Chapter 17. Spiders.
Okay! Here's the next chapter! :)
*Cassy's POV*
The next day we started walking quite early. We were all tired, hungry and not to mention miserable but we knew we had to keep moving if we had any hope of reaching the end of this god-forsaken forest.
No one spoke whilst we walked, not even Fili or Kili joked around like normal. To be honest I could've sworn Kili had started acting rather strange after last nights conversation, I wasn't sure what made him start to act strange, I just decided that it was because of this forest.
"What was that?" Balin said coming to a sudden stop as he squinted and looked into the forests tree line. "I could've sworn I had seen a light..."
We all turned and peered in the direction that Balin was pointing to but all I could see was the usual darkness. But then, we noticed a few small lights, flickering in the darkness as if someone had lit torches in the depths of the forest.
"Yeah, I see it too." Said Ori.
"We should go and investigate. We might be able to get help from whoever it is." Said Gloin as he stepped closer to the edge of the forest.
"I agree. Someone should go and make sure it is safe." Said Thorin, his eyes landing on Bilbo who's eyes grew wide at the thought of going into the darkness alone.
"You can't be serious?" I said looking at Thorin.
"What?" He said.
"You can't send him out there on his own. Besides you heard what Beorn and Gandalf told us, we can't stray from the path!" I argued.
"We have no food nor drink, so unless you want us all to starve I strongly suggest that we get help from whoever those lights belong to." Said Thorin.
"Fine. But I'm going with Bilbo. You have no idea what creatures could be waiting in that darkness and I don't intend to let Bilbo face them alone." I said as I stood defensively beside Bilbo.
"If Cas is going then so am I." Said Caspian as he walked to stand beside me.
"I'm going too." Said Kili.
"And me." Said Fili.
"Oh for Durin's sake!" Growled Thorin, obviously not happy with the change of events. "We all go."
Everyone else reluctantly agreed and we all followed Thorin and Dwalin as they led us away from the path and into the forest.
I remained where I was, staring into the darkness of the forest. I felt someone gently entwined their fingers with mine, and I didn't need to look up to know that it was Kili. "I'm not sure about this." I mumbled.
"As long as we all remain together then we should be fine." He said as he squeezed my hand reassuringly.
"But Gandalf and Beorn warned us not to leave the path." I said.
"This might be the only chance for us to get some help. I promise nothing will happen to you, not whilst I'm here." Said Kili. I turned my gaze from the darkness and looked at him, I gave him a gentle smile and allowed him to pull me away from the path and we followed after the others.
We walked close together and the closer we got to the lights the more we began to hear faint noises that sounded almost like laughter and singing. I frowned and Thorin motioned for us all to be silent. Kili pulled me over to a nearby tree and we peeked around it and to our surprise there was a large group of people, who looked as though they were enjoying some kind of feast.
"Elves." Muttered Kili from beside me. I hadn't actually noticed how close Kili and I were stood together. I quickly concentrated and realised that what he said was right. The people were indeed elf-looking.
A moment later, Thorin motioned for us to follow him and we all stepped out into the clearing but as soon as the elves saw us all the lights went out, as if by magic. We were all stood in pitch black darkness. I couldn't even make out any figures. We all began calling out to each other and reaching out and grabbing each other to make sure we hadn't lost anybody. Kili was still gripping my hand tightly and as soon as I had found my brother I grabbed his hand with my spare one to make sure I didn't lose him or Kili.
Once we made sure everyone was present we began to panic again.
"It is too dark to see which direction the path is in." Said Dori.
"There is no way we'll find it in this darkness." Muttered Thorin.
"I told you we shouldn't have strayed from the path." I said sending Thorin a look through the darkness as if to say 'I told you so'.
"We'll just have to sit tight until morning, hopefully there will be a little bit of light so we can find the path." Said Balin.
"Or we could send one person to investigate the lights instead." Said Fili as he pointed further into the forest where the lights had been lit again.
"Mr Baggins. You will investigate this time. A Hobbit may seem less of a threat." Ordered Thorin. I was about to protest when I felt Kili squeeze my hand before he shook his head telling me to leave it. I reluctantly nodded and watched as Bilbo disappeared into the darkness on his own.
