U.S.J Under Attack part 1
Izumi's warned today's the day he'll attack the school and he's gotten a lot more to help with the attack to make her wish to come true making her to laugh as she can't wait to have a substitute teacher for the class really as this is going to be perfect for everyone really fully.
Izumi's at the school bus the next day to go to U.S.J as she's everyone to line up in a single file and to sit wherever they want to since it's an open space bus with lots of room really if you want to sit alone making many to love this as Iida's impressed with Izumi's leadership really.
'Leadership? Ha! Try building an Amusement Park from scratch! Imoto's a born Ringmistress!' Izumi giggles mentally to her onii-chan at that joke he throw at her really. They arrived and Izumi noticed her onii-chan's portal friend and she wants to fight Villains without any help really.
'Alright, imoto.' Her onii-chan granted her wish and she saw a hundred Villains as she's fully nothing against fighting them as she asked if anyone wants to tango with her first for the first round making many to like this girl really. Ashido's in trouble as she's pinned and her acid...
'It's not doing anything against this thing!' Ashido thinks as she's all alone and no one's anywhere near her to help before her Hero costume's destroyed and now she's scared even more as the thing thrusted it's tongue into her mouth and Ashido can't use her acid cause it's immune to them.
Ashido's pants over her lower half's also gone before Ashido saw something on it's back, but it came down and latches onto her bosom making her to freak as it's sucking her acid out of her nipples making Ashido to be in big trouble as the thing thrusted inside of her very fast really.
The thing on it's back even had robot hands and grabbed her ankles making her legs to be spread even more as the thing thrust inside and outside of her in a repeating pattern as Ashido screams around the tongue in her mouth as she can't make a louder noise than that one really.
Ashido's milked of all of her acids in her bosom and it's stored inside of the being before the milking starts to suck again making her to flinch as she didn't noticed needles went into her and she's producing milk as it's being stored inside of oil drums like the ones that're used on poor Rioghanch.
Ashido's stuck good and tight as the thing wasn't going to be fully stopping and Ashido's going to be in the world of pure pleasure and pain as zapping's being done to her clit making her to come very harshly and violently from all of this, but it doens't stop as it keeps trusting into her.
The thing increased it's speed onto her making Ashido to feel the pounding she's getting and she can't get away from it since it has her like it's might to do this to her for the whole day and to fully never ever let her go ever really.
'I'm in trouble as the thing won't stop!' Izumi ignores it and she kept up with her fighting as she has only eighty Villains left to fight with really. She can see that her onii-chan watching her fight them all which she won't disappoint as she went all out with a sorting Quirk shocking them all fully really.
It's making her onii-chan to smirk at the scene of his imoto whooping ass down there really. Kurogiri's confused fully to why his young master's watching this very child fighting as he can see her Quirk's the same as Easrerheads, but...
Wait a second...
Did her Quirk just...
How did she...
'How did she change her Quirk to using darkness as a bow and arrow? I'm getting even more confused than before as this doens't make any sense really. I don't even know where the young master goes.' Aizawa's fighting Villains as he gets tired and he's panting as many of them...
'It's like they are on a mission really to place me in the hospital really.' Thirteen's guarding some students that didn't get separated from them really. Izumi's having fun as her onii-chan allowed others to fight her and she's sort of combat trigger happy right now really with her fights.
He even has popcorn and a drink to watch the show as she whoops ass making poor Kurogiri to sigh as he's asked to record this from the beginning making him to be wondering why as it seems the young master's enjoying this a lot really if he's popcorn and a drink really. Kurogiri will never know the answer to it really.
Izumi's enjoying herself as she knows her onii-chan made the hole big enough for four on one only making her to get a lot of uses out of the many Quirks they share and she's trilled she got a fifth one to jump in and try to sneak attack her making her to back flip jump over them and...
This happened to the two of them really.
"That hurts!"
"Don't you all DARE!"
"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!"
"Fuck it!"
"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!"
*Squeals of happiness*
Many of the female Villains and Izumi chanted fast making them all to be happy as her onii-chan laughs at the site of it making Kurogiri to sweat drop as how did that even happen. Everyone in the building heard that and they'll trying to fully figure it out really.
'What's going on for that to happen really?' Kurogiri left the whole recording to another Villain as he needs to deal with Thirteen right now really.
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