Chapter 1. The Quest Begins.
Hi there wonderful reader/writers of Wattpad! All rights of The Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit belong to J.R.R. Tolkien (Who is an amazing writer! <3). Warning note: Some spoilers for those who haven't seen or read the Hobbit! Please comment, vote and fan/follow! I fan/follow back! :D ;)
I was woken up the next morning by Nori shaking me awake. I immediately opened my eyes before sitting up on the sofa and stretching.
"It's time to get up, Miss." Said Nori.
"Okay, Nori." I said. I looked towards the window and saw that the sun hasn't even begun to rise yet. Wow, these guys are really early risers, they must be keen.
I reached into my bag and pulled out my hair brush before brushing my hair and allowing it to fall down my back in its natural curls. After I put my brush away I strapped my sword and my large dagger back on to my belt, I then strapped my bow and my quiver of arrows to my back before finally putting my cloak back on. Bombur walked towards me carrying a plate that had some bacon, sausage and tomato on it. He handed me the plate saying that once we had all finished eating we were going to be leaving. I nodded and thanked him for the food before I picked up the fork and began to eat it.
After a few minutes we had all finished our breakfast and Thorin immediately told us that we should be leaving now.
"So Bilbo isn't coming with us then?" Asked Gloin.
"No master dwarf, Mr Baggins is not." Said Gandalf.
"That's a shame, I was beginning to like that Hobbit." I said as I walked into the hallway with Oin. I haven't really met many Hobbits before but Bilbo seemed really different... I really thought that he'd make a good addition to the company.
"Although I do have a feeling that he may have a change of heart. That's why I have instructed Balin to leave his contract here in case Bilbo changes his mind." Said Gandalf.
"I bet he won't turn up, this quest is not for him." Said Dwalin.
"You want to put your money where your mouth is?" I asked grinning, I know dwarfs love a good bet. "I bet 50 gold coins that Bilbo will turn up."
Dwalin raised his eyebrows, "Very well then, Missy. It's a bet!"
"Excellent." I said as I shook his hand.
"We want to be in on the bet! We both bet that Bilbo will turn up." Said Fili and Kili.
Gandalf, Kili, Fili, Bofur, Ori, Bombur and I all bet that Bilbo would turn up whilst Dwalin, Oin, Nori, Dori, Gloin and Bifur bet that he wouldn't turn up. Thorin and Balin were the only ones that didn't bet at all.
I picked up my bag and left the room with the others. I walked outside and immediately walked over to my black stallion, Shaidra, who I stroked before strapping my bag to his saddle.
"Wow! Your horse is amazing. I've always wanted a stallion." Said Kili who had walked up behind me.
"Yeah he's been my horse for a long time." I said smiling at him as he stroked Shaidra's nose.
"I think he likes you." I said which made Kili grin at me. Argh! He's too beautiful!!
"Lets go!" Said Thorin who was sat on top of his pony.
Kili smiled at me before walking over to his pony that was next to Fili. I took Shaidra's reins before mounting him with ease. We rode in a straight line with Gandalf leading the way followed by Thorin with the rest of us following behind.
All the dwarfs began to sing songs as we rode further out of Hobbiton, some were cheery whilst others were much slower, but all of the songs had one thing in common they were all about the 'Good old days' before Smaug took over the Lonely Mountain.
My father used to tell me stories about his childhood in the city of Dale, which was located just outside of the Lonely Mountain, he also told me of the day the dragon Smaug arrived and destroyed the city and took over the Mountain. My father and some of those who managed to escape fled to the Iron Hills whilst others fled further away from the Mountain.
Once the dwarfs finished their last song they all broke out into laughter for some unknown reason, and it caused me to also laugh. God, their laugh is slightly infectious.
I only just managed to stop laughing when Kili rode up to travel beside me.
"Hey there." He said grinning at me.
"Hi, Kili." I said.
"So Cassandra... or can I call you Cassy?" He asked.
"You can call me Cassy." I replied smiling at him.
"Okay, Cassy. Seeing as though you are 'The Archer Queen', how would you feel about having a little target practice with me." He asked.
"What? Like a little competition?" I asked.
"Yeah." He replied.
"I'd love to." I said. "But be prepared to be beaten by a girl."
"Yeah well, I'm quite the shot myself so you never know." He said grinning at me.
"Well, I look forward to it." I replied.
Throughout the whole time that Kili and I were talking I had been using my Elf hearing to hear some of Fili, Bofur, Bombur and Ori's conversation.
"How long do you think it'll take them?" Asked Bofur.
"I don't know. They seem to get along very well and they have a lot in common." Said Bombur.
"Yeah and when she first arrived you should've seen Kili's face. I've never seen him look at anyone like that before." Said Fili.
"I'd give it a few days." Said Ori.
"No, my brother is pretty timid, it'll take them a week." Said Fili.
"No I think it'll take them a few days." Said Bofur.
"No two weeks." Replied Bombur.
Were they discussing when Kili and I would get together?! Jeez! Dwarfs can't keep their noses out of anything that doesn't concern them! And who said anything about me and Kili getting together?!
Before anything else could happen we all stopped and turned our heads when someone came running towards us... It was Bilbo!! Yay! I won the bet along with Gandalf, Fili, Kili, Bofur, Oin and Bombur. How in god's name did that little guy manage to run all that way without stopping?! Bilbo, who looked exhausted, came to a stop in front of Balin's horse, panting.
