Chapter 55. In Death's Claws.
Because I'm in such a good mood after receiving my GCSE exam results that I've decided to update today!!! :):)
I couldn't be happier with my GCSE exam results today! Definitely unexpected.
English literature: A
English language: A*
History: B
Biology: B
Physics: B
Chemistry: A
Science overall: B
Maths: B
Ethics: B
Spanish: B
Business studies: A* and unit two: B
Art & Design: Distinction* (A*)
Here's Chapter 55! Enjoy!
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*Dwalin's POV*
The war was won.
The enemy was defeated.
After the eagles had joined the battle, victory had been on our side. And after having learned that their two leaders, Azog and Bolg, had been slain in the fight, the few remaining orcs and goblins still alive had slunk back into the holes whence they came.
I remembered hearing the eagles' mighty caws as I had been fighting, sounding loudly over the field that was now laying in dead silence before me.
Yes, we had won the battle, but at what price?
Countless men, elves and dwarves had died. Thorin, our king, my friend, was lying on his deathbed, demanding to see Bilbo before he died. Oin said that Thorin would survive at least a week before he passed. But Thorin was not the only one that our company had to mourn and I felt my heart heavy in my chest as I thought about all we had lost.
Luckily Oin, Balin and I had found Kili and Fili in time and they were slowly healing but Oin wouldn't allow them to leave their beds. One of the halls in the Lonely Mountain had been temporally made into a hospital wing in which Fili, Kili and countless others laid. Those in our company spent all of our time in that hall with the princes and Thorin, but unfortunately not all of our company had been found yet.
I had taken to search the battlefield for survivors after the fighting had ended. I had been determined to search for my friends as soon as Oin had finished bandaging my arm that had been injured during the battle. A day had passed since I had started, and still we hadn't found every missing member of the company. I had found Bifur a bit earlier this day. Bofur had spotted his cousin first, and he had called Bifur's name in vain as we had gotten closer, for the wild-looking dwarf laid calmly on the rocky floor, his eyes closed forever. The axe that had once been in his skull had been missing, and only after a little while we had found it sticking out of the head of a dead orc instead. Bofur had cried for a long while, and I had held his shoulder for the whole time as he did.
Still, the hatted dwarf was searching alongside me now, for he didn't want to pause until we had found Nori. Bofur still had hope for him, though I doubted that anyone we had not found by now was still alive after the time that had passed. There had been no trace of Nori yet nor Caspian who I had seen run off to protect his sister, and neither had we found Cassy amongst the fallen. Kili still had hope that we would find her. He had become silent and wouldn't even talk to his brother until his One was found. So I was determined to find his fiance and bring her back to him safely.
My eyes suddenly found a familiar figure laying a little distance away from where we were currently searching, and I quickly called for Bofur as I headed in that direction. My heart was thumping heavily in my chest as we came closer, and I could see Nori's body, dried blood sticking around the wound where he had undoubtedly been pierced by a sword. I swallowed tightly and I shortly had to close my eyes as Bofur let out a sob, when he saw our dead friend.
I looked away, too upset to look at our dead friend when I caught sight of a very familiar arrow sticking out of a nearby orc. Upon closer inspection, my eyes grew wide when I looked around. There was over fifteen orcs and goblins laying dead, each with one of Cassy's black-feathered arrows sticking out of their bodies.
I quickly ordered a group of elves to take Nori's body back inside the mountain before I shouted Bofur over.
"Cassy's arrows!" He exclaimed when he saw all the arrows as well.
"She must be nearby." I said when Bofur numbly pointed to where two very familiar people were laid motionless on the floor. "Oh no..."
I followed Bofur as we stopped in front of our friends' bodies. Caspian was on his back, a large axe sticking out of his chest carelessly, a pool of blood had formed around his body as his eyes lay open, empty and lifeless.
I followed Bofur's gaze and looked at what Caspian was holding... He was holding someone's hand, a feminine hand.
"Oh, Cassy..." I murmured almost soundlessly, my sad voice lost in the wind that blew over the quiet battlefield as I looked down at Cassy's lifeless form that lay beside her brother, the twins hands entwined whilst Cassy held her bow loosely in her other hand. I slowly crouched down next to our company's Archer Queen, carefully brushing a few strands of matted hair out of her dirtied face. My breath caught in my throat when Cassy groaned in pain.
"She's still alive!" I shouted causing Bofur's eyes to widen.
"How's that possible?!" He asked.
I cautiously moved Cassy's body then, and as I slowly turned her on her back, my heart skipped a painful beat as I saw the numerous arrows and knives that were buried in her body, the shafts of the arrows broken in half and sticking out of her body with an almost cruel simplicity. I heard Bofur's gasp before he released a sob as I clenched my teeth together tightly for a moment as I forced my gaze away from her numerous wounds and up to the girl's face. I could see the tracks that tears had left on her dirtied cheeks, her face and hair stained with blood and grime. I guessed that Caspian was killed and she was too busy grieving his death and she was impelled by these arrows. I could only imagine her tears as they had run down her face while she had lain dying on the battlefield, completely on her own... only her dead brother beside her. Someone should have been there, I thought bitterly; I should have been there.
