Chapter 34. Orcs in Laketown.
Okay! Here's the next chapter! I hope you like it! Please leave me a comment, any constructive criticism is welcome, please click the little vote button and if you haven't already then please follow me and possibly add this to your reading list! It will make me very happy ;) Thank you! This chapter is back to the company in Laketown! I hope you enjoy! :)
*Cassy's POV*
"He's getting worse." Oin muttered sadly as he moved away from Kili's leg.
"We've used every herb I can find." Said Bard. "What else is there to try?"
"You wouldn't happen to have any Kingsfoil, would you?" I asked, remembering the healing herb. I always used it on my wounds.
"Yes. They feed it to the pigs." Sigrid said.
"Bofur and I will try and find it. We will be back as soon as we can." I said sending a look towards Bofur who nodded. I gently brushed my lips against Kili's as I brushed the hair from his forehead, "You stay strong until I get back." I said sternly before I grabbed Bofur and pulled him out of the door.
We hurriedy wandered the streets of Laketown, down alleys and across the small bridges in search of pigs. As the sun disappeared even more behind the distant hills, we continued to search, both not willing to give up.
A few seconds later Bofur and I stumbled upon a small animal pen with five pigs in it, munching away lazily on a bunch of herbs. I exchanged a short look with Bofur before we darted forwards and I only managed to look around the few greens scattered on the ground next to the pigs before Bofur had grabbed a handful of weed right out of a pig's mouth, holding it out in front of us with an expectant look on his face.
I took a short look at the plant; bright white blossoms adorning the green leaves and stalks. "Please tell me this is Kingsfoil." Bofur exclaimed and all I could do was nod in reply before I grabbed his sleeve, forcing him to follow me as I began to rush back towards Bard's home. I heard Bofur's heavy footsteps behind me as I hurriedly made my way back through the alleys that we had gone through before that were now dark as the sun had already set. For a moment, my thoughts wandered to the rest of the company as I suddenly realised that the last light of Durin's Day had passed already, I really hoped they had found the door.
"Come on. We need to hurry and get the Kingsfoil to Kili." I said urgently. Bofur followed me as I quickened my pace and ran along the alleys until we could finally see Bard's home. I frowned when I saw the door opening from afar as Sigrid stepped outside and looked around searchingly.
"What is she looking for?" Bofur asked from beside me, uttering my own thoughts out loud, as we moved towards the house.
"I have no idea." I said but then frowned deeper upon seeing a shadow move on top of the roof right above Sigrid. For a moment, time seemed to slow down as I recognised that it was an orc in the shadow and before I had even realised I was doing it, I grabbed my bow and notched an arrow.
"Watch out!" Bofur yelled at Sigrid who looked up at where Bofur was pointing. She screamed as I released the arrow piercing the orc in the neck, feeling satisfied as it fell to the floor dead.
It took Bofur a moment to catch up as I rushed forwards and up the wooden steps just as a second orc jumped right down in front of Sigrid who stumbled backwards with a shocked shriek, trying desperately to close the door. I slammed into the orc's side, knocking it off its feet and going right down with it. I heard the commotion around me as more orcs attacked the house and I heard a yelp from Bofur somewhere in the noise. The orc beneath me knocked me off of itself harshly, charging at me as I landed on my back and I swiftly kicked it in the stomach before it had a chance to ramn it's blade right into my head. I jumped to my feet and punched the creature in the face harshly before I lifted my leg, ramming my knee into the orc's stomach vigorously. It wheezed and fell to the floor allowing me to drive my sword into its chest.
It was just when I pulled the blade out of the orc with a sickening sound, that I noticed another one coming towards me from behind. I quickly turned around and swung my sword at its neck and before the orc knew it, it had lost its head, its lifeless body falling to the floor before me.
I rushed passed the dead orc corpses and through the open door into the house to help the others, pausing for a moment as I took in the sight before me.
The orcs that had chased us whilst we were in the barrels down the river had come charging right through the roof and the door. Fili and Oin were fighting with their bare hands, Bard's children were hiding under the table whilst Kili was just trying in vain to get up from the bed and fight, but seemed in too much pain to be of any help. I gripped my sword tightly in my right hand and charged forwards, slashing the neck of one of the orcs that Fili was trying to hold off from behind. I rushed past him, slashing and stabbing wildly with my blade, trying desperately to defend the others, but there were just too many orcs and I couldn't use my bow in such a small space. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw, to my horror, an orc tear at Kili's leg, the brunet dwarf struggling against the hold without being able to defend himself in any way. I quickly unsheathed one of my daggers swivelling the blade in my hand before I threw it forcefully. And indeed, my aim was still perfect and it impelled itself in between the orcs eyes.