After a minute the lights were extinguished and I could hear Bilbo shout out to us. I guess even a hobbit is seen as a threat around here. Bilbo's cries became more intense and due to the darkness none of us could see him. His shouts became fainter, obviously he was walking further away from us and didn't realise it.
"Bilbo!" I shouted into the darkness. But to our horror, my shout was only followed by silence.
The next thing I registered was a low rustling sound from behind me before I felt a horrible sharp pain in my lower back, it was like something had bitten me. I let out a loud pain filled gasp before I fell on to the floor.
"Cassy!" Yelled Kili and Caspian. Both of whom sounded panicked. Everything else happened too fast.
Huge, monstrous spiders scurried towards our group. Loads of them. They began to attack the others as the dwarfs and Caspian began fighting them off. I shakily grabbed my sword and will every bit of strength I could muster I climbed to my feet and stabbed the spider that had snuck up behind me and had bitten me. Another spider curried towards me, these things were seriously huge! I sliced one of its legs off before stabbing it between the eyes.
I involuntarily winced as the pain in my back began to spread, the spider must've injected me with its venom to knock me out. My vision became blurry and I suddenly fell to the floor. I could just make out the distinct shape of a spider approaching me, I let out a pained cry when another intense pain shoot up my back.
*Kili's POV*
I quickly killed the spider that was attacking Nori before I began to look around for Cassy. The last time I had seen her was when the first spider attacked her, I didn't even see her fall, I just felt her hand slip away from mine.
Suddenly there was a familiar, feminine, pained outcry from further away... it was Cassy. I stumbled towards where her voice had come from and saw the dark silhouette of a tremendous spider standing over her. She was desperately trying to fight it off by kicking it back, she looked like she was on the brink of passing out. I raised my sword, I wouldn't let this spider hurt Cassy, at least not as long as I was still breathing, so I sank my blade into the spider's flank with a furious cry. The spider screeched violently and stumbled away from Cassy's body before it fell to the ground, dying in a mass of twitching legs.
I sheathed my sword and fell to my knees beside Cassy. I held her face in my hands, my fingers grazing her cold cheeks, I forced her to look at me and shook her to keep her awake.
"Kili..." She breathed hoarsely, her strength obviously quickly fading.
"It'll be all right." I said, not quite believing it myself but I had to remain strong.
I knew that we weren't going to be able to fight these spiders so I tried to come up with a plan whilst the other were still fighting the spiders.
"Help the others." She mumbled weakly, her eyelids drooping slightly.
"Don't worry, I will. But I'm going to make sure you're safe first." I said before I carefully picked her up bridal-style, hugging her close to my chest as I quickly walked away from the fight.
I gently hid her behind a tree, being careful as I rested her head against the trunk of the tree.
"You'll be safe here. I'll come back and get you." I said as I held her face in my hands, I gently rubbed my thumb across her jaw. I really didn't want to leave her here alone, she was so vulnerable in this state but I knew I had to go and help the others.
"Kili..." She muttered grabbing hold of my arm causing me to look at her. "B-be careful."
I smiled at her and quickly kissed her cheek before I ran back in the direction of the others. By the time I reached the others most of them were unconscious, apart from Dwalin, Caspian, Fili and of course, my uncle.
I fought alongside my brother but more spiders came. We were outnumbered. Every spider we killed, another would appear. I cried out in pain when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I felt myself become dizzy and after a moment I collapsed to the floor along with Fili. The last thing that I thought of was that I hope Cassy would be safe and then everything suddenly went black.
*Cassy's POV*
I watched helplessly as Kili ran back to the clearing. I couldn't help but feel a huge amount of dread and I knew something was going to go wrong. Why did I have to get hurt straight away? My twin brother, Kili, Fili and my friends were all-out their fighting off the spiders and probably failing, Bilbo was lost in the darkness of this forest and could be fighting Durin-knows what creatures, and all I was doing was hiding. I felt useless.
I gripped my bow tightly and growled in frustration. My vision became clouded with white dots and after a moment I fell unconscious, not knowing what would await me when I awoke.
I hope you liked it! Please comment, vote and follow! I'm sorry this chapter was a little shorter than normal.
By the way if anyone reading this is a fan of twilight could you please check out my best friend's twilight story! It would mean a lot!
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