Sport Fest Festival part 5
Izumi warned her teammates as she fully jumps kicking four team leaders off in one go and she used darkness as four extra legs to bring her back to her teammates making many to be fully shocked as Izumi's like that Doctor Octopus guy in Spiderman comics fully really.
"Are we good on headbands?" Uraraka asked after getting out of it.
"We have 5 or 6, so yes."
"Shall we take to the air before the prey turn into the predators?" Tokoyami questioned.
"Let's." Monoma agreed. His hand hitting Uraraka and Tokoyami. Izumi who's at the top got touched by Uraraka as she also quick to hit Monoma with her quirk. With a push, the team started floating in the air as they're weightless.
"It seems that Team Midoriya's started floating away! How'll anybody be able to reach them from up there really, folks? With seven minutes having passed, let's take a look at the current points! Oooh? Now wait just a moment!
Besides team Todoroki and Team Midoriya which's made of a majority of class A, the rest of class A's not looking so hot! What happened to Bakugou?" Monoma chuckled.
"Too simple really!" Bakugou's head snapped to where they floated, a good seventy or so feet above.
"You were so focused on the ten million, you didn't even notice when we took your headband. Of course... You don't seem like the type to notice the larger picture."
"Don't taunt him, Monoma. He's explosions hurt. I felt them more than once cause of shitty teachers doing nothing cause he MIGHT remember them cause they helped him into U.A. Not to mention what Mister. Zendaya Wilson did to him as well, too."
"Sorry, Midoriya, but no." Monoma said as he turns back to Bakugou.
"After all, when Midnight announced the first event, it didn't take a genius to realize they've wouldn't be thinning our numbers that much in a preliminary. It wasn't much of a stretch to imagine they'd be letting a good number of us advance to the next event.
Have the ten millions wasn't bad really, so we cut the competition down a bit really. It's the perfect chance to hang back and observe our soon to be rivals and potential teammates' quirks and tendencies. So it's only fair that we ended up placing more modestly."
"Your whole class's in on it?" Kirishima questioned.
"Well not everyone, but that wouldn't have been a bad idea... Instead of aiming for some fleeting first place, like a horse going for a dangling carrot." Monoma taunted Bakugou as he smirks making Izumi to glare at him for that one really since she warned him not to.
"Ah, but you're already a celebrity, aren't you? The victim of Mister Zendaya Wilson who's after a married woman all because she married someone else! I'll have to ask you about it sometime... How does it feel to get attacked left to right, huh Bakugou Katsuki?
No offense meant towards you, Midoriya since it's your mother who he's after really. The guy's a sick smartass male yandere really." Izumi nods as she doesn't mind since Rioghanch's fully back in heaven now and safe since the man got a worthy punishment which's on live t.v fully really.
'I'm happy our mother's safe and sound back in heaven, onii-chan.' Her onii-chan agrees with her on that one really.
"Use that anger on the other teams Bakugou, we can't get to them up there!" Kirishima said. Bakugou growled, but he and his team turned away, determined to get headbands from one of the few remaining teams which're mostly class B teams.
Monoma's condition's that they target 1-A kids first. Izumi agreed since she knew their quirks and she's better prepared to face off against them than class 1-B really. Others who lost their headbands were focusing on them, desperate to get the ten million.
"Indiscriminate shock!" Kaminari called out.
"Yaoyorozu!" Todoroki called out sharply.
"It seems that in the desperation Kaminari fried his own teammates and most of the other competitors, but team Todoroki created an insulator sheet in time to protect themselves from the shock!"
"And Todoroki's using this to his advantage to freeze the competitors in place." Hiroko added.
"Do we want to take anymore and cut more out of the competition?" Monoma questioned in the air.
"It would give those who watch something interesting."
"But we risk losing our points, right now we're in first and we're guaranteed to move on."
"We don't need a flashy win." Izumi said as she doesn't need to be anymore flashy than she's already is really.
"You're right, in fact, it's probably smarter long term to conserve our energy." Uraraka agreed. So as the time ticked down they stayed floating in the air. Keeping around seventy feet.
"With only a minute left, let's see how the points are doing. Team Midoriya's first with ten million points! Team Todoroki's second with almost 3k points! Which leaves around a thousand points for the other teams to fight for!
Team Tetsutetsu- wait! It looks like Team Bakugou now has 520 points having snatched all points off of team Tetsutetsu, putting them in third place. And in fourth place's team Kendo with 310 points. And the last team with any points is... Team Shinso with 175 points!
With less than a minute left, will these be our top teams for this event? Time's running down! Everybody count down! 10!" The crowd joined in making a loud booming countdown making Izumi to whine as her ears are sensitive making Dark Shadow to cover them for her which she nods to.
"8!" Izumi watched as Bakugou and his team made one last bid at the ten million, currently having enough points to pass in third place.
"Sorry, Kacchan! Not today!" Izumi focus and she has the Darkness form a humanoid and steal his headbands before she whips them all to the ground with Darkness Whip making Team Bakugou to be out as the headband's 'fall down' making Team Tetsutetsu to move on after catching them all.
"What the hell's Kendo doing?!" Monoma questioned. His arm pointed towards an orange haired girl who's handing her headband over to a purple haired boy who tied it around his neck.
"It looks like she had handed her headband over."
"1! TIME'S UP!"
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