Kili's gaze snapped in my direction, obviously wanting to see who the dagger belonged to but instead of smiling his eyes widened and he only just managed to cry out to me before something grabbed a fist full of my raven black, curly hair and with a brute force the orc threw me across the table and into a shelf causing me to drop my sword. I whimpered in pain as I felt the flesh of my torso tear open when a piece of broken wood from the shelf I smashed into sliced my stomach open. I could hear what I recognised as Kili yelling for me and I looked up to see him looking in my direction with a look of utter worry on his face.
I scrambled to my feet, despite being in absolute agony at that moment, and threw a punch at the orc that had attacked me. I wanted desperately to reach for my sword but it was on the other side of the room. I forcefully kicked the orc in the chest causing it to fall backwards before I grabbed a knife from my boot and sliced it's throat open. I breathed shakily as I placed a hand over my stomach to stop the bleeding.
The room was filled with orcs by now and I didn't have any time to check the wound before another two orcs advanced towards me. I quickly dodged an attack from my left side before I punched my opponent right in the face and stabbed the other in the temple. I needed to defend the others but there were just too many orcs. We had no real chance of winning this fight and I knew it. My ears were filled with the screams and shrieks of my friends and the three children in the room.
I raised my dagger and prepared to stab the advancing orc when I felt the familiar whooshing of an arrow fly by my ear and I raised my eyebrows as the arrow became embedded in the head of the orc. I turned my head to see a familiar red shock of hair whirling into the house and I felt relief tugging inside of me as I watched Tauriel help Oin fight a group of orcs.
I only shortly glanced at Legolas who began fighting the orcs as well after he sent me a long glance before I focused on an oncoming orc again, burying my knife in its stomach.
I didn't pay much attention to my own safety nor my still bleeding wound as I slashed and stabbed at every orc I could reach with a fiery rage. I saw Legolas and Tauriel fight out of the corner of my eyes, just as I could see Fili, Bofur and Oin battle alongside them with weapons they had snatched from dead orcs. Bard was nowhere to be seen and I shortly found myself distracted by that discovery, so I only noticed the orc coming at me from the right when it was already too late. The orc punched me in the stomach directly on my bleeding wound causing me to scream and clutch my torso. The orc clasped its hand around my throat in a death grip, effectively cutting off my air supply as he lifted me in the air strangling me. A second later a knife embedded itself deeply in the orcs side and I only just saw the hand that held it twist roughly and then push the dead orc to the ground. It was only for a second that I locked eyes with Kili as he held the knife in his hand before he dropped it and keeled over, falling to the ground with an agonizing scream.
"Kili!" I yelled, my voice lower than normal after being strangled. I watched in shock as he clutched his hand to his side on the floor, cringing heavily and screaming loudly as his face scrunched up in nothing but pain. I didn't even hear the sounds of the fighting slowly die down around me as I fell to my knees beside him, grabbing his face in my hands and trying to get his eyes to focus. But Kili was already too far away to comply. His skin had lost any colour and was burning beneath my fingertips even though my own skin was still just as hot as it had been during the fight.
"No." I whispered, tapping his cheek slightly when his eyes fell closed and all I got in reply was a low groan. "No! Kili, come on!" I said more desperately.
Oin and Fili came to my side and Oin quickly pressed two fingers against Kili's neck, searching for his pulse and I felt my heart miss a beat when he next spoke.
"We're losing him." He exclaimed, his gaze switching desperately from Fili to the elves and then to myself as I felt tears pricking in my eyes as I felt his hopeful and asking eyes on me. The Kingsfoil!
"Bofur had it." I said shakily as I looked up at the hatted dwarf who looked around desperately in search of the herb.
"I must have dropped it during the fight!" He cried worriedly.
I pressed my lips together to suppress a sob escaping me as Oin's face fell upon Bofur's words. He shortly glanced down at Kili before he looked at Fili who could only stare brokenly at his little brother. I had never seen such a look on Fili's face and I truly never wanted to again. I ignored the pain of my wound as I focused more firmly in Kili.
I shook my head as I gripped Kili's face tighter between my hands, emanating a small, weak groan from him as his eyes fluttered. "No." I said again, my sight blury as tears formed in my eyes. He couldn't die. He couldn't leave me. Not now, not like this. "Kili, please! Open your eyes! You can't do this to me... don't give up! Stay with us! Please... I need you." I pleaded.
I saw his eyelids flutter and for a moment the familiar warm brown of his eyes was staring at me hazily.
"I love you." I muttered as a single warm, salty tear fell from my eye.
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