"I signed it!" He said as he handed his now signed contract to Balin who inspected it before declaring that everything is in order.
"Welcome to the company, Mr Baggins." Said Balin.
"Get him a pony." Ordered Thorin.
Bilbo started to protest about riding a pony and said that he could keep up even whilst walking. But before he could say anymore, Kili and Fili went up to him, grabbed one of his arms each and hauled him up on to the spare pony, ignoring Bilbo's protests. I tried not to laugh at the pure shock on poor Bilbo's face as he sat on top of the brown pony. Bless him he looked so uncomfortable.
Gandalf, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Ori, Bofur and I all had a bag of 50 gold coins thrown at us from those who lost the bet. I smiled in triumph at Dwalin who threw his bag of coins to me.
"Thank you, Dwalin." I said.
"You earned it, lassie." He said but I could see that he was a little annoyed. I mean why wouldn't he? He has just lost some of his gold and everyone knows that all dwarfs hate losing even a little bit of their gold.
I immediately put the bag of gold coins in my bag that was fastened to my saddle for safe keeping.
"Oh no! Stop! We have to turn back! I've forgotten my handkerchief!" Said Bilbo.
"Here you go, Bilbo." I said as I handed him a clean handkerchief from my bag.
"Thank you, Cassandra." He said as he took the handkerchief from me gratefully.
I looked up at the sky when I heard the unmistakable sound of thunder and groaned. I hate the rain! It's so cold and... wet! I swiftly pulled my hood up to cover my head to prevent myself from getting too wet. I did have another cloak in my bag but I didn't want to get both of them wet so I decided to just use the one I had on.
We carried on riding for around two hours when it had finally stopped raining. I was absolutely soaked! My cloak was clinging to my usually dry skin, which was a very uncomfortable feeling and the cold feeling that I had was making me shiver uncontrollably.
It was starting to get dark now and Thorin announced that we were to make camp for the night. I dismounted Shaidra and tied him to a tree beside Gloin's pony, before removing my bag from his saddle and slinging it over my shoulder. We had found a dry clearing at the base of some large boulders where it was fairly dry so we decided to camp here for the night. I placed my bag down near a large rock before removing my soaked cloak and placing it on a boulder to dry.
"Bofur and Gloin get a fire going." Said Thorin. "Bombur make a start on the supper."
Bofur and Gloin walked off to collect fire wood whilst the others began to unsaddle the horses. I walked over to Bombur who was getting some herbs out from one of his bags.
"Do you want me to go and hunt anything?" I asked.
"That would be great. Thank you, Cassy." Said Bombur.
"No problem." I replied before walking off deeper into the trees to see what I could find.
I drew my bow and notched an arrow as I snuck deeper into the woods avoiding making any noise. My attention was caught by a rabbit that had just jumped from a bush. I pulled back my bow string and released it with ease sending the arrow straight at the rabbit. The rabbit was dead immediately due to my arrow piercing its eye. I managed to shoot another two rabbits, all of which I shot in the eye, before I decided to go back to the camp.
I walked out of the trees towards the camp and saw that Bofur and Gloin had gotten a fire going. Once I walked out of the trees I walked straight over to Bombur and handed him the three dead rabbits.
"Here you go, Bombur." I said as he took them from me.
"Thank you, Cassy." He said before he immediately went to prepare them to be cooked.
I walked over to the boulder where I had left my bag and cloak before I sat down there. I removed my sword and dagger before I unstrapped my bow and quiver of arrows, and laid them down next to me.
After around twenty minutes Bombur had finished cooking the rabbit and served it all up. I thanked Nori who passed me my plate before I began to tuck in straight away. Yum! I didn't realise how hungry I was until I actually had the cooked rabbit in front of me.
Once I had finished eating I took my plate over to Bombur who was cleaning the plates before I walked back over to my seat that was next Kili and Fili. As soon as I sat down there was a faint roar in the distance... that sounded a lot like wargs... which meant that orcs would be there as well.
"Wh- what was that?" Asked Bilbo as he walked nearer to Fili, Kili and I.
"Orcs." Said Kili.
"They'll be plenty of them out there. The low lands are full of them." Said Fili.
"They come in the night. Quick and quiet, no screams, just lots of blood." Said Kili.
Poor Bilbo, he looked like he was scared shitless. I turned my attention back to Fili and Kili who were chuckling at Bilbo's expression. I rolled my eyes at them... they're so immature.
"You think a night raid by orcs is funny?" Said Thorin angrily as he stood up.
"I didn't mean anything by it." Replied Kili.
"No you didn't! Your a child! You know nothing of the world!" Said Thorin before he stormed off towards the far side of the camp leaving Fili and Kili looking like a wounded puppy. I held back the urge to go and give them a hug.
"Don't take it personally, laddies." Said Balin. "Thorin has more reason to hate orcs than others." Balin then launched into a story about the pale orc, Azog, and the battle that took place at Moria.
"We should rest if we're going to be leaving here first thing in the morning." Said Thorin. "I will take first watch."
We all nodded before we settled down for the night. I grabbed my bag and placed it on the ground using it as a makeshift pillow whilst I used my now dry cloak as a blanket. I got comfy as Kili laid down next to me with Fili on his other side.
"Good night, Cassy." Said Kili.
"Night, Kili." I replied before I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take over me.
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