Chapter 37. Reclaiming a Home.
Hey guys!!!! This is going back to the events between Bilbo and Smaug! I really hope you like it! Please continue to comment, I always reply! Also if you have any questions regarding the rest of the Archer Queen, then don't hesitate to comment them and I'll do my best to reply :D
I'm also planning to include some background information on Caspian and about what he has been doing during his travels... I have some ideas but I was wondering if you guys have any ideas or suggestions that I could consider using as well :D Thanks again! Please comment your opinion, vote and if you haven't already then please follow! :)
One final thing... My best friend, Chloe is a writer like me and I would really love it if you could check out her stories! She hasn't been writing lately and I think she could use some motivation so she will carry on writing her amazing stories so please could you all go to her wattpad page and read her stories and tell her how good they are!! Her wattpad name is @OfficialSkittleLover. It would mean a lot to me if you could show her the kind of support that you keep giving me... Thank you!:D
The first part of this chapter will follow the movie but I have missed out the scenes of Smaug chasing the dwarfs because I personally think it will make the chapter drag on a little too much, but I hope you still like it! Please comment your opinions! :D ;D
Now... enjoy:D
*Bilbo's POV*
There have been many moments during this quest where I have feared for my life but none of them quite compared to the fear that I was currently feeling now, standing face to face with a raging dragon in the midst of the Throne Hall. I was stumbling down the piles of gold whilst Smaug raged behind me as I desperately tried to get back to the small corridor that I had come from.
This, however, proved to be quite difficult when I was at the same time trying to stay alive. I slipped behind a fallen pillar as Smaug's voice boomed through the hall again, making the walls tremble with its force. "The King Under the Mountain is dead!" He shouted with a fearsome growl. "I took his throne. I ate his people like a wolf among sheep. I kill where I wish, when I wish." A great snarl erupted from Smaug's throat causing me to tremble as he continued to rage. "My armour is iron, no blade can pierce me." Smaug growled dangerously and with one swift flick of his tail a whole mountain of gold came crashing down causing me to jump involuntarily.
"Oakenshield sent you in here for the Arkenstone, didn't he?" Smaug asked, his voice turning lower.
"No! No, no!" I said moving out from behind the pillar cautiously when the bright blue glow of the Arkenstone caught my eye again and without thinking I began moving closer to it.
"Don't bother denying it, I guessed his foul purpose some time ago. But Oakenshield's quest will fail; a darkness is coming, spreading to every corner of the land." Smaug moved slowly around a pillar and looked at me.
"You are being used, thief in the shadows." Smaug said with yet another growl. "You were only ever a means to an end. The coward, Oakenshield, has weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing!" He hissed causing me to flinch.
"No! You're lying." I shouted hiding behind another pillar but my gaze still remained locked on the glowing jewel.
"What did he promise you? A share of the treasure? As if it was his to give." Smaug said continuing to move about the hall. "I will not part with a single piece!" Smaug advanced in my direction baring his ferocious teeth at me. "My teeth are swords, my claws are spears, my wings are a hurricane!" As he yelled he stretched out his wings and my eyes widened upon seeing the missing gap where an arrow had loosened his scale on his underbelly that was not armoured like the rest of Smaug's skin.
"So it is true." I mumbled remembering the story of how Lord Girion had shot the beast all those years ago. "The black arrow found its mark."
"What did you say?" Smaug hissed, narrowing his eyes at me.
"Oh, ah, I was just saying how your reputation persedes you, O Smaug the Tyrannical." I said quickly. "You truly have no equal on this earth."
I continued to stare at the Arkenstone but jumped when Smaug moved so he was standing over it. "I am almost tempted to let you take it. If only to see Oakenshield suffer, to watch it destroy him. To watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad." Smaug said with a crazy look in his eye. "But I think not. Our little game ends here." Upon hearing those words I felt my heart rate double as I fumbled for my magic ring. "So tell me, thief, how do you choose to die?"
I grabbed my ring and hastily slipped it on to my finger just as Smaug prepared to breath fire at me. As soon as I was invisible I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't even see Smaug snap his jaws closed in shock but I'm glad I did not turn back as he breathed fire all around him and in every direction. I felt the bottom of my hair singe slightly from the intense heat as I rounded the corner into the hallway in which I came down from originally. I was safe... at least for now.
I ran into a much larger hall that I realised was the entrance hall to the mountain. I was nearly at the centre of the room when a loud crashing came from behind me followed by a bellowing roar. I glanced behind me and saw Smaug crashing into the room after me causing the huge tapestries that covered the walls to fall burying me beneath the fabric.
"You think that you can deceive me, barrel-rider?!" Hissed Smaug. I hesitantly peeked out from under the tapestry and watched the dragon rage. "You have come from Laketown! This is some sort of scheme matched between those filthy dwarfs and those miserable trading Lakemen! Those snivelling cowards with their longbows and black arrows! Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit!" He said turning and heading in the direction of the main doors to the mountain.
"Oh no." I muttered, horrified at the thought of Smaug unleashing his anger on the people of Laketown and the rest of our company that were still there. I scrambled out from under the tapestry and pulled off my ring as I watched him from behind. "This isn't their fault! Wait! You cannot go to Laketown!"
Smaug stopped abruptly and turned to face me. "You care about them, do you?..." Smaug said seeming surprised. "Good... then you can watch them die!" He said and began moving towards the doors again.
"Over here! You witless worm!" Shouted a deep voice. To say that I was surprised by the owner of the voice was an understatement, I guess they realised that I had awoken Smaug. I looked at the other end of the hall and saw Thorin standing tall as he stood upon a large rock-like statue.
I could see Smaug seething as he slowly turned to look upon the dwarf-king. "You." He hissed.
"I am taking back what you stole." Said Thorin.
"You will take nothing from me, dwarf." Smaug growled as he moved towards Thorin. I took the dragon's distraction as my chance and hurried up a flight of stairs so I was stood on higher platform and away from the dragon's wrath. "I destroyed your warriors of old, I instil terror in the hearts of men, I am King Under the Mountain."
"This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold... and we will have our revenge." Thorin said loudly when Smaug was stood merely a few metres away. He then shouted something in Knazgul to the others who were behind the rock-like statue.
Thorin held a rope that he used to hold himself above the rock-like statue below him as the others tugged on some chains which caused the rocks to break away and fall to the ground revealing the most magnificent pure-golden statue of a dwarf. Smaug was in a trance at the sight of such a large piece of gold, he almost looked in awe.
But suddenly the statue, which I thought was solid gold, began to almost melt and within seconds a flood of shimmering, liquid gold came narrowing down on to the unsuspecting beast. Smaug roared almost crazily as he was knocked over as the gold buried him.
I scanned the pool of gold not seeing the dragon anywhere. I could just hear the other's shouts of victory when my eyes widened at what took place before me. Smaug shot out of the liquid gold with an insane growl as he threw his body from side to side as the gold clung to his skin making him look like a dragon made of pure gold.
I was mesmerized but I was soon knocked out of my awed state when Smaug spoke. "Revenge?!" He shrieked with a roar. "Revenge?!" He repeated just as crazily. "I will show you revenge!" He howled.
We all watched in absolute horror as Smaug wailed and crashed through the front of the mountain, flying up into the sky as he shook the liquid gold from his body.
"He's going to Laketown!" I cried out to the others. Their already scared faces turned into utter terror upon realising that Smaug was going to destroy Laketown and everyone there... including the rest of our company.
Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote!!
Sorry it's much shorter than the other chapters!!
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