Chapter 68. The Lost One.
Hey crunchinites!!! I'm so happy with the comments and messages I've received about what you all thought of Devlin so far. I am very happy with the responses so far and most of you said that you wanted to know more about him which I promise you will learn more when the chapters progress! :)
By the way Devlin is played by the gorgeous (but not as gorgeous as Aiden Turner) Kevin Fonteyne! There is a pic of him on the side :)
I really hope you like this chapter, there's going to be a budding romance between two other characters starting in this chapter so please comment your opinions on what you think at the end! Thank you!
Please comment, vote and follow!! Thank you!! :D
*Devlin's POV*
"I still can't believe you're here." I looked at Cassy as she sighed deeply from where she was walking beside me.
"How could I not come here knowing that you were here? You are family, Cass... we're actually the last of our family now that I think about it. We need to stick together." I told her as I wrapped my muscular arm around her shoulders when I saw her shiver from the cold breeze.
Once she had introduced me to the company of the late Thorin Oakenshield she had led me outside to talk privately. When I came to Erebor to visit Cassy I was not expecting to see the woman I saw before me.
I thought I would see the quiet and revenge-fuelled teenager with the tangled dark hair from fighting and the pain-filled purple eyes that held so many terrible memories.
But in front of me now I saw a beautiful woman who looked much different from my cousin I knew before. Her soft curly hair was braided over her shoulder and her skin was healthy and smooth. Her purple eyes were bright and happy, but when I looked deeper I could see they were filled with images of war, death and destruction which obviously haunted her. She no longer looked like the timid archer I once knew... she looked fierce and confident, a true Princess.
"That's not entirely true." She said with a light smile. "Aunt Nanallia is still alive. We still have her."
I nodded with a smile. "Yes we do. Thank Durin for that." I replied.
"Yeah but you are right, we still need to stick together." She said.
"So how are you? I mean I know you've been through so much but I mean you're engaged. Are you excited?" I asked with a bright smile.
"Of course I'm excited! I love Kili so much and all I want is to be married to him and spend the rest of my life with him." She smiled.
"But?" I questioned.
"But what?" She frowned.
"We've known each other since we were babies; I can tell when you aren't telling me everything. You're nervous aren't you?" I told her as I squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.
"Yes I'm nervous. I'm getting married in less than a month but its just that there is so much running through my head at the moment. I'm not having second thoughts, I can't wait to marry Kili." She said with a small smile.
"What kind of things have got your brain in a muddle?" I asked her.
"I've been trying to decide who I want to walk me down the aisle. I wanted Caspian but obviously that isn't an option and I didn't have any family in Erebor until today." She said before she grabbed my arm and stopped our walk. "I want to walk down that aisle and be given away by my only remaining male family member. So would you please do me the honour of walking me down the aisle at my wedding?"
I stared at her, our purple eyes locking. She wanted me to give her away? I grinned, taking her hands in my larger ones. "I would be honoured to give you away, Cass." I told her, her eyes brightening in excitement.
"Thank you!" She laughed as she flung herself into my arms hugging me tightly.
"My pleasure." I chuckled as I hugged her back tightly.
"I'm so glad you're here, Devlin." I heard her sigh against my neck.
"I'm glad too." I replied.
It was an hour or so later when Cassy was showing me to my new bed chamber that was on the floor beneath her room so we would be near each other when we ran into a short redheaded girl who looked a little younger than Cassy and I. She was pretty but I had loved a girl once and she was harshly taken from me... I doubted I would love again like that.
"Hello, Bree." Cassy smiled at the girl so I knew they were friends.
"Good afternoon Cassy." The girl greeted politely.
"This is my cousin Devlin. He just arrived in Erebor today." She told her. "Devlin, this is my friend and personal maid, Brielle."
"It's nice to meet you." I smiled kindly at her.
"You too." She replied before she looked back at Cassy. "I thought you said your cousin went missing?"
"That's what I thought but I guess I forgot how often he got out of trouble before." Cassy grinned at me causing me to chuckle.
"There you are!" We all turned to see King Fili walking down the corridor with a broad grin adorning his regal features.
"King Fili." Brielle and I both bowed whereas Cassy was pulled into a hug by the King.
"We're all going to go and do some training and I wanted to know if you'd like to join us?" Fili asked Cassy and I when his gaze landed on Brielle who was looking down at the ground.
"I'm too tired today Fili, but I'm sure it would he a great opportunity for Devlin to get acquainted with you all." Cassy grinned as she pushed me towards Fili so I was standing beside him.
"Great idea." Fili mumbled distractedly as he still looked at Brielle who still stared at the ground.
"Oh how rude of me. Fili, this is Brielle, she is the girl Kili and I found in the forest. I forgot she hadn't met any of you besides Kili yet." Cassy explained as she placed a comforting hand on the nervous girl's shoulder. "Bree this is King Fili."
"Pleasure to meet you, my king." Brielle said timidly as she bowed before her gazed finally found his.
I wasn't a relationship expert but I knew when two people liked each other. I wasn't a believer in love at first sight but something changed when Fili and Brielle met each other's gazes.
Cassy shared a knowing grin with me; she obviously saw it too.
"The pleasure is all mine." Fili smiled as he kissed the back of Brielle's hand.
I stiffled my laugh as Brielle blushed bright crimson whilst Fili stared at her with a strange twinkle in his eyes.
"Come one, Bree, we should be going." Cassy spoke up with a sly smile. "Don't worry the two of you can het acquainted later but the boys have to train."
I chuckled along with Cassy who began to lead Brielle down the corridor after they muttered a quick goodbye to Fili and I.
"Well that's what I call sexual chemistry." I said breaking the ice.
It effectively snapped Fili from his dazed state before he began blushing.
"Don't worry mate, I won't say anything." I told him making him grin in thanks. There was definitely something unspoken going on between the king and the maid; and I knew Cassy would figure it out.
Sooner or later.
*Cassy's POV*
"So... What do you think of Fili?" I asked when we were out of the King's earshot.
"Ummm... Well he errr... He seems... nice?" She replied making me roll my eyes.
"Nice?" I said. "You're going with 'He's nice'?"
"Y-yeah." She stuttered obviously nervous.
"I've never seen him look at anyone like that." I told her honestly.
"He's handsome I suppose."
"So you like him?" I asked.
"No!" She replied too quickly. "I-I mean of course not."
"Whatever you say Bree." I chuckled.
"What do you mean by that?" She asked confused.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." I told her with a sly smile.
"Tell me!"
And what do you think of Devlin now?
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