Chapter 29. The Master and Regret.
Okay! Here's Chapter 29! I hope you like it! :) I have added some of my own ideas into the story so I hope none of you mind that I'm drifting from the plot in this chapter :)
*Kili's POV*
I was so angry at myself! Why did I have to end up falling down the stairs when we were trying to steal weapons? All I had to do was be quiet and then a sudden pain shot through my leg and the next thing I knew was that I was falling. Obviously I caused too much noise because not long after soldiers found us and I knew we were in trouble.
And now the Laketown guards were dragging our group to the centre of the town and towards the biggest house which I guessed belonged to the Master of Laketown. We stopped in a courtyard of some sort and watched as a huge crowd formed around us.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Yelled a fat, ugly man as he emerged from the huge building in front of us, I could only guess that he was the Master of Laketown.
"We caught them stealing weapons from the store, sire." Replied one of the guards.
"Ahh! Enemies of the state, aye!" Said the Master as he eyed our group warily.
"A desperate bunch of mercenaries if ever there was, sire." Said Alfrid from beside the Master.
"Hold your tongue! You do not know to whom you speak!" Argued Dwalin as he stepped forward. "This is no common criminal! This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!"
Gasps erupted from the crowd and I couldn't help but realise that nearly all the occupants of Laketown were gathered.
I looked to Thorin as he stepped forwards and began to speak. "We are the dwarfs of Erebor and we have come to reclaim our homeland. I remember this town from the Great Days of Old. Fleets of boats lay at harbour filled with goods and fine jems! This was no forsaken town on a lake! This was the centre of all trade in the north! I would see those days returned, I would relight the great forges of the dwarfs and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the halls of Erebor!"
Thorin's words were followed by the loud cheers of the people of Laketown but were soon silenced by a familiar figure. Bard pushed his way through the crowd followed by two hooded figures who I could tell to be Cassy and Caspian.
"Death! That is what you will bring upon us! Dragon fire and ruin!" Said Bard as he walked straight up to Thorin. "If you awaken that beast it will destroy us all."
"You can listen to this man, but I can promise you this," said Thorin as he turned away from Bard to face the growing crowd. "If we succeed all will share in the wealth of the Mountain." Everyone cheered once more whilst my uncle continued, "You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!"
"Listen! You must listen to me!" Yelled Bard. "Have you forgotten what happened to Dale?! Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm?! And for what purpose? The blind ambition of a Mountain King; so driven by greed that he cannot see beyond his own desires!" Mumbles broke out as the people of Laketown began nodding in agreement with Bard.
"Wait!" Shouted the Master which caused the muttering around us to stop. "We must not be too quick to lay blame! Let us not forget that it was Girion, Lord of Dale, your ancestor," the Master said as he pointed at Bard, "who failed to kill the beast!"
"It's true, sire." Said Alfrid. "We all know the story; arrow after arrow he fired at the beast, each one missing their target."
We all stared at Bard in disbelief. He was related to Girion? I looked over at Caspian and Cassy, they must have known who he really was. I can't believe that they didn't tell us, I can't believe that she didn't tell me.
I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Bard who was looking straight at Thorin. "You have no right, no right to enter that Mountain." Bard said.
"I have the only right." Thorin said with a stern expression before he turned to face the Master of Laketown. "I speak to the Master of the men of the lake. Will you see the prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the great wealth of my people? What says you?"
"I say... welcome! Welcome King under the Mountain and his loyal companions!" Shouted the Master as he opened his arms out as a welcoming gesture.
My eyes widened slightly as everyone began cheering and applauding. The guards released us and we were suddenly swarmed by the people of Laketown who began patting us on the back and offering us drinks. I saw Bard pushing his way through the crowd, a mixed expression of anger and sadness on his face.
"Bard! Bard, wait!" I stood beside Bofur and Fili as we watched Cassy run through the crowd after Bard, grabbing his arm and pulling him to a stop.
"You lied to me, Cassandra. You know what will happen when you awake that creature. You're just like Donovan!" Said Bard angrily but his face suddenly turned guilty. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
He was cut short when, to everyone's surprise, Cassy slapped him in the face causing people who saw it to gasp. I shared a shocked look with the others in our company, none of us had seen her act like that before. I couldn't help but wonder who this 'Donovan' was that made her react so harshly when compared to him.
"How dare you." Cassy hissed to Bard as she gave him the most angry look I had ever seen her give anyone. She pushed him out of the way and walked out of the courtyard grabbing a full bottle of some sort of alcohol on her way.
Caspian glared at Bard and said, "That was way out of line, and you know it." Everyone watched as Caspian stormed away before he began running after Cassy.
"What was that all about?" Fili whispered to me.
"I have no idea, but it has something to do with whoever Donovan is." I said as I looked over to where Cassy had ran off to. I would have to talk to her about it later because I had no idea where she ran off to.
*Cassy's POV*
I can't believe Bard said that! He knows how much I hated Donovan and then he has the nerve to tell me that I'm like Donovan! I growled under my breath as I opened the bottle in my hand. I had no idea what alcohol the bottle contained but after the events of the past few weeks I had a terrible urge to get drunk and forget everything.