I swallowed past the lump in my throat as I shifted slightly after a few more moments before I carefully took her in my arms, gently lifting the Archer Queen off the rocky floor as I stood. Cassy's body was limp in my arms, and her head lolled on my arm as I turned to the rest of the search party as Bofur picked up her bow and held it carefully as he remained beside me.
"Over here!" I called to the few elves that had accompanied us, my voice raw as they looked over. "Bring him back to the hospital wing, we'll see if Oin can do anything to help him." I ordered and watched as they carried Caspian's lifeless body to the mountain whilst Bofur and I followed behind with Cassy.
The way back seemed awfully long, and to me it felt like it took an eternity until we reached the entrance to Erebor, the whole time I was painfully aware of Cassy's lifeless body in my arms. Grey clouds were gathering in the sky above as I quickly headed inside the mountain with Bofur following closely.
Those who we passed in the corridors gasped as they saw the state that Cassy was in. I ignored them all and entered the healing hall, seeing what was left of our company surrounding Fili and Kili who were sat up in their beds whilst Thorin laid silently in his near his nephews.
"OIN!" I yelled as we hurried into the room, I could feel Cassy's blood soaking my clothes already.
Oin looked up from where he was just reattaching a tight bandage around the wound on Fili's chest as he became aware of my presence in the room. The healer's face paled slightly upon seeing the lifeless figure in my arms and he quickly got to his feet.
"You found her?!" Oin exclaimed causing the other's to look at me.
"Cassy!" I glanced at Kili as he tried to get out of the bed but Bombur stopped him. Tears were already falling from the prince's eyes as he looked at her with a pained expression.
"Quickly put her on that bed!" Oin said gesturing to the spare bed beside Kili's.
I did as he said and I could only stand by as Oin slightly pushed me out of the way and pressed two of his large fingers to the Cassy's neck, at the same time leaning his head so close to her face that it blocked my view of her for a few moments.
"Is... is she - ?" Fili spoke up from his bed as we all watched with bated breath.
It was at that moment that Oin pulled back from Cassy, his brows drawn together in a tight line as he looked up at us.
"She still has a faint pulse." The healer said quite loudly, snapping us all out of our thoughts as we looked at him in disbelief. I heard Kili sigh in relief but his eyes never left her form. Oin motioned urgently with his hands in reply to our looks. "Fetch me some water and bandages, quickly! We might yet lose her if we don't hurry."
Bofur quickly ran from the room and after only a few moments the hatted dwarf came back rushing into the tent only a few moments later, a bowl of water and a pile of bandages in his hands. He rushed over to Oin, handing him both items before the healer pushed up Cassy's clothes as far as possible. He had to rip a part of it in order to get it past the broken shaft of the arrow that was still embedded in her side. He then tore the sleeves from her shirt exposing her shoulders and arms. I felt my stomach turn as I saw the extent of the injuries.
An arrow was sticking out of her leg, another from her side and a third one had gone straight through her shoulder and had partly gone through the other side. A knife was buried in her left arm, and another had pierced her shoulder beside the arrow. Her face was coated in blood from a gash on her head. And the flesh on her right arm was torn from a huge warg bite.
"This is a mortal wound." The dwarven healer mumbled quietly as he revealed the large purple and yellow bruises adorning her sides and torso, Oin's eyes widening slightly upon the sight. I didn't have to be a healer to know what these bruises meant as Oin gently felt the expanse of them. "Most of her ribs are broken. Together with the deep wound from the arrow in her side, and the one in her leg and shoulder she... By the way it pierced her, she would have choked on her own blood. And if that didn't kill her then the arrows poison should have. I don't understand how she is still alive. She could not have survived this, no one could."
"Don't question it. She's alive, but barely. She's my friend and I suggest you start saving her before she meets the same fate as her brother." We looked up upon seeing Cassy's friend Dastan enter the hall.
"Caspian?" Dori asked, everyone already guessing the answer.
"My friend Carter said he saw what happened, of course he was too far away to help them... an Orc was about to shoot Caspian but Cassy pushed him out of the way and the arrow pierced her leg instead. She fell to the ground and the orc was about to bring his axe down on her head but Caspian took the blow instead... Cassy killed the orc but Caspian was dying. Carter said they talked for a minute or two, Cassy was crying hysterically as Caspian died in her arms. She stood up to continue fighting but an arrow pierced her side along with the knives and she collapsed on the ground, unconscious..." Dastan explained as he handed Oin some Kingsfoil that had healed Kili's leg back in Laketown.
"Caspian's dead?" Fili asked, tears falling from his eyes.
Dastan nodded sadly.
"How did she get an arrow in her shoulder then?" Oin asked.
"She got that after killing the orc that killed Nori, she had her back turned. After that she went crazy and shot orc after orc, despite the arrow in her shoulder. That's when Caspian found her and I've told you the rest." Dastan said before he turned to leave. "Don't let her die." He added before he left, sending a lingering look towards the Archer.
Oin didn't need telling twice as he began pulling the arrows and knives from her body gently before he covered her wounds with the Kingsfoil. He wouldn't let another member of the company die.
Cassy is alive!!!!!!!!!!! :) CASSLILI LIVES!!!!!!! ;) HaHa
But unfortunately Caspian is dead :'(:'(
Anyway! The next chapter will be Kili's POV!! :) yay! Please comment, vote and follow! Thank you!! :)
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