Chapter 53. If I Ever Leave This World Alive.
Here's Chapter 53! I really hope you like it!!
Here's what you've all been freaking out about! Here's Part One of the battle of the five armies!! :'( Grab your tissues!! :'(
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*Kili's POV*
The mood among the dwarves was strange the next day; tension lay in the air almost palpable as we prepared for battle. No one spoke much. Dain's men put on their armour, grabbed their shields and swords, and armed themselves with axes and mattocks.
And our Company did the same, arming ourselves with the weapons and the armour that had lain unused within the halls of the mountain for over a century. The Orcs had reached the valley in the early morning hours and would be upon us in a few hours at the most. Time was running short now; the flames of war were upon us.
I stood by my brother, my heart thumping nervously in my chest as my armour rested heavily on my shoulders. A broadsword was attached to my belt whilst my bow was slung over my back together with a quiver of arrows.
I watched as Cassy walked into the room with two dwarven warriors who she had introduced me to yesterday. I remembered that their names were Dastan and Carter, and I found out that they have known Cassy and Caspian since they were sixteen years old so they were good friends.
I looked back to Cassy and smiled to myself; I'd never seen her looking so fierce. She definitely looked ready for war. She was clad in light armour that was basically a thin peice of chain-mail under her tunic and a pair of metal wrist guards on her forearms whilst the other fighters wore full armour. She had her sword in its sheath which was strapped to her back, her bow was slung over her back along with her quiver of arrows. Her hair was braided loosely over one shoulder and I smiled to myself when I saw that she had kept my courting braid loose from the main braid. My gaze drifted to her left hand where she still wore the engagement ring. I still couldn't believe that she said yes. If we both survived this war then I would be able to marry my One... my Cassy.
We hadn't told anyone about the engagement yet because everyone was too preoccupied with the battle preparations... I hadn't even told Fili yet.
I was snapped from my thoughts when she walked over to where our company was standing. She forced a smile in each of our direction including Thorin. She stood beside me and took my hand in her's.
The two of us were merely exchanging looks that were as intimate as if we were embracing each other. I pressed my lips together, shortly stroking my hand over her cheek as she secured two long daggers into the sheaths on her thighs. Knowing that she was able to defend herself took some of my fear for her away, even if it was merely a tiny drop in a giant ocean.
"It is time." Thorin's voice suddenly rang through the hall, strong and loud, and upon his command the gate opened once again. I took a deep breath as I readied myself, leaning forward and pressing a last fervent kiss to Cassy's lips, ignoring the bewildered looks that we received from countless dwarves and the pitiful ones our own companions shot us. As I pulled away from her, Fili took a step closer to us and I exchanged a short look with my brother before the blond dwarf pulled Cassy into a fierce hug.
None of us said a word as we embraced, and we didn't need to. As Fili pulled back from her, I watched with a warm feeling in my heart as the blond dwarf brought her forehead against his in a brotherly manner. Cassy just nodded at Fili, giving him a small smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes.
We then all watched as Caspian silently approached Cassy and pulled her against him in a tight hug.
"Don't you dare die out there!" I heard him say.
They pulled away from each other and I felt my heart clench at the sight of their tear-filled eyes. They had already lost each other once in their lives and I knew they couldn't go through it again.
I took her hand then as we turned to go and stand by Thorin. The line of Durin would lead the army out and the King under the Mountain would be the one to give the final order to attack. I felt Cassy's hand smooth and warm in mine as I stood with my family as the doors opened slowly before us.
As Thorin started to walk, I looked over at my brother, finding Fili's gaze as we followed him out of the mountain. I could see that the blond dwarf was feeling as nervous as I, and as we formed a defensive line before the gates of the mountain, Fili turned his head to look ahead and I saw my brother's eyes widening at what he saw.
