Sport Fest Festival part 2
Izumi walks up to the mic as she has what she wants to say making her to calm her nerves as she's never done a public speech before and this feels like she's about to make one, but she'll get over it as she will need to do one in the very future for the park really.
"The athlete's oath..." Izumi starts as she places her hands in front of her like a proper lady of a noble family as her bosom was pushes to the front a lot a bit making it hard to keep a very straight in the audience really.
"Make no mistake about it, everyone has their own shares of weaknesses and strengths, but what it truly takes to be a Hero is the guts to face death down in the face and shout straight at them very loudly:
FUCK OFF, MOTHER FUCKER! I'M AIN'T DYING HERE TODAY! Many could never do it cause they were scared of death, but it's really alright to be scared of death. We're all fully human beings and we have every single right to be scared of dying one day.
It's common, but we need to show how strong we have come from times when we are scared and fully prove we are brave no matter what really. All of us here are going to prove that our private training we have been doing by our Pro-Hero teachers are going to help us into the bright future.
As long as no one half-ass it, they can still prove themselves to many Heroes here and watching on t.v what we are made of and still get noticed. Thank you. Oh! And... IT'S NOT 'GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA'! IT'S 'EXCELSIOR'!" Present Mic loves his favorite listener.
'Did she say fully human beings cause others didn't know Quirks make you supernatural really?' Her classmates just fully think to themselves as Izumi's starting to get harder to understand really. Izumi walks down and...
"Wow, class 1-A seems to have a real piece of work as their three top students." A male voice commented, having appeared next to her.
'Good thing I knew he was there as my classmates freaked out really.'
'Copycat Quirk?'
'Yep. Don't even think about it. It's only for five minutes max really.'
'Fine. Everyone's watching you back at the park. It's closed for today to let everyone to watch the festival at your school.'
'Thanks for the warning.'
'We're also with them. I did have to warn both Lolbit and Yenndo in case you had no choice really.'
'I hope I don't have to, but the warning is very appreciated, onii-chan.'
'You're welcome, imoto.' Izumi sighs as she turns to the boy and just stares him down.
"What are you doing here?" Uraraka asked, narrowing her eyes. Izumi blinked, wondering where the sudden hostility from her was coming from, looking around she noticed quite a few of her other classmates were glaring at him. The blonde smirked.
A girl with orange hair started to make her way over and then she karate chopped him in the back of the neck as this is she apologies to them for his actions before she fully dragging him away as class 1-A hates him really.
"Now! Without any delay, let's get the first event started." Uraraka sweat dropped and muttered.
"Everything at U.A.'s without delay."
"These are the qualifiers! It's in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year, and I can't wait to see their anguished faces when they realize that they couldn't even make it past the qualifier. The fateful first event for this year is..." The screen seemed to blur as it spun through options.
"This!" Midnight cheered, not looking back at the screen as she continued.
"The obstacle course is a race between every member of all eleven classes! And with each class holding about 20 students that's 220 students competing in a four kilometer lap around the stadium itself! We here at UA pride ourselves on allowing our kids their freedom. Which means..." Midnight chuckled.
"So long as you don't go off the course, anything is fair game."
"She said anything, but I doubt that includes murder." A student from another class commented. The light drifted down to one and then it went off.
"GO!" Midnight cried out, cracking her whip as the students charged forward, but the starting gate's too narrow. Izumi looked forward as far as she could and saw Todoroki was up close to the front.
Eyes widening, she realized what her classmate's planning and as she felt the air drop temperature, she vanished into the darkness and pops out from in front of another student as she's now in front and books it fast to avoid Todoroki's ice on the floor.
"And it seems that class A is pulling into the front with Todoroki freezing most of the competition into place. It gains them a short second lead- Oh! That looked painful, seems the first obstacle found them as one of the robots flicked Mineta away!"
"He should have been paying more attention to his surroundings."
"How very true! Hopefully he remembers this lesson to never let your guard down! But of course, every obstacle course needs obstacles! Starting with the first barrier. ROBO INFERNO! This obstacle includes maybe 9 or 10 0-pointers and a ton of 1, 2 and 3 pointers.
The kids who took the hero course entrance exam may remember these." Izumi ran forward, even as she listened to the commentary, she was closer to the front of the pack then the middle as she's in the lead and managed to throw Mineta over the robots fast.
"THAAAAAANK YOUUUUUU!" Mineta shouts as he went over the whole ROBO INFERNO thanks to Izumi's throw which she heard from Present Mic's commentary.
'Focus, Izumi. Focus.' Izumi looks around, eyes trying to take in everything she might be able to use, after all she couldn't use OFA in this very moment and her other Quirks wasn't useful against the robots, but one really.
"But of course the rest of her class isn't too far behind her!" Present Mic cheered. Izumi grabbed a plate from a destroyed robot as she fully used it as a weapon and shield really.
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