Chapter 25. Bard the Bowman.
Here it is! I hope you like it!! ;)
*Cassy's POV*
The current continued to take us down the river. I caught sight of Bilbo a few metres away from me clinging on to Balin's barrel when a wave crashed against the poor hobbit causing him to release the barrel and was taken under the water. He resurfaced with a splutter before he was dunked back under by another wave of water.
"Bilbo!" Balin yelled.
"Help!" Shouted Bilbo as he tried to keep his head above water but looked like he was having trouble swimming against the current.
I glanced at my brother who must've guessed what I was about to do because he began shaking his head frantically. Everyone was looking at where Bilbo was flailing in the water before he was dunked under again.
I strapped my bow to my back and started to climb out of my barrel. I really hope this works, I thought. I heard the others shouting at me.
"Cassy?! What are you doing?!" Yelled Fili.
I just ignored them and took a deep breath before I jumped off of my barrel and dived headfirst into the cold water. The cold water was like a punch to my gut and my brain was clouded momentarily until I forced my eyes open. I ignored the stinging that the water caused my eyes before I swam deeper under the water towards Bilbo's flailing figure. I swam closer but Bilbo's thrashing limbs were an obstacle in themselves, quite a dangerous obstacle in fact, I winced when his arm caught me in my face.
I managed to grab his arm and I held on to him tightly as I kicked for the surface. I resurfaced with a gasp as Bilbo held on to me. He was breathing heavily as he gripped my arm. I flicked my hair out of my face and motioned for Bilbo to hold on to my back. He held on to my shoulders tightly as I looked around. The others were no where in sight, I guessed that the current had taken them even further down the river. I began swimming towards the river bank with Bilbo safely on my back. Once I reached the edge I pushed Bilbo on to the safety of the bank first before I pulled myself out of the water.
"Thank you, Cassy. You saved my life!" Said Bilbo as he sat on the ground beside me.
"It's okay, Bilbo." I said breathing heavily as I stood up and secured my weapons whilst I gave him a small smile. "We should hurry and catch up with the others. The orcs could start chasing us again at any moment."
"You're right. Let's go." He said before we began running along the river bank in the direction that the others had swept away in.
*Kili's POV*
After a few minutes the current slowed down enough for us to get the chance to get back on to solid ground. My breathing was heavy as I steered my barrel towards the stony shore, my leg was hurting with an incredibly intense pain and the fighting against the orcs while being swept down a river had done nothing to help.
But it wasn't just the sharp pain of my leg that was affecting me, my thoughts were plagued with worry for Cassy. I hadn't seen her after she had dived into the river to rescue Bilbo. I had no idea if she managed to save Bilbo or if she got to safety herself.
As my barrel hit the shore, I scrambled out clumsily on to the rocky earth whilst I groaned in pain when I moved my injured leg. I limped over to a small boulder and slumped down on it, sparing a worried glance at my thigh where the head of the arrow was still buried within the flesh. The thing had broken off when I had jumped into the barrel. I didn't bother looking at the others who were climbing on to the shore whilst I clenched my teeth together tightly before I reached down and ended up groaning in pain as I tried to pull out the arrowhead.
I noticed Bofur, who was standing a few feet away from me, shooting me a concerned look and I quickly fell silent.
"It's nothing." I muttered to him. "I'm fine."
I knew Bofur wasn't convinced but he didn't have time to reply as Fili hurried over to me as well, sending me a concerned look before he inspected my leg worriedly. Without saying anything to me, my brother swatted my hands away from my injury and with one swift move pulled out the arrowhead, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my leg making my cry out in pain before I clenched my teeth together tightly, a low painful groan rising from my throat.
"Sorry." Fili mumbled from beside me. I just nodded, breathing heavily through gritted teeth as I tried not to think about the pain.
"We've outdistanced the orcs." Dwalin said then from further away where he was standing next to my uncle. Thorin merely looked up the riverbank with a deep frown.
"Not for long." Thorin said before his gaze wandered over the rest of us. "We move on."
It was Fili that stopped our uncle before he could start leading the others down towards the lake the river had carried us to. "We can't move on right now." Fili said, catching Thorin's attention as he turned to look at us. "Kili is wounded, his leg needs binding. And what about Cassy and Bilbo? We need to wait for them."
My gaze shot up at the mention of my One whilst the others sent worried glances up the river bank.
"I didn't see either of them resurface, the current could've swept them away." Said Nori.