There, a little distance away still, a black mass was rushing to the mountain and I could hear the threatening shrieks and cries of Orcs and goblins carried towards us by the cold winter wind. I swallowed tightly as I looked at my uncle who stood tall and proud at the front of the dwarven host, staring out to the approaching enemy. Sword in one hand and a round shield in the other, Thorin's gaze was unwavering, and it was then that I finally saw him as the king he truly was. The king he had always been meant to be. There was no more sign of madness in his eyes, instead his whole composure held an aura of dwarven pride and strength.
As the enemy approached, Thorin raised his sword and Fili followed his example. I gave Cassy's hand a last squeeze before I drew my sword and did the same, and I saw out of the corner of my eyes as Cassy grabbed her bow and notched an arrow. She looked every bit of the Archer Queen that I had heard stories about. I could see the elves and men starting their attack in the distance as the army of orcs and goblins was in reach and I gripped the hilt of my sword tighter in my trembling fingers.
It was then that Thorin's voice boomed over the field, strong and powerful as the dwarven army behind us raised their swords and axes upon his command.
"Baruk Khazâd!" Thorin called loudly, his jaw tensing as he gripped his sword tightly in his hand, pointing it at our enemy. "Du Bekâr! DU BEKÂR!"
And with that we suddenly charged forward, the armies battle cries echoing over the fields as the dwarves joined elves and men in war. I felt my heart thump heavily in my chest, my mind almost numb as I threw myself into battle, and only when my sword collided with the axe of an orc did I snap out of my state of trance, the clashing sound of iron on iron ripping me out of it.
I had never really thought that chaos could erupt as quickly as a lightning bolt, but as I started to fight, slashing my sword right through the orc's chest, I realized that whatever plans I had made to protect my family or Cassy in this battle, they were completely invalid now. I could not take a step without encountering another Orc or goblin that attempted to separate my head from my shoulders and I fought them all with unrelenting vigour. For a while, I could still see my friends fighting alongside me, I could see Cassy shooting any enemy in her path, no Orc or goblin could get close enough to attack her before they would meet one of her arrows. But soon she was lost out of my sight, and the only one still by my side was Fili who fought enemy after enemy with his two broad swords, his cries resembling the roars of a wild lion.
"TWELVE!" Fili boomed as he withdrew his sword from a dead goblin's stomach, and I turned my head to see my brother grinning over at me through the fighting. I shortly found myself distracted by it, so that I didn't notice the massive warg coming at me until it was right before me and I quickly dived out of the way before I turned around at the same time the beast did, and I drove my sword right into its large head as it charged at me again. With a feral cry, I pulled my blade out of the giant warg's body, the sickening sound it made only muffled in my ears as the sound of battle around me swallowed everything else.
I shot a glance over to Fili then, grinning cheekily at him as the blond dwarf pushed another dead orc off his blade. Fili looked over at me with raised eyebrows, his breathing heavy as he returned my challenging grin.
"That still only counts as one!" He called over to me and I couldn't help but laugh as I raised my sword again to fight off an oncoming goblin. Side by side I fought with my brother, as time seemed to flow in slow motion and at the same time faster than usual. Orc after orc, goblin after goblin we fought, our number never decreasing.
I didn't know how long we had been fighting when my laugh had long ago died in my throat, and I just wished that this battle would be over. I had lost Fili a while ago, and I had gained a few scratches by now. I could feel the gash on my cheek was bleeding rather badly from where an orc's dagger had grazed me, though I tried to ignore it. The air around me was filled with cries of battle and death, and I could smell the blood in the air as the battlefield was scattered with not only the bodies of orcs, goblins and wargs, but also of men, dwarves and elves. War didn't spare anyone, that much I had realized by now. But still I fought on even as my arms trembled from the continuous fighting.
It was after I had slashed another orc that I suddenly heard it, a dark laugh that echoed over the field not too far away from me and I turned my head to see Thorin standing face to face with an orc that I had hoped we would never see again. It was clear that they had already been fighting each other for a while. Thorin's shield was missing and his right arm was bleeding heavily. My uncle's face was smeared with sweat, grime and blood as he stood against Azog.
