Chapter 46. Acceptance.
Hey my wonderful readers! I decided to update a little early because I thought it'd be a nice treat for you all! I've decided I'm going to update a lot more often instead of just on Wednesdays so I hope that cheers you all up a little :) I really hope you like this chapter! I've tried to show more of the budding friendship between Thorin and Cassy in this chapter so I hope you like it, I've also tried to show a little more about Cassy's past as well! Please comment, vote and follow! Thank you! Please enjoy this chapter!
Also could everyone please check out my other hobbit story and 'The Archer Princess'? Thank you all so much!
Now without further ado! Please enjoy this chapter!
*Cassy's POV*
The halls within the mountain were silent except for the quiet thudding of my leather boots against the stone floor. I had no idea where Thorin went to but I wasn't going to give up on finding him especially considering I had no idea of how to get back to the others... I really should have left a trail of breadcrumbs or something, oh well, too late now.
I smiled to myself as I remembered what happened ten minutes ago after Thorin had walked off to Dürin knows where.
I slowly rose to my feet from my place beside Kili and walked towards the corridor where Thorin had disappeared down.
"Where are you going?" Kili asked as he watched me with a curious and wary look.
"I'm going to talk to Thorin." I said causing the others to look at me with expressions saying 'Do you have a death wish?'
Kili frowned and made to stand up but I sent him a firm look. "I'll be fine. I just need to talk to Thorin alone." I told him. As much as I could tell Kili didn't want me to go, he nodded and sat back down beside Bofur.
I smiled and turned on my heel. I was walking down the corridor when I just managed to hear Gloin's gruff but amused voice. "You can say much about our lass," he paused to grin, "But damn does the Archer Queen have guts."
I grinned at what Gloin had said. He did have a point.
I sighed to myself as I turned left down yet another corridor. I sighed in relief when I caught sight of the dwarf king leaning against the banister of a balcony at the end of the corridor.
I silently approached the dwarf, coming to a stop beside him as I mimicked his position and leaned against the banister as well as I followed his gaze which was set on the remains of Dale in the distance.
"I imagine that the city of Dale looked a lot better before the attack... my father used to tell me stories about the city when I was younger. He would tell me all about what it was like when he lived there and about Erebor. He said that he met your father once. Saved his life apparently on a hunting trip. I didn't know whether to believe him or not but Lord Dain told me the same story. I always wished that I could've visited the Mountain in its glory days but I don't care now -" I said but Thorin interrupted me.
"You don't care?" He asked.
"If you had let me finish I was going to say that I don't care about seeing what it was like back then because I know that you will transform Erebor back into the Great Dwarf Kingdom that it used to be... who knows, maybe you'll make it even better. And I will get to see it again... at least if I survive that long." I sighed turning to look at him slightly.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked as he turned and frowned at me.
"Smaug, the greatest threat to your kingdom is dead but if you carry on down this path I fear that you will start a war... which I know I will end up fighting in. I don't want to argue but you must think about what is best for everyone and that means that you must give the people of Laketown their share of the treasure like you promised... and a true king must be true to his word. You of all people should know that."
Thorin remained silent as he continued to stare out at the city of Dale.
"Do you know what Bard wants to do with his share of the gold?" I asked. The dwarf king slowly shook his head in the negative but muttered, "He'll probably share it with those filthy elves."
"You're wrong." I said. "There's a few things you should know. Firstly, Bard wants to use the gold to rebuild Dale and make it glorious again so that the people of Laketown can live alongside the race of dwarf in peace." I said watching him sigh defeatedly. "Secondly, those 'filthy elves' aren't as bad as you think... you may have had a bad experience with their king but that doesn't mean that all of their race is like that." I explained.
"Name one elf that has helped a dwarf." He challenged. I grinned making him frown.
"I can name a few. Lord Elrond and all the Rivendell elves. They helped this very company and you owe them your thanks. Thranduil's son, Legolas, and his friend, Tauriel... they helped Kili, Fili, Oin, Bofur and myself when the Orcs attacked us in Laketown. And another is me." I said with a smile smile as I watched the thoughtful, calm expression on the dwarf king's face. "I am part dwarf and part elf. Does that mean that you think of me like you think of Thranduil?" I asked.
