Chapter 69. Fielle
Hey crunchinites!!! :) Here's Chapter 69!! I really hope you like it!! Please comment, vote and follow!! :) Thank you!! :)
And I'd like to thank and dedicate this chapter to @WillTreatyRA for sending me a Fielle imagine which has inspired me for this chapter and has formed the plot for this chapter so thanks! :)
If anyone else wants to send me imagines for Cassili or Fielle or any other pairings I would be honoured to read them :)
*Brielle's POV*
I awoke in the maids chamber fairly later than usual considering the other three maids that I shared the room with were already gone. I silently climbed from my bed and dressed in my simple green maids dress with the white apron around my waist before I combed and braided my red hair down my back and hurried from the room.
I was worried that Cassy would be wondering where I was but then again she wasn't really a morning person so I knew she'd probably still be sleeping.
It was a sunny day and everyone in and around Erebor seemed strangely happy today for a reason that I did not know. I hurried to Cassy's chambers to help her get ready for the day but as I pushed her chamber door open I saw that her curtains were still shut, blocking out the morning sun.
"Good morning, Cassy!" I greeted her as I walked over to her wide windows and pulled open the curtains.
The soon-to-be Princess opened her purple eyes and groaned softly as the harsh rays of light hit her from where she lay on her soft mattress.
"It is a beautiful day today! The sun is shining bright and everyone is in a good mood!"
Cassy sat up straight in her bed and stretched her muscles. "What time is it?" She asked her voice husky from sleep.
"Just after eight o'clock in the morning." I answered looking at her tired face. She looked exhausted from training the guards yesterday. And she still had to decide who would be selected to become the new members of the Kings Guard.
"Shall I help you get dressed?" I asked her politely.
"Yes please, Bree." She smiled at me as she climbed out of her bed as I quickly collected some clean clothes and found two matching outfits for her to pick from.
"Which do you prefer to wear today, Cassy? Durin blue or purple like your eyes?" I asked as I held up both of them.
"The Durin blue one, please." She replied.
I nodded and she began taking off her night shirt that she slept in. I helped her put on her black leather trousers as she began a conversation. "I had such a beautiful dream last night! Kili and I had a son called Caspian. The three of us were having a picnic at the shore of the Long Lake and I could see Esgaroth in its full glory and the Elves from Mirkwood were singing their songs..." She sighed dreamily before she continued. "It was just perfect. I just wish we had just reclaimed the Mountain and shared the wealth with the Elves and people from Laketown and that there had never been a battle and nobody had died... But we can't change what happened in the past and we have to move on."
There was a moment of silence as Cassy put on her Durin blue tunic. It had wide sleeves with silver embroideries at each end. Then I helped her with putting on her even darker Durin blue corset over her tunic and I began tying the laces of the corset.
"Did you have any dreams last night, Bree?" I looked up surprised that she asked me that, my hands halting in their movements of tying her corset.
"Yes, as a matter of fact I did. It was about someone that I think I like very much..."
Cassy grinned, "Let me guess... was this dream about a certain friend of mine? King Fili, perhaps?"
"How do you-" I started, but I was interrupted by Cassy.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Although I can tell that people will realise you like him with how obvious you were being." She winked.
I grinned at her in thanks despite the fact that my face had turned red in embarrassment. I gave her a pair of her knee high black boots and waited for her to fasten them before she sat down in front of her dressing table as I began my work on her hair.
After I had combed through her soft black curls I pinned her fringe back and allowed the rest of her hair to fall in its natural curls down her back.
Once I was finished she stood up and looked in the mirror.
"There's something missing." She stated.
I quickly walked over to her bedside table and carefully retrieved the pendant she got from Thorin before I handed it to her. She put it on and looked in the mirror and smiled satisfied.
"Thank you, Bree."
I smiled. "Anytime."
"I should be going down to the training grounds... it turns out that after Fili saw Devlin fight in training the other day he would like Devlin to be assessed on whether he should be put into the Kings Guard." She told me as she fastened her weapons onto her form.
"Well I'm sure that he will do brilliantly especially because you are related to him and you are the best fighter here as far as I know." I told her with a smile.
"Thank you, Bree." She grinned before she grabbed her bow and moved towards the door.
"I won't need your help tonight, Bree so you won't need to help me get ready for bed." She said to me.
"Okay, well I guess I shall see you later and if not then tomorrow morning." I told her.
"See you later." She grinned before she left the chamber.
The rest of the day went by like all of the others. I helped preparing food in the kitchens, cleaned the Royal Chambers, helped Cassy clean up after her training and did some little chores which had to be done in the Mountain.
That night, when I went to take a look on the servant rota I saw that there had been a change in my planning and I had to serve someone else that night. The chambers where I had to be weren't far away from Cassy's so it was probably one of the Royals.
When I walked into the bedroom there was nobody, so I decided to wait for the owner of the chambers. I walked around the room and found some interesting armour which I began studying.
Suddenly the door of the bathroom slammed and I turned towards its direction.
"Brielle?! What are you doing in here?"
It was King Fili who had just walked through the door. He wasn't wearing anything on the upperside of his body only his trousers. We exchanged some confused and shocked looks and the armour fell out of my hands.
I quickly dropped on my knees to pick it up. "I'm so sorry, my Lord! It's just someone has changed my schedule and now I'm your servant tonight." I explained.
