Chapter 2. The Trolls.
Hi there wonderful reader/writers of Wattpad! All rights of The Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit belong to J.R.R. Tolkien (Who is an amazing writer!
I woke up the next morning like usual but something felt different. My pillow was... breathing?! Pillows don't breath! I cautiously opened one eye and saw that my 'pillow' was in fact Kili's chest! My head was resting on his chest and my right arm was resting across his stomach whilst both of his arms were wrapped securely around my waist. How in the name of Durin did we end up in this position?! Should I try and get free? No, I'll end up waking him. Crap! Trying to not move around a lot I looked around and saw that luckily no one was awake... well except Bofur who was facing away from the camp so I presumed that it was his turn to keep watch.
I sighed to myself as I tried to think of a way to get out of Kili's grip without waking him and preferably before anyone else wakes up and gets the wrong idea. Not that I don't like Kili, I mean he's good looking, strong, funny and I've only known him for a day but I still really don't want the others to see us in this position. But I had to admit that being in this position was actually rather warm and comfy, I've never slept that well in ages. I mentally shook those thoughts from my head as I felt Kili move slightly. I sighed in relief when I saw that his eyes were still closed.
"Morning." Said Kili, his voice rugged from sleep. His eyes were still closed but I could see the smirk that was forming on his lips. Those lips...
"Morning." I whispered back. I could feel myself beginning to blush now.
"Comfy?" He asked grinning.
"Slightly." I lied, I was in fact incredibly comfy, the comfiest I've been in ages.
"If you were only 'slightly' comfy then why didn't you move back?" He asked still grinning.
"I would've but you had quite a strong hold on me, in fact you still do." I said indicating to his arms that were still wrapped securely around my waist.
"Oh. Sorry." He said. Releasing his hold on me as he began to blush from embarrassment. I smirked as I shuffled back to my makeshift bed before I laid down and closed my eyes. Hopefully I might be able to get a few more moments of sleep before we have to get up. Kili must've had the same thought as he also shifted a little probably getting comfy before he closed his eyes.
I was shaken awake around an hour later by Bofur who asked if I could help him wake the others up. I nodded before I turned over and carefully shook Kili awake who was closest to me.
"It's time to get up." I said.
"Okay." He replied as he tiredly opened his eyes.
I stood up and stepped over Kili before shaking Fili awake. Bofur and I managed to wake everyone up easily except for Bombur who took a bit more persuasion for him to get up, in other words Bofur had to kick his leg, quite hard, to get him up.
As soon as we finished our breakfast, which to be honest wasn't the best breakfast, we started to pack up.
I walked over to Shaidra and put his saddle and reins on before attaching my bag to the saddle. I stroked his mane one last time before I walked back over to where the others were. Once I had strapped my sword and my dagger back on to my belt I fastened my bow and quiver to my back before I put my cloak back on.
"Come on, we need to get a move on, otherwise we will never reach Erebor." Said Thorin.
I stood up and followed the others towards the ponies. Everyone began to saddle up their ponies but because I had already saddled up Shaidra I just stood and watched the amusing sight of Bilbo attempting to mount his pony. He looked so funny as he tried to throw himself up on to the saddle, I only just managed to stop myself from laughing. After thinking that poor Bilbo has had enough of struggling I decided that I should probably go and help him.
"Do you need any help, Bilbo?" I asked as I walked up to him.
"Oh, yes please. If you don't mind." Said Bilbo.
"Not at all." I replied before I gave him a boost up on to the saddle.
"Thank you, miss." He said.
"No problem." I said smiling at him before I walked over to my horse, Shaidra.
I mounted Shaidra with ease and immediately dug my heels into Shaidra's side making him go forward. Kili and Fili rode up either side of me as we followed Gandalf and Thorin who were leading the way.
"So... you two looked cosy last night." Said Fili suddenly who winked at Kili and I.
"What?" I asked slightly surprised that he saw us in that position last night.
"I woke up at some point in the night and saw you two looking very cosy as you snuggled." Said Fili.
"We weren't snuggling we were... we were..." I said trailing off. I couldn't think of the right word to describe what it was because well we were technically snuggling but I wasn't going to admit that to Fili.