"And even if they did reach the bank they could've been loads of orcs on the river bank, Cassy wouldn't be able to take on all those orcs single-handedly could she?" Said Ori.
"So... Cassy and Bilbo could be ... d-dead?" Asked Bombur.
"Shut up!" I shouted from where I was sitting, straining to keep my voice in control. "Shut up! All of you!"
The others sent me surprised looks as I struggled to his feet, wincing slightly as I put too much weight on to my injured leg. I shook off Fili's helping hand as I glared at my companions.
"Cassy is not dead!" I exclaimed angrily, not even allowing myself to think about that possibility. "And I will not sit here and listen to you lot claim that she is. If she managed to get Bilbo to the river bank then she will have been able to take on the orcs! You know how well she can fight, she has her bow! Cassy and Bilbo are not dead!"
"Lad... listen to me," Balin tried to speak but I cut him off with a dark look.
"No." I growled. "She's alive, I know it! They'll find us, she'll... she can't..." I trailed off as I sat back down on the boulder. "She can't be dead."
Everyone remained silent as Oin started binding my injuries. I just sighed deeply and flinched slightly when Oin fastened the bandage around my thigh, my gaze wandered worriedly over the riverbank when I suddenly saw two figures emerge from the trees.
I felt my heart miss a beat before it began fluttering within my chest excitedly as Cassy jumped down from the rocks with Bilbo behind her. When everyone else noticed them, relieved sighs and mumbles could be heard around the company.
"Cas!" Shouted Caspian as he ran over to Cassy and hugged her tightly causing her to be lifted off of the ground. I could see that Caspian was whispering something in her ear but they were too far away from us so I couldn't hear what was being said.
"Cassy!" I grinned in relief when she hurried over to me. "I swear to Mahal, next time you do something as reckless as that, I will have your head." I whispered into her hair when I had pulled her into a tight hug causing her to be pulled on to my lap. I didn't even feel the pain in my leg when I pulled her on to my lap so I could hug her tighter.
"You're calling me reckless?" She said with raised eyebrows when she leaned back to look at me. "You're the one that jumped out of your barrel and fought orcs on your own whilst nearly getting killed and not to mention injured!"
"I'm sorry." I said sending her a smile as she looked at me worriedly.
"Is your leg alright?" She asked.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Really? Because since I sat on your lap you've continued to wince every time you move your leg." She said giving me a 'I know that it hurts so stop acting so tough' look.
I smiled at her again. "I'll be fine once it's been treated properly." I said but Cassy still looked unsure. "I was so worried about you."
"I had to rescue Bilbo. And I hated not being able to help you when you were fighting off the orcs. I was so worried." She said as she leaned forwards and rested her forehead against mine.
"You did help. You saved my life when you started shooting at the orcs." I said.
"Well I am the Archer Queen." She replied grinning at me.
"No... You're my Archer Queen." I said.
Cassy chuckled before she cupped my face in her soft hands and gently kissed me on the lips.
"And you're my reckless idiot." She said as she ran her thumb over my jaw.
"You mean your handsome saviour." I said jokingly.
"Well you are brave and you're definitely handsome." She said and I gave her a brief kiss.
Suddenly the sound of an arrow being fired from a bow caused us all to jump to our feet. The arrow had pierced a stick that Dwalin had been holding. A tall man with dark hair stood a few metres away from our group and had his bow raised, I was about to throw a rock at him but the next arrow he fired knocked the rock out of my hand.
I glanced at the others and saw Cassy and Caspian sharing a look.
"Do it again and your dead." Said the man.
"Bard? Is that you?" Cassy asked the man as she stepped forwards.
The man immediately lowered his bow. "Cassandra? Caspian?" He asked.
"It's so good to see you again!" Said Cassy as she ran over to him and pulled him into a hug.
"Wait you know him?" Asked Bofur.
"This is Bard. My father's best friend." Said Caspian.
"Indeed I am. Where is your father? I haven't heard from him in a while." Asked Bard.
Cassy and Caspian immediately looked down at the ground with sad expressions.
"He was killed by orcs a couple of years ago, mother was killed as well." Cassy managed to say.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Said Bard who looked just as upset as Caspian and Cassy. I guess he really was good friends with their father.
"Excuse me." Said Balin. "You're from Laketown if I'm not mistaken? Your barge wouldn't be available for hire by any chance would it?"
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