Chapter 7 Azog The Defiler
Here's Chapter 7! I hope you like it! Please comment, vote and fan/follow! :D xoxoxox I fan/follow back! ;)
We all looked towards an orc as he strode up towards the other orcs riding a white warg. The orcs skin was deathly pale and was covered in scars, his eyes were blood red and his left arm had been cut off and a hook was in its place.
"Azog!" Said Thorin as he gazed wide eyed at his enemy.
"Do you smell it? The scent of fear?" Said Azog in another language. I knew the language of the orcs due to the fact that I encounter them so often that I thought I should learn it. Azog looked straight at Thorin and smiled evilly before saying in orcish, "I remember your father reeked of it... Thorin son of Thrain."
"It cannot be." Muttered Thorin.
"That one is mine!" Shouted Azog as he pointed to Thorin. "Kill the others!"
The wargs, without riders, sprang straight towards us and began trying to jump up the trees to get their jaws around some part of us but we were too high up so they couldn't reach us. Thank Durin! To our horror they decided to switch tactics and began to slam into the trees with their bodies in the hope that the trees would fall down. One by one the trees began to fall down. Fili, Kili, Bilbo and I jumped on to the next tree that some of the others were occupying when our tree began to fall down.
We kept jumping until all of us jumped on to the last tree that was on the edge of the cliff. I jumped but with too much power as I accidentally slammed into the tree trunk which caused my shoulder to hurt slightly. I gripped on to the tree branch and looked up at Gandalf silently asking if he had a plan to escape. Gandalf looked around and pulled a pine cone from one of the branches before he magically lit it on fire before throwing it at the wargs below us. The warg that Gandalf had thrown the pine cone at jumped back away from the fire that the pine cone had started.
Gandalf began to pass the pine cones that he had set on fire to the rest of us. I grabbed the one he passed to me and allowed Balin to light his using mine that was already lit. We all began to throw them at the wargs who barked wildly at us and started to back away from the tree. The pine cones had caused the ground around the tree to set on fire.
Suddenly the tree that we were stood in jolted slightly. Due to all our movement when we had thrown the pine cones we had accidentally caused the tree to start to uproot itself. I gripped on to the tree trunk tightly as the tree fell over so that it was hanging off of the edge of the cliff but luckily some of the tree roots managed to stay in the ground holding the tree from falling.
We were all holding on to the branches as best as we could and trying not to fall. Beside me Ori lost his grip and fell, he only just managed to grab on to Dori's foot stopping him from falling but I could tell that the added weight was putting a lot of strain on Dori as he tried to hold both himself and Ori up. I readjusted my grip on the branch and pulled myself up slightly so that I was partly laid on the branch.
I heard Dori yell and I watched as he lost his grip on the branch and fell. Gandalf stuck his staff out so Dori was able to grab it. I looked up when I saw Thorin stand up. He was looking at Azog with a menacing look on his face. Thorin walked straight towards Azog, pulling his sword out as he did.
"Uncle! Don't!" Yelled Fili as he and Kili tried desperately to yell for Thorin to stop.
Thorin just ignored their protests and advanced towards Azog. Thorin let out a loud battle cry before running towards the Azog with his sword raised. Azog smiled evilly before nudging his warg to jump off his rock and over Thorin's head.
The warg caught Thorin with his back paw, sending Thorin crashing to the ground but Thorin regained his feet quicker than I thought he would only to be smashed in his chest by Azog's gruesome looking mace. Thorin was thrown on to his back with a roar of pain. Azog commanded his warg to pick Thorin up in his jaws, much to our horror, we all cried out to Thorin who released more sounds of what sounded like excruciating pain. Luckily, Thorin managed to hit the warg's snout and it threw him on to a nearby rock. Azog ordered one of the orcs to 'Bring me his head'. The orc nearest to Azog dismounted his warg and stalked towards Thorin. All of us were screaming out to him but to no avail. Thorin laid on the floor and tried to reach for his sword but it looked like he didn't have the energy to do so.
My eyes widened as we watched as the orc raised its sword over Thorin's neck. Just as the orc was about to bring his sword down he was tackled to the ground by... Bilbo?! What the hell?! Bilbo stabbed the orc until it was dead before he stood in front of Thorin protectively and started to wave his sword around wildly. Filled with adrenaline I pulled myself up on to the tree trunk and offered a hand to Kili and Fili. After I had pulled them up on to the branch the others started to do the same.
Fili, Kili and I all unsheathed our swords and charged straight over to the orcs that were advancing on Bilbo. I stabbed the first warg as Kili killed the orc that was astride it. The other dwarfs all charged towards us as well and a full on fight started.
