Chapter 71. Hunting in the Rain.
OMG! The Hobbit BOTFA is AMAZING! I just watched it today and I am absolutely amazed but at the same time I feel like crying!! Those of you who have seen it will know why I cried near the end! I'm dying here guys! :'D
Anyway there's only 12 days left till Christmas and that means only 12 days until the CASSILI WEDDING!! And I am going to officially say I have nearly finished writing the wedding chapter!! And I LOVED writing it so far!! ♥♡♥♡
Anyway crunchinites! I really hope you like this chapter! Please comment, vote and follow!! Thank you!! ♥♡♥♡
*Cassy's POV*
"Will you stand still?!" The tailor hissed as I flinched when the needle pricked me.
"Then be more careful where you stab me with that thing." I told the male tailor through gritted teeth.
"Calm down Cassy before we have Dwalin in here pinning you down so we can alter your wedding dress without you wriggling and threatening the poor man." Brielle grinned with a small smirk in my direction.
"Not even Dwalin could keep me down." I grinned jokingly.
"Oh really? Then maybe Kili would offer to help?" Brielle winked causing my cheeks to darken in a blush and for me to throw a pillow at her earning me a scolding look from the tailor.
"How about you get Dwalin to hold me back from hitting you instead, Bree?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow at her.
"You wouldn't dare!" She replied with a small grin.
"Yeah your right. Fili wouldn't be happy if I hurt you, you know because of the obvious attraction between the two of you?" I smiled in satisfaction when I saw her usually pale cheeks turn red when she blushed in embarrassment.
"Why don't you just tell him you like him?" I asked.
"He's the King! He wouldn't be interested in a maid like me." She mumbled tucking a loose strand of her red hair behind her ear as her gaze fell to the ground.
"That's where you're wrong, Bree. Fili doesn't care about things like that! You just have to trust me when I say he's not like other guys you have met." I told her sincerely.
"Yeah... I guess." She muttered.
"There you go, M'lady. Your dress alterations are complete." The tailor spoke up and I shot him a smile.
"Thank you for your help, sir." I told him, trying to be nice despite how overwhelming the urge to prick him with the needle was as a form of revenge.
"I hope you and Prince Kili will live a long and happy life together. My family and I look forward to the wedding." He smiled as he patted my arm making me smile genuinely at him.
"Thank you, I look forward to it as well." I told him as he picked up his bag and walked passed me towards the door after sending Brielle a small smile.
Once he had left the room I turned to face Brielle with a smile. "Right, lets get me out of this dress. I have some hunting to do." I told her.
Since being in Erebor I haven't had chance to go hunting like I used to and it was slowly getting to me. So two weeks ago Dwalin offered to go hunting with me in the forest and it was safe to say that I was really excited. But Lady Dis said that I could only go after my dress fitting which I had just finished, much to my relief.
"Of course, come on." Brielle grinned, obviously sensing my excitement.
I eagerly walked over to her and allowed her to unlace the back of the dress where the corset was.
"I do have to admit that this dress is stunning on you. You look like a Goddess." She sighed from behind me causing me to snort indignantly.
"I am far from being anything like a Goddess, Bree. But thank you." I told her as I stepped out of the dress and walked over to my clothes that were laid out on my bed.
"You really don't know how beautiful you are do you?" She sighed as she hung my dress up carefully.
"I'm average." I told her as I pulled my breeches on before tying the laces of my black tunic.
"Average?!" She said loudly causing me to turn to look at her shocked at how loud she said that. "I'm average, but you, you are so beautiful." She smiled genuinely.
"You really think so?" I asked uncertainly.
"No, I know so." She grinned before she threw my brown leather hunting jacket at me.
I caught it and slipped it on before securing all my weapons.
"Thank you, Bree." I said as I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug which surprised her as I had never hugged her before. "You're definitely my best female friend here."
She grinned at me before I turned and left the room. It was time to hunt.
I met Dwalin by the main doors to Erebor and grinned at him and I saw him smile beneath his beard.
"Good afternoon, Dwalin." I greeted merrily.
"Hello Cassy. Ready to hunt?" He asked already knowing my answer.
"I'm always ready." I stated as I grabbed my bow from my back.
"Well then, let's go." He said as he grabbed his axe and led the way out of the doors.
Dark clouds hung above the forest and mountain signalling that there was a storm on its way. I sent Dwalin a look as he saw the clouds too.
"Looks like we're in for some interesting weather." I mumbled as I jogged down the steps with Dwalin.
