Chapter 16. Late Night Talks.
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*Cassy's POV*
I continued to hum one of my old lullabies for a while. I smiled when Kili turned over in his sleep and rested his head on my lap. I gently stroked my hand over his forehead and ran my fingers through the stray whisps of his hair when I suddenly heard a low groan from my right. I turned to search for the source of the noise and saw Caspian stir in his sleep.
"Cassy?" He asked quietly when he opened his eyes and saw me.
"Hi Caz." I smiled at him.
"You're awake?" He said sitting up before hugging me.
"It's good to see you too." I said as I hugged him back tightly.
"How long have you been awake?" He asked.
"Just over ten minutes." I said. "I made Kili go to sleep so I could take watch."
"Why did you make him go to sleep instead?" Caspian asked.
"I've been asleep for basically a week. I thought I'd let him get some rest for once." I said as I continued to run my fingers through Kili's hair.
"Mmm." Caspian said with a weird look on his face.
"What is it?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Nothing." He said.
"You're my twin brother, I know when you want to say something. So what is it?" I said.
"What's actually going on with you and Kili? I know you really like him, and Fili said that the two of you kissed but nothing has really happened since then. It's just I've never seen you act this way with anyone before." He said. I was slightly surprised at that, I haven't really thought about it myself to be honest. I looked down at Kili and I couldn't help but smile at his sleeping form.
I sighed knowing my brother was right. I did like him, a lot more than I had thought. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't decided to join this quest. I looked back over to my brother and I knew that I didn't have to say anything, it was probably written all over my face.
Caspian just grinned at me. "I thought as much. Just... don't let him hurt you." Caspian said as he squeezed my shoulder.
"He couldn't even if he wanted to." I said.
"You know what I mean. But just between you and me, you two would make a great couple." He said winking at me. "Do you want me to stay awake with you?"
"No I'm okay. You need your sleep anyway." I replied.
"If you insist. Goodnight sister." He said. "Wake me if you need anything."
I nodded and Caspian laid down again before going to sleep. I smiled at my brother and then looked back to Kili. I stopped running my hand through his hair and instead gently rested it on his chest, but what surprised me was when Kili lifted his own hand and subconsciously rested his and on top of mine, effectively stopping me from moving my hand.
The rest of the night I sat and watched the numerous yellow eyes staring back at the camp whilst my mind kept wandering back to what my brother had said.
Before I knew it I heard a deep voice from across the camp. "So you finally woke up?" Asked Thorin as he sat up.
"Yes I did." I said.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm fine, haven't slept that well in ages." I said which caused the dwarf king to smile faintly. "How much longer do you think it will take to get through this forest?"
"According to Mr Baggins, the end of the forest is nowhere in sight. It could take us weeks and our rations have basically ran out." He said.
"Terrific." I mumbled sarcastically.
"Come on. We must get moving. Help me wake the others." He said.
"Sure." I replied as he stood up and woke Dwalin.
I looked over to Kili who was still clutching my hand over his chest. Smiling to myself I gently shook Kili by the shoulder.
"Five more minutes." He mumbled, his eyes still closed.
"Kili, wake up." I said smiling wider.
His eyes flickered open and when he saw me he grinned. "Morning." He said.
"Morning, sleepy head." I said squeezing his hand. "Time to get going."
He groaned but sat up anyway before nudging Fili awake. I turned to Caspian and grinned wickedly. It was time for me to get payback for him waking me up roughly before. I stood up and kicked his leg, causing him to sit up quickly and once he saw me standing above him he just glared at me.
"What was that for?!" He asked as he rubbed his leg.
"I was just waking you up. Did I hurt you?" I said innocently before I began to pack away my belongings.
"You kicked me. Of course it hurt." He said.
"Oh stop being a whimp!" I said as I strapped my bow and quiver on to my back, and my sword on to my belt before I picked up my bag.
Once everyone was ready, Thorin began to lead us down the path again. I walked beside Caspian and I told him all about my dreams.
*Kili's POV*
I walked beside Fili at the back of the group. I knew Fili was talking to me but at some point my mind just drifted off and my gaze kept wandering over to where Cassy was walking further in front with Caspian.