I watched with wide eyes as my uncle raised his left arm with his sword, ready to fight the Pale Orc that was standing before him, sneering cruelly at the wounded dwarf. But before Thorin could do anything, Azog had raised his two-headed battle-axe and swung it right into the dwarf-king's chest. I cried out desperately as I saw my uncle fall with a pained outcry and land on his back at the Pale Orc's mercy. His sword had fallen from his hold, and with a gaping gash on his torso, the dwarf-king tried to reach for it as Azog came closer with a cruel calmness.
Without even really thinking about it, I reached back and pulled the bow from my back, notching an arrow within a second's time. I aimed, my eyes focusing solely on Azog's head for a moment and as I let go of the bowstring, I heard its twang loudly in my ear as my arrow flew straight for its aim.
Unprepared, the arrow hit the Pale Orc's neck and drove right through it with an inevitable finality. Stumblingly my feet carried me past the bodies that lay on the floor, my mind only focused on reaching my uncle and to defend him against whatever may come. I could hear the Defiler's deafening roar, dark words in black speech falling from his mouth as blood gurgled in his throat and cut of the orc's voice as he stumbled and fell to the side. His large body hit the ground of the battlefield with a dull thud at the same time that I reached my uncle.
"Thorin!" I called in desperation, falling to my knees beside him as I looked into my uncle's wide blue eyes. "Uncle!"
Thorin took a shallow breath, the air rattling through his lungs so loudly that I could hear it. I let go of my bow then, momentarily forgetting that battle was still going on around us as I pressed my hands to the gaping wound on my uncle's chest. Thorin groaned in pain as m hands got drenched in blood within a few second's time, and I could feel my throat tighten as hot tears threatened to fall from my eyes.
"You'll be fine, uncle." I choked out as I looked back into Thorin's eyes. The dwarf-king returned my gaze, bright blue eyes shortly clenching shut as the dwarf-king's large hand lifted with much effort and wrapped around my forearm. I swallowed tightly as Thorin squeezed my arm, his head falling back onto the hard battleground at the same time that the grip of his hand loosened. "Y-you'll be just fine!"
I jerked my head around in the direction my name had come from, seeing my brother run towards me with eyes wide with horror. It was only then that I heard the noise behind me and I quickly turned around, though it was too late and I didn't have enough time to deflect the blow that was coming at me.
"NO! KILI!" I heard Fili cry out as he saw the attacking orc's sword tear right through my armour, leaving a large wound reaching from my left shoulder down over my whole torso. Fili was still running as he pulled a knife from his sleeve, hurling it at the orc with a wrathful cry. The blade hit the creature right in the head, and it fell to the floor as Fili approached me as fast as he could.
But it was too late, for now a little distance away, Bolg was making his way through the fighting, an arrow notched in his bow as his dark eyes were set firmly on me as I was clutching helplessly at the wound on my torso, not knowing that Bolt was heading for me. Fili could only watch helplessly as the orc's arrow ripped through the air, and another horrified cry left my brother's throat as the arrow drove mercilessly into my right shoulder.
I cried out in pain and my eyes widened in surprise before my gaze wandered down to where the end of the orcish arrow was sticking out of my body. I looked up only to see the face of another pale orc that was awfully familiar to me, for it was the one that had already shot me once when the company had escaped from Mirkwood. I felt the pain of the arrow in my shoulder increase with the pain that dominated my whole upper body as I remembered the wound on my thigh that had almost cost me my life. Bolg roared dangerously at me from the distance, and I couldn't hold my balance any longer as I fell, my legs giving in beneath me.
The Pale Orc's spawn drew another arrow from his quiver, and I tried to force myself to my feet in vain. I tried to reach for my sword that was lying somewhere next to me, even though I knew that I had no chance to deflect any attack in this state. I was bleeding out on the battlefield, I knew that my wound would only be fatal if it was left unattended much longer. All that counted now was that Thorin lived, and that Erebor had its King. And so I dragged myself over on my knees to my motionless uncle, shielding Thorin with my own body as Bolg came closer.