"Aye, lass. That's what it looks like, I just hope it holds back until our return." He replied causing me to raise my eyebrow at him jokingly.
"What is it Dwalin? Afraid of getting a little wet?" I chuckled when I saw him roll his eyes at my humour.
"No I'm not afraid, I'd just prefer not to suffer with a bad cold for the rest of the week."
I laughed and led the way into the forest, an arrow already firmly notched onto my bow string.
"So are you excited?" Dwalin asked causing me to turn and look at him questioningly.
"About what?"
"The wedding of course! Or have you forgotten that your wedding is 13 days away? Thats less than two weeks." He said.
"Oh! Yes of course I am excited. I can't wait!" I grinned at seeing Dwalin chuckle.
"I never got to tell you this but... I'm really glad you are okay. When I found you on that battlefield... you looked dead, it was terrifying and when you moved I did everything I could to get you to Oin in time and I'm just relieved that you are alright." He told me making me turn to him once again.
"And I never got to thank you... you're the reason I'm still breathing Dwalin and without you there wouldn't be a wedding in two weeks. Thank you for saving my life, I owe you so much." My eyes felt watery as I smiled in grattitude at the dwarf warrior.
"You owe me nothing, Cassy. Just seeing you alive and happy is reward enough."
Without thinking I moved over to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders hugging him tightly. I felt him slowly hug me back.
"Thank you, my friend." I grinned as I let go.
"You are very welcome."
"Lets hunt." I told him.
I turned away from him and readied my bow again as we snuck deeper and deeper into the forest. I was in charge of shooting the animals and Dwalin would then carry them, that was our plan anyway.
I grinned in anticipation when I saw a deer slowly walk out into my field of vision.
I silently pointed the creature out to Dwalin before I raised my bow and pulled back the string aiming at the deers neck for a swift death.
I heard the familiar twang of the bow string as I released the arrow and watched it soar and pierce the deer.
Dwalin clapped me on the shoulder before hurrying over to the fallen deer.
I grinned. I really missed hunting out in the woods like this. It gave me a sense of freedom that I really needed to be happy.
I hurried over to Dwalin just as a loud crash of thunder shook the ground. Before I even looked up at the dark clouds the rain had already begun to poor. For some reason the feeling of the cold water against my skin made me smile whereas it seemed to sour Dwalin's mood.
"We should head back. No more animals will have the sense to be out in the open in this weather." I told Dwalin as he lifted the dead deer onto his shoulders to carry it just as a bright light of lightening streaked across the sky.
"I agree. Lead the way." He said, his beard and hair already soaked as his shirt began to drip with the rain water that was pooring down on us heavily.
I was just as soaked, my long hair was sticking to my wet skin as my clothes were seeping wet.
"We wouldn't want you getting a cold now would we?" I joked as I led the way through the forest towards the mountain.
"No we wouldn't." He chuckled. "And we wouldn't want you being ill for your wedding, that could spoil the celebrations."
"Yes it would ruin the day, wouldn't it?" I replied with a grin.
It didn't take too long to get back to the entrance to the mountain. And when we did two guards immediately hurried over to take the dead deer from Dwalin to take it to the kitchens.
Once we were inside the shelter of the mountain I followed Dwalin into the main hall where the company including Bilbo, Gandalf, Devlin , Dastan and Dain were seated around a table eating.
"There you are... why are the two of you dripping wet?" Balin asked us when we entered the hall.
"We were out hunting. Dwalin offered to escort me as my protection... not that I needed it." I told him with a smirk.
"Yes but you wouldn't have been able to carry that large deer back on your own now would you?" Dwalin spoke up.
I chuckled and nodded in agreement as I pulled off my weapons and my soaked jacket.
"Why did you choose to go in the rain?" Bofur asked with a grin.
"We didn't choose the weather, Bofur." Dwalin told him.
"No because Dwalin is scared of the rain and doesn't want to catch a cold." I told them with a teasing grin making them all laugh.
They all began teasing Dwalin as Kili walked over to me and was about to hug me when I places mh hand against his chest stopping his movement.
"What -" He began but I cut him off with a smile.
"I'm soaked so I don't want to get your clothes wet too if you hug me." I told my One.
"Do you really think I care about my clothing getting a little wet?" He raised his eyebrow before he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me against him in a tight and protective hug as he rested his face in the crook of my neck.
"Just two more weeks, my love." He mumbled against my neck, his warm breath fanning against my cold skin making me smile.
"Two weeks..." I sighed happily as I hugged him tighter.
Sorry it was so short but I really wanted to update today after watching BOTFA! :)
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