"Ouch!" I said as I rubbed my stomach where Fili had elbowed me roughly. "What was that for?"
"You weren't even listening were you?" He asked before he looked to where I had been looking for the past five minutes before returning his gaze to me, smirking.
"Listening to what?" I said, knowing that I had been caught staring at Cassy.
"You were too busy daydreaming again weren't you?" He said.
"Daydreaming?" I said.
"You were being so obvious brother. When are you going to finally admit your feelings for her?" He asked.
"I... uh... well..." He caught me off guard with that question. I knew that I had feelings for Cassy, but did she know that? Did I need to tell her? And what were my feelings exactly?
"You don't have to say anything. I know you like her, a lot more than you think. When you figure it out, you can tell her." He said before he gave me a knowing look. I just rolled my eyes and continued to follow the others.
We walked for what felt like ages but was in fact only six hours, with the occasional break now and again. Eventually we came to stop for the night. We sat on the ground and instead of going to sleep we decided to talk for a while.
Gloin and Bombur began talking about their family whilst the rest of us listened faintly.
"Even though everyone said she had terrible table manners, I never cared." Said Bombur who had been talking about his wife.
"A woman should have good table manners, how could you not care?" Asked Bilbo.
"You don't care about that stuff when you meet your One." Gloin said and Bilbo looked up at him with a confused look.
"Your One?" Cassy asked.
"Aye, lass." Said Balin. "Dwarven women are rather scarce. And marriage among our kin is therefore not as common as it is for the race of Men, for example. Many of us never get married, either because we don't find a woman or because we are already married to our craft."
"And what is 'the One', then?" She asked.
"A dwarf can find his One, although it's quite uncommon, since we don't have as many women. Your One is the one you were made for, your soul mate." Explained Bofur.
"Your soul mate?" Bilbo asked, obviously intrigued. "And what happens when you find them?"
"You fall in love with them." Said Fili from beside me.
"Yes, but how do you know it's the One?" Bilbo asked.
"Well... I wouldn't know. Ask Gloin or Bombur." Said Fili.
We all looked towards Gloin who scratched his head and coughed awkwardly, obviously not liking the sudden attention on him.
"Well, I - " He cleared his throat, obviously not sure what to say. "Well, you just know, I suppose."
"How did you know exactly?" Asked Cassy.
"Your body tells you. You look at your other half and your body reacts to it. The heart thumps hardly and the mere sight of your One fills you with warmth. And you... I don't know, you just know." Said Gloin who looked uncomfortable with everyone staring at him.
I averted my gaze to my lap, a deep frown working its way up on to my face. That was exactly what my body was doing to me lately whenever I was around or looking at Cassy. I could practically feel Fili's gaze burning a hole in the side of my head.
"So it's love at first sight, then?" Bilbo asked and that caused me to look back up. The first time I saw Cassy I was entranced and couldn't take my eyes off of her. Did that mean what I thought it meant?
"Most of the time, yes. But sometimes it takes people longer to realise it." Explained Balin.
Every hint of a smile that had been on my face suddenly vanished and had given way to a shocked expression that was directed at my lap. I didn't even dare to look up knowing that my brother was probably still staring at me.
I remembered back to the day at Bilbo's house where I first met Cassy. As soon as she had walked into view I couldn't help but stare at her; her hair was as black as the night sky with a tinge of blue, her skin looked as though it had been kissed by the sun and looked so smooth, and her eyes... a deep purple colour that I couldn't help but stare into. No one could deny that she is by far the most beautiful woman in Middle Earth... Well she is to me anyway.
I remembered seeing her bow strapped to her back and if it was possible I began to like her even more. But when she had caught me staring at her during the meeting I felt like my heart was going to explode. And when the eagles had saved us and we were on top of the Carrock, kissing Cassy was by far the best decision I had made. When we kissed it was like sparks were shooting through my body and it took all my will-power to pull away. And even when she kisses me on the cheek, it makes my heart want to jump out of my chest.
I sighed to myself, finally realising what Fili and numerous others probably already knew. Cassandra Mandaria is my One.
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