The King kneeled down to help me and said, "It's okay. Nothing to worry about, it's just some armour."
Suddenly our hands touched as we both tried to pick up the same piece of armour. It felt like an electric shock went through my body and I never felt so happy before. I looked up and when I did I looked right in King Fili's eyes. They were beautiful blue and seemed to shine like stars. The King grinned at me and I realized that I had been staring at him, so I immediately focused on the armour again.
"You have beautiful eyes, do you know that?" He said.
My gaze shot back to the King's face and I smiled shyly. "Thank you, my Lord."
When we'd put the armour back in its place the King began putting his night clothes on.
He desperately tried to close the buttons of his tunic, but didn't succeed. "Could you please help me, Brielle?" He asked politely.
"Of course, my Lord. And you can call me Bree if you want." I replied as I kept looking at the ground.
"In that case you can call me Fili." He smiled.
I closed the buttons one by one and I couldn't help but letting my gaze fall on his muscular chest and saw that there were a lot of scars on it. I let my fingers follow a big scar which ran diagonally across his chest.
"Where did you get this one?" I asked him worriedly.
"During the Battle..." He answered as he took my hand in his larger one and placed it on the place where is heart was. I could feel his heartbeat.
"Do you feel that? That's where the real scars are." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and let go of my hand as he walked towards his bed.
"Come." He said to me and I sat down next to him on his bed. "Can you sing, Bree?" I nodded although shyly.
"Sing for me, please?" I thought deeply and then began singing.
"Far over the Misty Mountains cold
In halls as beautiful as was told
There in his throne sits a King well-known
Ruling over our Erebor
The mines were being rebuilt underneath the ground
Their glory returning
New treasures found
Old folks had come from everywhere
The Seventh Kingdom was reborn
With courageous Bowman with all his heart
Our ruler gave Men their promissed part
And as the tale says
Elvenking received what was his
Long live our new crowned King."
Fili smiled with closed eyes and not much later I heard the soft snoring of the sleeping King. I sat down next to his bed on the ground so that our faces were on the same height. I laid my hand on his cheek and stroked his hair soothingly. He looked so peaceful.
I hummed the song again and slowly my eyes closed little by little.
I woke up on a soft mattress with an even softer blanket over me. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times with my eyes to get used to the light. I sat up straight and saw Fili sitting in a chair at the other side of the bed. He was already dressed and ready.
"Good morning." He said cheerfully.
I looked around me and suddenly realized that I was laying in King Fili's bed. I quickly jumped on my feet, but didn't know what to do next. "I found you sleeping on the ground aside my bed when I woke up and thought that you'd prefer a more comfortable place to sleep so I laid you in my bed." He told me. I didn't know what to say.
"Well... Uhm... Thank you, my Lord." I mumbled.
It had been comfortable indeed. Actually I had never been more comfortable.
"Please call me Fili." He replied.
"King Fili?" I asked politely.
He grinned. "Yes, Maid Brielle?"
I couldn't resist a smile appearing on my face, so I kept looking at the ground.
"Could you please tell me what time it is?"
"Of course! It is just after eight in the morning." I looked up and thought deeply, I was sure I had to be somewhere at this hour... then it hit me, Cassy.
"Oh no! I totally forgot about Cassy!"
I already ran towards the exit when King Fili called me back.
"Yes, my Lord?" He rolled his eyes an sighed before continuing his announcement.
"Shouldn't you wash yourself and maybe brush you hair first?"
"Uhm, yes I should." I answered hesitatingly and turned back to the door.
"The bathroom is this way, Bree." Fili said to me with an amused expression adorning his regal features. I stopped walking and gasped in shock at the fact that he was telling me to use his bathroom, but I turned back to Fili with a neutral expression.
He chuckled and pointed at a door a few metres behind the chair from which he'd been watching me sleep.
When I stepped into his bathroom I gasped again. I touched the walls, admiring the pattern of gems on it.
After a few minutes of looking around I began to wash my face and hands and I brushed my hair with a silver comb. It went so easily through my thick hair that I wished I had one. When I was done I looked satisfied in the mirror and went back outside. My hair had never looked as beautiful as it did now and my skin was as smooth as feathers by the King's soap.
"Thank you so much, King Fili!" I thanked him and when I got no response I looked up and saw that the King was staring at me.
"My Lord? Fili?" He suddenly shook his head and smiled at me.
"You look beautiful, Bree." He said as he took my hand. "Thank you for everything you did for me."
"No thank you, Fili!" I said, a broad smile appeared on his handsome face. He nodded. "Anytime."
"But now I must go to Cassy." I said as he still held my hand. He was staring at me again and I chuckled.
"I really must go, Fili." I told him, looking at his hands holding mine. He looked at them too and quickly let go of my hands albeit a bit reluctantly.
"Oh, sorry about that. I guess I'll see you later?" He smiled.
"See you later." I nodded as I walked to the door and opened it.
Once I was outside I couldn't stop the grin from appearing on my face, it was then when I realized that Cassy was waiting for me and I hurried to her chambers, but when I opened her door I saw something I didn't expect. She was all dressed and ready sitting on the edge of her bed.
She quickly looked up from putting on her boots as I walked in and she grinned mischievously. "So, Bree, how was your night?"
Thank you to WillTreatyRA for the amazing Fili and Bree imagine!! I really hoped everyone liked this chapter!!
Please comment, vote and follow! Thank you!! :)
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