It was as the orc released his next arrow and I already saw it coming at me that a broad figure suddenly pushed itself in front of me, and I could only watch in horror as Bolg's arrow drove into Fili's body instead of my own. My brother cried out in pain as the arrow dug into his stomach, and another one followed swiftly, embedding itself in his shoulder. Fili fell to the ground, panting as Bolg made his way over to us through the battle.
"Why... did you... do that?!" I wheezed with difficulty from where l was laid next to him, half over my uncle's legs. I couldn't get my body to move, my limbs refusing to obey me as I shot a glance at the approaching orc. Fili let out a huff of breathy laughter beside me, unable to do anything else as I shot my brother a soft look.
"We do everything together, remember?" Fili breathed, grimacing in pain as he took a breath of air. I felt tears sting in my eyes as I shook my head, trying in vain to move, to do something as Bolg had almost reached us. The orc sneered cruelly, taking his time to bring down the final blow on the line of Durin. It was just when Bolg drew and raised his spiked battle mace and I felt my eyes widen as I watched what happened next. The large orc was ripped off his feet by Caspian as he tackled him to the floor, his daggers piercing the Orcs body several times until the creature finally found death. Only then did I notice that the sky had darkened once again, but not with bats this time, but with the wings of tremendous eagles that were joining the battle.
I looked up at my future brother-in-law and shortly clenched my eyes shut as Caspian's emerald eyes raked over my gravely wounded body, and I swallowed tightly past the lump in my throat as I looked back at Caspian who was gazing at me pitifully with eyes that were so familiar that the sight of them stung painfully in my heart.
"Cassy..." I breathed, looking at Caspian intently. "Y-you... have to... protect her... p-please..."
I groaned as pain flashed through my body and I couldn't find the words I wanted to say. Caspian needed to find her, he needed to find Cassy in this chaos of death and blood and keep her safe. He needed to tell her that I love her, because I would no longer be able to do it if I died here.
"I'm not going to leave you or your brother like this. And besides I already promised Cassy that I'd keep you and Fili safe, she'd hate me if I left you like this." He told me as he began inspecting my wounds.
It was then that I saw three more figures from behind Caspian appear, it took me a moment before I realized that it was Dwalin, Balin and Oin.
"Go and help your sister lad. We will help them." Oin told Caspian who nodded.
"Don't you dare die!" He told Fili and I before he grabbed his sword and took off into the chaos.
It was a long while that Fili and I lay by each other's side after that, near our uncle's motionless form as Balin and Oin tended to our wounds whilst Dwalin made sure no enemies got close to us. The two healers had stopped our wounds from bleeding and Fili and I were feeling a lot better than before but our wounds needed to be healed properly before we would be classed as being 'fine'.
"F-Fili?" I breathed weakly, turning my head on the cold rocky floor so I could look at my brother.
"I... I asked... her to marry me..." I told him, not caring that Oin, Balin and Dwalin could hear.
"Cassy?" Fili asked, the name falling from his lips in quiet question.
"No, Bombur," I ground out, hearing a breathy chuckle rise from beside me before it was drowned out by a rattling coughing. I waited until Fili had calmed again and was laid quietly beside me once more. "Of course... Cassy."
"That's great, Kee..." Fili murmured tiredly, blindly reaching for my hand on the hard ground, squeezing it as he found it. "I've always wanted... a little sister..."
"Do you think she's okay?" I asked looking from my brother to the other dwarfs.
"She's Cassy, she's tough so I'm sure she's still fighting fiercely." Balin spoke up.
"I saw her earlier." Dwalin said over the noise of the battle and we all turned to look at the warrior. "She was fighting off orcs and goblins easily enough. I'm sure she's fine. But right now we need to get you back inside the mountain to get you healed."
I nodded but all I could think about was Cassy... She better be okay.
Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment, vote and follow! Thank you!! :)
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