Izumi had brought both class 1-A and class 1-B to the Pizzaplex to shop making them to see a very humongous mall from the very large teleporter with a whole lot of animatronics inside of it plus a human child staying near one.
"Izumi!" Izumi smiles as she waves at him and he runs towards her with a smile on his face.
"Hey ya, Gregory!" She said as she picks him up in a big hug making Freddy to come over happy to see Izumi again.
"Hey, superstars! Hey, boss lady!" Freddy said as Izumi can't get him to say her name and that's fine really.
"Hi ya, Freddy! Greg hasn't been in any trouble, has he?" Izumi asked Glamrock Freddy.
"He won't take a nap when Moon's out." Glamrock Freddy doens't like that, but understands like Moondrop does also.
"I don't wanna nap! I don't wanna! I don't wanna!" Gregory said as he did make sure to not make a scene in the mall really. Izumi sighs.
"Just because you have the same Insomnia as C.C, doesn't mean you can use it as a excuse fully, Gregory." Gregory's insomnia is caused from both of Vanny and Moondrop making him to not be able to get enough sleep cause of it fully really.
"Would a Glamrock Freddy Fazbear Plushtrap work to keep the bad dreams away?" Gregory stays still.
"Plus I can get a nightlight for you to use in a sorting spot in the very Daycare that Sun can plug in to keep Moon away, but can see you still as he checks up on you and defends if someone breaks in fully while you're sleeping really."
"... White rab..."
"I'm dealing with her personally. Moon can keep an eye out for her really. William can deal with the glitchy rat himself." Gregory agrees and he got his stuffy to hold onto making him to already look sleepy already making her to hand over Gregory.
Freddy opens his stomach hatch to place Gregory inside and then he went to the Daycare as Izumi gave the nightlight over to use for him. Both classes were shocked on how she handled him while class 1-A remembers she has four younger siblings really.
"How did you..."
"Four younger siblings, Monoma." Izumi said as she shows where to get the camping stuff making them to like the place as Izumi saw the white rabbit lady and she glares at her making the very glitch rat to be near her as well, too really.
Izumi's eyes changed into her true form ones and fully scared them both since she's died and she's much more powerful than them really. Izumi warns William and he glares before he got to him and glares with his demon eyes at him really.
"Hi ya, Willy!" The glitchy rat said to William.
"Leave Gregory alone, Vincent or else."
"Or else what?"
"Or else I'll sic Izumi onto you and make you go to Hell where they'll place a collar around your neck to stop your powers and fully keep you there forever. And yes, I fully would do that to you." William said before walking away from a shocked brother.
Izumi helped them all out and made sure they all didn't go fully overboard with stuff for camp really making her to wonder how everyone's going to feel about her going to U.A summer camp really. Both Lolbit and Yenndo would be lonely without her really.
Her onii-chan warns her about Dabi and she's pissed as that's Touya Todoroki! She's furies as she's going to be giving his own darkness a shock of a life time once she gets near him really. Her onii-chan's not going to stop her really if that's her plan fully.
Toshinori's worried as something's wrong and he can't figure it out. It's almost like something else is on the move and it's not human. What's fully going on here really? Why's everything very different really? Even Enji, Masura, Mitsuki and Rei can feel it as well, too.
'What's going on here really?' Izumi's having fun as Vanessa glares at Gregory until she saw Izumi with her boss aura out at her making her to flinch and bolt for her life as this is not going to be very easy to get Gregory really.
'That damn Freddy adopted him with Monty as his other father. The fuck?!' Izumi did that to fully calm Monty down and Glamrock Baby only sees Freddy as a friend as she prefers Glamrock Foxy really making him to blush at that very declareness of love to him.
Izumi saw both Lolbit and Yenndo before she squeals making both classes to look and saw her hugging two people as she's very happy to see them both it would seem. Freddy commented the two are her lovers shocking them as she has two boyfriends.
"Oh! No, superstars! One is a male while the other one... They can change their gender, so they don't mind using them/they for their genders."
"Oh! They must have been a duel Fox Metamorphmagus Quirk User!"
"A what?"
"A Metamorphmagus."
"They're someone who can change their hair, skin and eye colors plus can change their genders, their height, their size like adult to child and change their voices as well, too!"
"I see..."
"I'm guessing that they can change their genders only by their Quirk really. And the fox bits is their animalistic part of the Quirk from their other parent really." Kaminari said shocking fully everyone as that's the smartest thing he had ever said really.
"That's the smartest thing you've ever said, Kaminari." Jiro said making him to glare at her.
"Hey! Just because I'm autistic, dyslexia and ADHD, doesn't mean I can't learn things that interest me fully!" Everyone flinches as Hiroko went as the adult to the two class groups and he texted this to Nezu to update Kaminari's medical file.
Lolbit heard what Kaminari said and liked the Quirk he said 'they' have making it to fit them fully perfectly which Izumi likes as well, too. Yenndo loves the idea of it as he sucks air making him to be a duel Bear Oxygen Manipulator Quirk User really.
"I like the Quirks, but how will we explain your true forms if they see you go into them?" Both didn't think of that one.
"Not sure on that one, Izumi."
"We'll find out someday soon, Izumi." Lolbit promise as the shopping's done and Izumi has a lot of thinking to do as she's more sexually attracted to animatronics than humans really.
(Oh well really. I don't care.)
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