Chapter 20. The Elvenking.
Okay! Here's Chapter 20! I hope you like it! Please comment, vote and follow! :)
*Cassy's POV*
The elves led us through the forest until the trees around us slowly seemed to grow less dark. The forest started to lose its gloominess a little and soon, we found ourselves walking along beautiful big trees, adorned with colourful autumn leaves.
A few moments later I could see a long stone bridge appearing before us in the midst of the forest, leading over a strongly flowing river towards an archway of stone that was carved right into the wall of a great hill on the other side of the bridge.
I looked around as we were led over the bridge towards the large archway that awaited us on the other side, I kept fiddling nervously with the ropes that were tied around my wrists. I can't believe the elves tied my hands together and no one else, only because I put up more of a struggle. A bad feeling filled my stomach and I shortly looked over my shoulder and met Kili's gaze who sent me a small comforting look as if to say that everything was going to be all right.
I hesitantly moved my gaze back to the front as we passed the archway and two heavy double doors fell closed behind us with a very loud thud. The elves marched us into a large hall and along long stone trails that were carved to look like massive roots that led deep into the hill. I could hear water flowing somewhere deep beneath us but I didn't even risk looking down. We walked for a few minutes until the elves led us to a set of stairs that led up to another level of the palace.
Legolas led us through a pair of thick double doors and on a platform on the other side of the room was another elf, he had silvery blonde hair and silver eyes and was sat on a large throne that was adorned with massive antlers. He wore a crown of red leaves and berries, and looked at us almost as if he was bored as we were led before him.
I looked to my right and caught Caspian's gaze, he looked just as worried as the others. I sighed to myself and continued to fiddle with the ropes binding my wrists.
"Who would dare to enter my realm?" Said Thranduil as his gaze wandered over each of us until his gaze landed on Thorin. "Well, well, well... Thorin Oakenshield." Thranduil leaned forwards slightly, obviously interested. "What a surprise to see you here."
"My King." Said Legolas as he walked forwards. "These are the dwarfs that had been attacking our people at their feast."
My eyes widened slightly at what Legolas had said. Attacking their people?! What was he going on about?!
"We have not attacked anyone. We were just travelling." Said Thorin as he sent Thranduil a cold look.
"Oh really? Then why have my people told me that a group of dwarfs have been attacking them at their merry-making?" Said Thranduil.
"We didn't attack them, we came to beg for their help." Said Thorin as he stood straighter.
"And why we're you in this forest in the first place?" Thranduil asked as he raised his eyebrows at Thorin.
"Travelling." Said Balin from beside Thorin.
"So you're going on a journey? And where does your journey end?" Thranduil said, his voice echoed loudly through the hall, but his question was followed by silence. "Do not think for one moment that I don't know where you are heading. The quest to reclaim a homeland, and slay a dragon... you've found a way into the mountain. You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule, the King's jewel... the Arkenstone. It is precious to you beyond measure... I understand that." Said Thranduil as he looked at Thorin with a calm look. "There are things in the mountain that I too desire; white gems made of pure starlight."
I saw Thorin raise his head slightly upon hearing Thranduil's words. The Dwarf King kept silent as the ElvenKing continued to speak but he continued to look at him with a stony expression. "I offer you my help." Thranduil said, inclining his head slightly at all of us. I glanced at Thorin as he frowned at Thranduil before saying, "I'm listening."
"I will let you all go if you return what is mine." Said Thranduil.
"A favour for a favour." Muttered Thorin.
"You have my word. One King to another." Replied Thranduil. I watched as Thorin's calm expression turned to one of anger.
"I would not trust your word! You have no honour! I've seen how you treat your friends! We came to you once; hungry, homeless, seeking help... but you turned your back! You turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us!" Yelled Thorin as he glared menacingly at Thranduil. I stared at Thorin wide eyed when he then yelled at him in Knazgul.
"Do not speak to me of Dragon fire, for I have seen its wrath and ruin! I have faced the great serpents of the north!" Thranduil said as he glared angrily at Thorin. "I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon but he would not listen. You are just like him." After a moment's silence Thranduil leaned back in his seat and then nodded to Legolas. "Stay here if you will. It should only be a matter of time until you will realise the benefits of my offer. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I am patient. I can't wait. Now, lock them up! And make sure they're separated!"
Elves moved over to us and one of them grabbed me and began shoving me in the direction of the door.
"Get your hands off of me!" I said angrily as two elves grabbed my arms and forced me to follow after the others.
We all struggled but it was no use. The elves continued to shove, or in my case drag, us down numerous flights of stairs and corridors until we came to a stop. Legolas turned to us and motioned to the guards. Legolas grabbed Thorin and pulled him along a corridor and out of sight. They were taking us to different dungeons in the palace to keep us separated. Bombur and Bofur were taken next, followed by Bifur and Oin, then Gloin and Nori, Dori and Ori, then Balin and Dwalin. I watched as Fili and Kili were dragged off down one of the corridors just as Caspian and I were dragged down the opposite corridor, I struggled in vain as two elves held on to my arms tightly.
"Cassy!" Kili yelled. I looked in his direction but before I could yell back to him Caspian and I were shoved down some stairs and into a large room that had two prison cells.
Caspian was pushed into one of the cells and was locked in. The two elves approached me and untied the rope from around my wrists before shoving me into the other cell before they locked it. One of the elves dumped Caspian and I's weapons on the floor on the otherside of the room before they left. I sighed to myself in frustration... We were never going to get out of here.
Sorry this chapter was a little shorter! I hope you liked it, please comment, vote and follow! Thank you!! :)
And in the next few chapters they'll be a lot more Cassy/Kili moments for you to look forward to! :):) ;)
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