"Of course not."
"Exactly! I've saved your cousin, Dain's, life! I have fought in wars and battles for your kin! I have been hit by arrows to save your kin and cousin. I have joined this quest to help you, Thorin. Whilst on this quest I have been battered and bruised, I saved Kili's life by taking an arrow in the gut for him! I've been tied up and punched in Goblin Town, I have saved your life on numerous occasions! Not all elves are bad! Elves are not your enemy! Orcs are your enemy! Goblins, Wargs and Azog are your enemy! Not elves!" I yelled as I looked at him straight in the eye.
"You'd make a fine Princess..." He muttered causing my gaze to shoot towards him in shock.
My frown deepened upon seeing a small grin spread onto his face. "I know my nephew and I know that he is deeply in love with you. I also have eyes and I can see that the two of you have made your union official by braiding each other's hair. My nephew is a Prince and because you are his One I know that you will one day marry each other which will make you a Princess. All I am saying is that you will make a good Princess; you are loving and honest, honourable and brave, you are also not afraid to stand up for your beliefs and opinions, and you are also a true fighter." He said as he placed his hand over mine which was resting on the banister as a friendly gesture.
"I was half expecting you to scream at me and threaten me to leave Kili alone..." I said as I sent him a genuine smile.
"Would you have left Kili alone if I did?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at me questioningly.
"No. Nothing would keep me away." I grinned. "Not even you."
"And that is another reason why you will make a fine Princess." He chuckled.
I couldn't help but laugh quietly as well upon seeing Thorin chuckle. I sighed and looked out at Dale once again, a small smile playing on my lips.
"So... you're not mad?" I asked uncertainly.
"No." He sighed, looking at me again as he squeezed my hand that was still resting on the banister. "I am not mad."
"Good. The others don't like seeing you like this... all mad and angry..." I said, not really sure whether it would make him mad again.
"I know... I find it hard to control my anger." He said a small frown forming on his face.
"I understand that better than most. Caspian is the same, the littlest thing can set him off." I replied.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Well, when I was sixteen I met this dwarf called Dastan, he eventually became a very close friend of mine, but before that my brother attacked him because Dastan winked at me... just for winking at me. I find it funny now but it was so stupid back then." I laughed as I recalled the memory. Thorin laughed along with me before the laughter slowly died down.
"I'm sorry about arguing with you before." I said quickly.
"You had every right to. Besides you do have a lot of very valid points." He said frowning once again.
"Listen Thorin, I'm not saying you have to do what I say, I'm just saying that you should consider everything and think about what is best for everyone and not just yourself. Just... Just tell me that you'll think over what I've said?" I asked him as I placed my free hand over Thorin's that was still resting on top of my other hand.
"I will think about it... but I doubt I'll change my mind." He said.
I sighed defeatedly but nodded nonetheless.
"Take all the time you need." I said as I sent him a small smile.
"I will."
"I'll talk to you later." I said as I gave his hand one last squeeze before I turned and started to walk down the corridor and back the way I had come.
I turned when I heard Thorin call my name. I was only two metres away from him and I couldn't help but smile upon seeing his smile.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I'm happy for you and Kili. You have my blessing." He said which caused me to be taken aback but luckily I pulled myself together.
"Thank you, Thorin. That means a lot to me and I know that it means just as much to Kili as well." I said and before I could even blink Thorin had pulled me in for a hug.
I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him back before he released me. "What was that for?" I asked, the laughter evident in my voice.
"To welcome you to the family." He smiled.
"Thank you, Thorin."
"Look after my nephew." He said quickly making me smile.
"I will." I said. "I'll see you later."
And with that I turned and walked back down the corridor. I can safely say that I wasn't expecting that from Thorin.
By the time I got back to the others they all looked at me expectantly but I could only say the first three words that popped into my head from my encounter with Thorin. "Thorin hugged me." Which caused all the others to look at me with shocked expressions before everyone burst out laughing, including me.
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