I heard a great screeching sound and I turned to see a large group of eagles flying straight towards us. I sighed in relief before I turned back to the fight to see a warg charging straight towards me. I killed the orc but the warg smashed into me and threw me backwards into a rock, I winced as a sharp piece of the rock caused a gash to open up on my arm. I tried to reach my sword but the warg jumped straight at me. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain of the wargs bite to come but it didn't. I opened my eyes and saw that one of the eagles had swooped down, picked up the warg and threw it off of the cliff. I stood up and watched with the other dwarfs as one after the other eagles swooped down and threw wargs and orcs off of the edge of the cliff. I sheathed my sword as I saw Thorin's motionless body being lifted by an eagle and carried away to safety. I hope to Durin he's alright!
I saw Bilbo being carried off next followed by Bofur, Bifur, Kili and Fili before an eagle flew down and picked me up in its claws before dropping me on to another eagles back below. All of us were being carried by the eagles away from the cliff where I could hear Azog's cry of defeat in the distance.
I gripped the eagles feathers tighter as the eagles began to fly faster. The sun was coming up now, it casted a calming orange glow over the mountain tops and valleys below us. I looked at my arm and stared at the gash that was still bleeding but not as badly as it had been before. I quickly looked at the others who were mostly just looking towards the eagle that was carrying Thorin's limp body.
"THORIN!" Yelled Fili as he and Kili watched their uncles motionless form helplessly from their place on one of the eagles back. I felt so sorry for them not being able to do anything to help their uncle.
We flew over some waterfalls as the eagles began to fly lower and lower until we reached a large stone structure. The eagle carrying Thorin swooped down and carefully laid his body on to the top of it followed closely by Gandalf who immediately ran over to Thorin and began muttering something. Dwalin, Balin and Bilbo were dropped off next followed by Fili and Kili. Nori, Ori and Bombur were next, then Bifur, Bofur and Dori. Oin and Gloin were then placed on the rock with me last.
We all crowded around Thorin as Gandalf began healing him with a spell. We watched with bated breath as Thorin's eyes slowly flickered open. I smiled with the others as I released a breath that I didn't even know I had been holding.
"The half-ling?" Asked Thorin groggily.
"He's alright. Bilbo is here." Replied Gandalf.
Thorin sat up and pulled himself to his feet with the help of Dwalin and Kili. Thorin shook of their hands and took a step towards Bilbo.
"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us? I have never been so wrong in all my life." Said Thorin as he pulled Bilbo into a hug. I couldn't help but let a grin form on my face as I watched the scene. Thorin pulled back from the hug after a minute and said, "I'm sorry I doubted you."
"No, I would've doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior... or even a Burglar." Replied Bilbo which caused us all to chuckle at the last part.
The eagles screeched which caused us all to watch as they took off to the sky. That's when we saw it, a lonely peak in the far distance. It was the Lonely Mountain... Eribor!
"Is that what I think it is?" Asked Bilbo.
"Eribor. The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle Earth." Said Gandalf.
"Our home." Said Thorin smiling. Wow... Thorin just smiled... weird!
"A raven! The birds are returning to the Mountain!" Said Ori as he pointed to a bird that was flying towards the Mountain.
"That, Oin, is a Thrush." Replied Gandalf.
"Well, we'll take it as a good sign. A good omen." Said Thorin.
"You're right. I do believe that the worst is behind us." Said Bilbo. Well, I bloody hope so!
Everyone began talking amongst themselves as I looked back at my wounded arm. I ripped the bottom of my shirt revealing a strip of my tanned stomach and used the material as a make-shift bandage and wrapped my arm up.
"Your wounded?" Asked Kili as he approached me.
"Yeah, but its not that bad. Don't worry." I said as I continued to try and bandage my wound with one hand, which isn't that easy.
"Here, let me." Said Kili as he took the piece of my shirt and began to wrap the gash with it before he tied it to secure the bandage in place.
"Thank you." I said smiling at him when he finished.
"Are you sure your okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine, Kili." I replied.
"I'm so glad your okay." Kili pulled me into his warm embrace and hugged me tightly around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my head in the crook of his neck. God he's so warm! And he smells wonderful! Like a mixture of cinnamon, smoke and something that was just mouth wateringly Kili. I pulled back slightly but kept my arms around his neck as I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. They looked like pure melted chocolate.
I saw Kili slowly lean towards me and without realising it I began to lean closer to him. He kissed me. It was slow and passionate... it was just perfect. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me as he ran one of his hands through my hair as the other encircled my waist bringing me closer to him so that I was pressed flush up against him. He nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance, I opened my mouth slightly and allowed his tongue to explore my mouth. We finally broke apart due to the need of air becoming too great. He leaned down and placed a single sweet kiss on my lips before pulling back. I couldn't help but grin up at him as he grinned lopsidedly at me as he leaned his forehead against mine.
"It's about bloody time!" Said Fili looking over at us which caused the others to all look as well. Way to ruin the moment, Fili! They all began grinning at us and smirking which caused both Kili and I to blush under their gazes. Well, this is going to be fun!
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