Fili just started laughing at my loss for words. "Oh just shut up!" I said blushing.
"So is there something going on that your not telling me?" Asked Fili.
"No brother and even if there was I wouldn't tell you." Replied Kili.
"Are you sure there's nothing going on?" Asked Fili smirking at Kili and I.
"I'm positive that there's nothing going on." I said.
"For now." Said Fili grinning.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Kili, who was glaring at his brother.
"Oh you'll realise it at some point." Said Fili.
"Realise what?" I asked.
"Oh nothing." Said Fili who was smirking at us. Ooh he's a twat!
Suddenly there was a clap of thunder that sounded from above us which caused me to groan. Not more rain! I hate the rain after yesterday and my cloak only just dried last night!
"You've got to be kidding me?" I said as I looked up at the rain clouds.
"I know, I'm really starting to dislike the weather." Said Kili.
"Same here." Said Fili.
I quickly pulled the hood of my cloak up to cover my head and wrapped the cloak tighter around myself as it started to rain, quite heavily I might add. We carried on travelling for another few hours and the rain was still pouring. We were all absolutely soaked and to be honest my cloak wasn't much use to me anymore as the rain was seeping through it and was soaking through my clothes.
"Mr Gandalf, can't you do something about this down pour?" Dori asked Gandalf.
"No master dwarf, it is raining and it will continue to rain until the rain has stopped." Replied Gandalf. "If you wish to change the course of the weather, you should find yourself another wizard."
"Are there any?" Asked Bilbo.
"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. Then there are the two blues, you know I've quite forgotten their names. And the last is Radagast the Brown." Replied Gandalf. Oh I knew Radagast! He healed me after I got stabbed in my leg by an orc when I was travelling. He's such a nice fellow... a bit weird but nice.
"Is he a great wizard... or is he more like you?" Asked Bilbo. Ha ha! Bilbo made a joke! I chuckled at Gandalf's face.
"I'd say that he is a very great wizard, in his own way. He prefers the company of animals to people." Said Gandalf. "He lives to the East watching over the land."
"I knew Radagast." I said which caused Gandalf to turn and look at me.
"Really?" He asked seeming interested.
"Yes. I was travelling when I was attacked by a small group of orcs. I killed them all but one managed to stab me in my leg. I couldn't walk and I was losing a lot of blood when he found me. He helped me. He saved my life in fact. I've seen him a few times since that day during my travels but I haven't seen him for a while now." I replied.
"Very good." Said Gandalf smiling at me.
It finally stopped raining and Thorin led us to a small clearing where, what looked like, a burnt down shack was.
"We will camp here for the night." Announced Thorin as he dismounted his pony. "Fili! Kili! Look after the ponies, make sure you stay with them! Oin! Gloin! Get a fire going!"
I dismounted Shaidra and removed my bag from his saddle slinging it over my soaked shoulder. Kili walked over to me and smiled. Bless him he was soaked! Well we all were but still.
"Here, let me take Shaidra?" He said.
"Thank you, Kili." I said as I handed Shaidra's reins to Kili.
"Your welcome, Cassy." He said.
Everyone suddenly turned their attention towards Gandalf who was storming away from Thorin.
"Gandalf, what's wrong? Where are you going?" Asked Bilbo.
"To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense, Master Baggins!" Said Gandalf.
"And who's that?" Asked Bilbo.
"Myself!" Replied Gandalf. "I've had enough of dwarfs for one day!" Wow someone needs a time out! We watched silently as Gandalf just stormed out of sight.
"Is he coming back?" Asked Bilbo.
We all just shrugged before Thorin shouted for Bombur to start cooking the dinner. Kili and Fili took the ponies away from the camp and into a secluded area in the woods. Fili and Kili stayed with the ponies (they fed, watered and unsaddled them) whilst they rest of us sat around the fire and waited for Bombur to hand us our food.
"He's been gone a long time." Said Bilbo who was still looking out for Gandalf to return.
"He's a wizard. He comes and goes as he chooses." Replied Bofur.