I took a large swig from the bottle and coughed lightly when the strong liquid burnt my throat. I continued to walk until I made it to the tall building further in the town that had the wind-lance on the roof. I walked up the steps and once I reached the top I sat down on the roof with my legs dangling over the side.
"Cassy! Cassy, where are you?!" I looked down at the sound of my name and saw Caspian looking around for me. I whistled causing him to look up and finally see me. I motioned for him to come up and sit with me.
After a minute I heard Caspian walk up the stairs before he took a seat beside me on the roof.
"Don't listen to Bard, he was just angry, he didn't mean what he said." Said Caspian.
"It seemed like he meant it to me." I muttered before I took another drink from the bottle.
"You're nothing like Donovan. He was an evil man who killed innocent people for fun. You're nothing like him!" Argued Caspian.
"No but I did kill people didn't I!" I said as tears began to fall.
"Donovan made you do it! You know that if you didn't shoot those two men then he would've killed me." He said.
"But I still killed innocent people. I'm just as evil as he was." I said as I continued to drink.
"You killed two people to save me, Donovan killed hundreds of people just because he enjoyed it!" Said Caspian as he held my face in he is hands. "You are nothing like him and you never will be! You've saved so many people since that day and you stopped Donovan from harming anyone else. Without you many more people would've died. Our parents would be so proud of you, no matter what mistakes you made in the past."
"Thank you, brother." I said as I hugged him.
"Anytime." He said as he took the bottle of alcohol from me. "No more alcohol. Getting drunk won't solve anything."
I nodded and allowed Caspian to help me stand up. "I'm so happy that you're here." I said to him.
"Me too. Now let's get down off of this roof before we both fall to our deaths." Suggested Caspian.
"Sure." I said as I allowed him to lead the way down the stairs and back in the direction of the courtyard.
*Caspian's POV*
I glanced at my sister as we walked and I couldn't help but frown at her expression; she was looking directly ahead with a frown and looked deep in thought.
"You alright, Cassy?" I asked.
"I can't stand keeping things secret anymore. I'm going to tell the others about who Donovan is." She said.
"Are you sure?" I asked feeling slightly taken aback.
"Yes. We have to learn to trust each other and we can't do that if they think I'm keeping things from them." She replied.
"If that's what you want to do then I'll support you." I said.
"Thank you. Let's go." Cassy grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd and towards a table that the dwarfs and Bilbo were sat at.
"Hey, we were beginning to get worried about you." Said Bofur.
"Are you okay, lass?" Balin asked Cassy.
"I have to tell you guys something. I don't like keeping secrets so I think that it's about time that I told you something that only a few people know." She said before glancing at me.
"We know everyone heard what Bard said to Cassy about a guy called Donovan. And I know you're all wandering who he is." I said.
"Donovan Mandaria was our uncle." Said Cassy.
"Was your uncle?" Asked Thorin.
"He's dead." I said.
"Donovan used to be a great man but when Donovan heard that his brother, our father, was killed he went crazy. His wife left him and took their son, Devlin, with her, she couldn't stand to be around him. He would get angry at the slightest thing and would lash out at anyone around him. After our aunt and cousin ran away from him he burnt their house down in anger and slaughtered the people in the village whilst they slept. He became a crazy murderer with a new love of killing. He tracked down our aunt and killed her for leaving him but kept Devlin chained up.
Caspian and I heard about it and went looking for Donovan to try and talk some sense into him but we weren't the only ones looking for him. Two men were hunting him down and planned to kill him but no matter what he had done he was still our uncle so we couldn't sit back and let him be killed so we had to find him first. Unfortunately Donovan was beyond help and tried to kill Caspian.
Donovan told me that if I wanted Caspian to live I would have to kill the two men that were hunting him. I knew that I had to do what he said. I couldn't let him kill Caspian like he killed all the other people so I did it. I regret it everyday and I will always feel guilty about it but I couldn't let Caspian die.
When I went back to Donovan to tell him that I had done it... I saw that he had already stabbed Caspian. I was so angry that I killed Donovan myself. I killed my own uncle." Cassy finished the story and looked on the verge of tears again so I continued the story for her.
"Luckily, my wound wasn't fatal and I was better in a couple of weeks. Our cousin, Devlin, was sent to Rivendell where he stayed with our other aunt, Nanallia. Cassy did the right thing and if she hadn't have done what she did then I would be dead and Donovan would have killed a lot more people." I said.
"I can speak for everyone here when I say that we don't care about that. It doesn't change our opinion of you, lass." Said Balin.
"Exactly! You're still the amazing person that we met in the Shire." Said Bilbo.
"What you did was understandable. We won't judge you for it." Said Oin.
"If it was me, and Fili was the one being threatened I would have done the same thing as you." Said Kili.
I smiled at the relieved smile that Cassy sent Kili before she smiled at the others. "Thank you. All of you." She said.
"Now don't just stand there! Grab a drink and join us!" Said Gloin as he raised his tankard.
I laughed with the others as Cassy grabbed the bottle that I was holding and took a sip before she walked around the table and sat on the bench in between Kili and Fili. I had a feeling that a lot of these dwarfs will end up getting very drunk tonight.
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