbled as his face slowly grew redder and redder.
"You like Brielle! Its so obvious!" I told him as I jumped to my feet. "I know that she is a maid but that shouldn't change things and besides if you avoid her then you won't know whether she is your One or not."
"I know you're right but I don't know how everyone will take the news if they find out that their King is starting to fall for a maid." He told me as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Who cares what they think?! If she happens to be your One then no one, not even our mother, could stop you from being with her. To be honest I think the people of Erebor would be overjoyed to hear that you found your One, no matter what her social status is." I told him as I placed my hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
"Since when did you become so good at giving bloody pep talks?" Fili asked me jokingly.
"Well I've rarely had to give them before." I laughed.
"Oh how the tables have turned, brother." He grinned, making me laugh louder.
"Indeed they have." I replied quietly.
We sat in silence for a while after that, at least until Fili stood up.
"It's getting late, Kee." He told me as he moved towards the door to my room. "You should get some sleep."
"Yeah." I sighed in agreement.
"Don't try and sneak out, remember two guards will be in the corridor all night to make sure you don't sneak off to see Cassy." He told me causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.
"Yes, brother, I know." I almost growled making him grin in satisfaction at getting a rise out of me.
"See you in the morning, Kili." He said as he opened the door and left the room, the door closing and locking behind him.
Did they really have to keep locking the door?
I stood up and walked over to the bathroom. Hopefully a hot bath would help but I doubted it.
After half an hour I walked out of the bathroom feeling clean and refreshed while only wearing a pair of loose trousers for bed.
Out of instinct I grabbed the dagger I kept on my table when I heard something from outside my window.
I frowned and tightened my grip on the dagger as I silently but warily made my way over to the large window that was hidden behind my royal blue curtains.
I was only a few feet away when I heard something that sounded like tapping coming from my window. Something was there.
I considered shouting for the guards outside my room but I decided against it in case it turned out to be nothing.
Cautiously I reached out and pulled back the curtains revealing the glass window.
"What in the name of Durin?!" I hissed in shock when I saw that the person hanging from my window ledge was Cassy.
"Cassy?" I grinned, putting the dagger down and eagerly hurrying to open the window.
"Its about time." She whispered as she swung her right leg into the room so that she was straddling the window ledge. "It was freezing out there." She grinned and I couldn't help my smile widening upon locking eyes with her beautiful purple ones that I had been dreaming about.
"What are you doing out there?" I whispered.
"Isn't it obvious?" She winked as she swung her other leg into my room. "I climbed from my window all the way around here to see you seeing as everyone else is so keen on keeping us away from each other until the wedding." She grinned as I helped her into the room.
As soon as her feet touched the ground I wrapped my arms around her and inhaled her sweet scent of vanilla and coconut as I hugged her tightly.
"I missed you so much even though its only been a few days." I whispered into her ear as she hugged me back.
"I missed you too. I mean I did scale the side of the mountain to see you." She laughed against my neck making me smile.
I pulled back slightly and quickly captured her lips with mine eagerly.
She immediately kissed me back and when we eventually pulled apart for air I pulled her in for another hug. I just wanted to hold her close so I could savour this moment as I knew I wouldn't see her after this for a few more days.
"How have you been?" She asked as we were still embracing each other.
"Good, despite knowing you were across the hall and I wasn't allowed to see you." I chuckled as I tightened my hold on her protectively out of instinct. "How have you been?"
"Same as you. I missed you so much but Brielle was trying to distract me from sulking over not seeing you by forcing me to sit with her and your mother to discuss last minute wedding plans." She sighed as she ran her hands down my bare back. "Devlin has been keeping me company too. He was training with me the other day when you were at the council meeting with Fili."
"Well I'm just surprised that you risked falling down the mountain to see me." I told her as she pulled back to look at me as our arms were still wrapped around each other.
"I missed you and I couldn't wait until our wedding to see you." She grinned at me as she gently kissed me.
"Well I'm glad you did. I would've fallen; I'm not the best climber." I chuckled making her grin widen.
"Well I'm glad you didn't try and climb to my window; I would like it if when I walk down the aisle you are stood at the end of it and not in the healing chambers." She replied.
"Even if I broke both of my legs, I would still be standing at the alter for you." I told her sincerely as I held her face in my hands gently.
"I know you would but I'd prefer it if you were uninjured." She smiled lovingly as she ran her thumb over my stubble covered jaw.
"Me too." I grinned.
Cassy and I spent the whole night talking and catching up on our time apart, we cuddled and even ended up falling asleep for a while. Luckily Cassy managed to wake up before the sun had begun to rise so she had enough time to get back to her own room unnoticed by Brielle, Devlin and the guards outside.
"Kili, I need to go before they realise I snuck out." She told me reluctantly as her head rested on my shoulder from where we lay next to each other.
"But I don't want you to go." I whined.
"If your mother found out she would kill us."
I sighed defeatedly and nodded, reluctantly removing my arms from around her body and allowing her to climb out of my bed.
I quickly followed her towards the window as she quietly pulled it open.
"I'll see you in four days." She smiled but I could see the sadness in her eyes.
I stepped towards her and pulled her into a tight possessive hug. "I'll be counting down the minutes until I see you walking down that aisle towards me."
"I'll be the one in white." She chuckled.
I grinned widely and pulled her in for a heated kiss. I put all my emotion into the kiss and within seconds Cassy had deepened it. We pulled apart when the need for air became too great.
"I love you, Cassy." I told her as I kissed her forehead before I rested my forehead against her's.
"I love you too, Kili." She grinned, placing a chaste kiss to my lips once more before she pulled herself up onto my window ledge and lowered herself so that she was hanging my her hands from the outside of the window ledge.
"Please be careful." I said feeling worried for her safety.
"I promise."
After sending one last longing look at each other I closed the window while Cassy began to climb the side of the mountain.
I grinned in happiness at having seen Cassy once more before our wedding before I jumped back onto my bed. I would try and get some more sleep until the sun would rise.
But all I could think about was that I was getting married in four days. Four days left...
I really hope you liked it!!!! - I'm sorry it's such a short chapter but I've been focusing on writing the Christmas chapters! :)
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