Pro-Hero License Exam part 4
The second test's saving civilian which are people acting making Izumi to glare which got them on edge. Izumi thinks a Pro-Hero and their side kicks are going to be the Villains for this and they'll need to split up; half fights and half saves.
"And Kacchan, you're fighting." He smirks at that as Izumi splits them equally into four teams; attacker, supporter/scout, saver and scout. Everyone agrees with this and scattled making Izumi to be back up to all four groups. They all will pass this exam... Together.
"Huh? AAAAAAH!" They all looked to two groups and then a girl came reporting first-aid boxes all been fully dispatched to the Heroes and is ready for supporting duties.
"What the world?!" Gang Orca said as the groups looks to them.
"If you have someone who's an expert on combat, you would split up into groups to cover more ground or cover comrades' backs. Let's go!"
"Right!" Izumi's quick to block Orca's sound wave and punched him far back before doing a back jump as the two groups attack fast making the side kicks to scream of fear as they all get attacked by the two groups. Izumi's quick to help lift a large boulder.
The civilians were pulled out by Dark Shadow who loops around them all before bring them out. Izumi then shouts to Monoma and Kendo of civilians do North eleven o'clock making them to head there while Izumi shouts to Shinso fully about enemies at six o'clock.
Shinso got them and used them to help fight to save his comrades making Izumi to see Gang Orca and she glares as she needs to slow him down as much as she can without hurting her comrades in the cross fire making she to have an idea.
She has a bow and a arrow out fast making her to have the arrow glowing pure black as this should do the trick as she needs to warns the others and make sure they know to duck or hit the deck as she's not going to be getting them caught in the cross fire of her own attack.
"DUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Since she took Present Mic's darkness and has his Quirk, she had to use it fast really making those who's fighting or supporting to hit the deck fast and she unleashed the arrow into the air above them and then fired a normal one towards it.
It makes it explode and there's fully many darkness arrows in shapes of spears raining down as the side kicks had to dodge them all while Gang Orca's trapped and got a couple of cuts on his body from them really. Izumi's not even sorry as she looks down onto him.
'Damn... She's a tough one and she knows how to fully work with multiplying groups making her to be a Heroine to look out for really.' Grand Orca thinks as he's fully not going to ticked, pissed or get her furies with him as he'll keep his head thank you very much.
The test's over as Izumi'd just fully showed something that can't be beaten; working with multiplying groups at the same time and sooo many of the very participants has passed with fully everyone from both class 1-A and 1-B also fully passing.
It's making them to cheer loudly as Hiroko smiles as they all passed all thanks to Izumi as she knows how to push them and she wasn't going to be giving up on neither of the two classes really. Izumi fully doesn't do favoritism.
'Good job, kids. Good job.' Hiroko thinks as he packs up and left to go home as he needs to tell his Ruler about his imoto and how she faired in the exams making him to be shocked as she beat him in the first test fully and she got...
'Four groups to work for the damn second test?! How fucking smart is my imoto?!' Both Rioghanch and Andromalius laughed as Izumi has surprised her dear aniki a lot since Tomura is now part of the family. Hiroko has a lot of siblings to have really.
Rioghanch still feels bad she killed their daughter like she did and what she did to them fully making Andromalius to hug her as it's not her fault at all really and Izumi saved her as she's back home now. Rioghanch agrees with him on that one.
Hiroko's still shocked as Izumi even has two lovers making him to think she'll be the Ruler of all Animatronics at this rate really. Both laughed as there's a good chance of that, but they've still haven't met the Ruler and Prince of all Nightmares.
"I bet ya it's Christopher Afton. Poor boy." Rioghanch said as she can't believe what he had to go through and it's all because of what William did by negalting his children like that really for his work. At least he's trying to fix that road block.
"I agree, my love. He fits the bill and the requirements of the story as well, too. We'll leave it to Izumi to deal with it really. She'll tell him when it's time." Andromalius said as Rioghanch and Hiroko agrees with him fully.
Hell and Heaven are still trying to get use to the news their Rulers are married to each other and have a son, a daughter and two half children each plus a blood adoptive son with three future in-laws making it to be hard to handle it really.
Rioghanch and Andromalius just sigh as they were married before being crowned as the Ruler to them which shocked them even more so as this is. Hiroko had to calm them all down and get them back to work as they don't have control over love really.
That calmed them all down and both got tired of that really like someone's making them forget and Hiroko knows who making the punshiment to go up more on Zendaya Wilson who's not even screaming as he takes it to get out of it faster.
'Shame he'll never leave that area and time doesn't pass there thanks to my beloved soulmate really.'
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