"I suppose your right." Sighed Bilbo.
"Here, take these to the lads." Said Bofur as he handed two bowls of soup to Bilbo to take to Fili and Kili who were still with the ponies. Bilbo nodded before leaving to take the food to Fili and Kili. I looked up when Bofur smacked Bombur's hand away from the pot of leftover soup and said, "You've had enough!" I resisted the urge to laugh at Bombur's disappointed look.
Once I finished eating I removed my cloak due to the fire warming me up now and I stuffed my cloak into my bag. We all looked up when Fili and Kili came running into the clearing.
"Trolls! They've taken some of the ponies!" Shouted Kili. I had jumped to my feet as soon as he said 'trolls'.
"Bilbo's gone to try and get the ponies!" Said Fili. What?! Was Bilbo insane?!
"Grab your weapons and follow me! NOW!" Yelled Thorin who grabbed his sword before running in the direction of where the ponies were kept. Kili had already ran ahead.
I jumped to my feet and sprinted after him with Fili beside me, whilst the others followed behind. In the distance I could hear the distinct sound of Kili's voice shout, "Drop him!" Oh no that probably meant that Bilbo was in trouble! I pushed my legs to go faster and managed to catch up with Thorin who looked surprised that I could run so fast. Ha that'll show the guys that I can run far better than them! I quickly jumped over an uprooted tree easily. I could feel the adrenaline start to kick in when I caught sight of a small clearing. I could see the distinct outline of three trolls and I could also just see Kili who was stood in front of them with his sword out. Suddenly Kili was thrown to the floor when one of the trolls threw something at him... wait! Did they just throw Bilbo at Kili?! They did! The foul smelling bastards!
The other dwarfs and I burst through into the clearing yelling battle cries as we ran past Kili who was helping Bilbo up. I unsheathed my sword and sliced the first trolls leg causing him to yell out in pain. I easily ducked the trolls arm that came swinging towards me before I stabbed his foot. I sliced his other leg before I dived out of the way of his arm. I did a forward roll under the trolls legs and sliced the back of the trolls leg. I stabbed his leg again before I did a quick cartwheel to dodge his swing at me and then I stabbed his foot again. I turned my head to see Bilbo cutting the rope fence that held the stolen ponies.
"No Bilbo! They'll bolt!" I yelled but it was too late the ponies had bolted. Terrific. I turned back to the fighting and sliced one of the trolls hands as he tried to grab me.
"Drop your arms! Or we'll whip his off!" Shouted one of the trolls. Two of the trolls were holding Bilbo in mid-air poised to rip Bilbo's arms and legs off. The bloody evil scumbags! Thorin grabbed me and pulled me back to where the others were stood. Thorin dropped his sword to the ground and motioned to the rest of us to do the same. I dropped my sword next to Thorin's before I removed my bow and quiver and put them on the floor too. Everyone else also dropped their weapons, Kili threw his to the ground with so much force it was a miracle it didn't break.
"Put them in the sacks!" Ordered one of the trolls. Before I could say anything one of the trolls grabbed me and lifted me into the air.
"Oi! Let her go!" Yelled Kili. Was he standing up for me? Aww!
"Ooh this one's pretty." Said one of the trolls.
"Yuck!" Was all I could say before the troll that was holding me put me into one of the sacks (I did struggle quite a lot though).
One by one we were all lifted and stuffed into a sack with only our head and shoulders sticking out. Thorin, Fili, Kili, Balin, Oin, Bombur, Bilbo and myself were piled up in our sacks in a corner whilst the others were all tied to a spit and were roasting over a fire. I was laying in between Kili and Oin whilst Fili was laid across Kili and I's legs, which was very uncomfortable. I was laid on my side (which really hurt my shoulder) facing Kili who was wriggling around trying to get free but was failing, he sighed as he gave up struggling and just decided to lay still. I gave him a reassuring smile, well the best I could do whilst we were all in this predicament.
I listened to the trolls who were now discussing how they were going to eat us. One of them wanted to squish us into jelly whilst one of the others wanted to make a dwarf stew! I really hate trolls!
"Wait!" Said Bilbo who was stood up and was hopping towards the trolls. How in Durin's name was he able to even stand up?! And what was he doing?! "You're making a huge mistake!"
"You can't reason with them! They're halfwits!" Yelled Nori from his place tied up on the spit.
"What does that make us?!" Argued Bofur.
"I meant with the seasoning!" Replied Bilbo. Seriously what was he doing?!
"What about the seasoning?" Asked one of the trolls.
"Have you smelt them? Your going to need something a lot stronger than sage before you plate this lot up." Said Bilbo. Wait?! What was he implying?! Was he saying that we smell?!
"And what would you know about cooking dwarf?" Asked one of the trolls.
"Shh! Let the burglar-hobbit talk." Said the other troll.
"Um yes, well the secret to cooking dwarf... is to, um... to uh, skin them first!" Said Bilbo. Seriously?! Skin us?! Couldn't he think of anything else maybe something less painful?! The dwarfs started yelling at him and protesting. But can you blame them?
"What a load of rubbish!" Said the third troll. "I've had plenty with their skins on!"
"Yeah! There's nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf! Nice and crunchy!" Said the other troll as to all our horror he grabbed Bombur by the ankles and held him above his mouth ready to eat him! Oh crap!
"No! Not that one! He's infected! He's got worms... in his... tubes!" Shouted Bilbo. The troll that was holding Bombur looked disgusted and immediately dropped him. Unfortunately the troll happened to drop Bombur on Kili and I. Kili and I both yelled out in pain when Bombur landed on our stomachs.
"Are you alright?" Kili asked me gasping.
"Yeah, I think so. Are you okay?" I replied as I tried to shift under Bombur's weight.
"Yeah." He said.
"Good." I said before I listened to what Bilbo was about to say.
"In fact they all have! They're infected with parasites! It's a nasty business! I wouldn't risk it, I really wouldn't!" Said Bilbo. The dwarfs started yelling at Bilbo and arguing that they don't have parasites.
"I don't have parasites! You have parasites!" Yelled Kili. I laughed to myself at how childish Kili sounded. I could see Bilbo rolling his eyes and that's when I realised what he was doing. He was playing for time! I saw Thorin kick Kili in the shoulder to get him to be quiet and I could see that Kili had also managed to catch on to what Thorin and I had realised what Bilbo was doing.
"I've got parasites as big as my arm!" Shouted Oin.
"I've got the biggest parasites! I've got huge parasites!" Yelled Kili.
"What would you have us do then?" Asked one of the tolls. "Let them all go?"
"Well..." Said Bilbo.
"I know what your trying to do!" Yelled the troll. "This little ferret -"
"Ferret?!" Interrupted Bilbo who seemed outraged.
"- is playing us for fools!" Said the troll totally ignoring Bilbo's outburst.
"The dawn will take you all!" Yelled Gandalf who was standing on top of a large rock. It's about bloody time!
"Who's that?" Said one of the trolls.
"Can we eat him too?" Asked another troll.
Gandalf raised his staff and smashed it against the rock causing the rock to break in half. The beams of sunlight flooded into the clearing which caused the three trolls to turn to stone. How could I forget that sunlight turns trolls to stone?! I made a mental note to remember that fact.
Gandalf untied Bilbo, Thorin and Oin before moving over to help the others off of the spit. Thorin, Bilbo and Oin helped the rest of us out of the sacks before going to assist Gandalf with the others. Once Kili was out of his sack he untied me before helping me out.
"Thank you, Kili." I said.
"You're very welcome." He replied smiling at me.
Once everyone was out of the sacks and safely off of the spit we quickly gathered our weapons from the pile that we had put them in and Thorin had also sent a few dwarfs back to the camp to collect our bags. The ponies had bolted and that meant Shaidra had bolted as well. I could just whistle and he would find me but I thought I should let him roam for a bit considering there would be no use in having just one horse.
The small group of dwarfs that had been sent to fetch our bags returned moments later with them. Ori came up to me and handed me my bag which I slung over my shoulder before following the others who were now searching for a troll cave that Thorin thought would be nearby.
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