Match Battles part 2
Izumi's gone quickly to check up on Uraraka as she'd a semi-tough fight with Todoroki and Recovery Girl said she's sleeping, but she'll be alright making Izumi nod as she leaves to let her rest. Izumi thinks as she can't fully use Decay thrice really.
'I can't use Super Strength Quirk since that only increases our strength really, Adaption Quirk let's us both to adapt to different situations really, the Extreme Regeneration Quirk let's us heal faster than before and Vampire Quirk is out of the question.
That leaves mine, yours and OFA to use really. This is getting fully ridiculous, onii-chan. I don't know which Quirk to use on Monoma. I can't even come up with a plan to fight him with making this to be even more difficult for me to think of what to do.'
'Darkness version?' Izumi stops and thinks.
'I got one of mother's before I killed her and father's was two days before his murder really. Not going to use AFO's darkness nor going to use Kacchan's Quirk. I've got one from both of Uraraka and Tokoyami. Will need to ask, but she's resting really.'
'Tokoyami's then?' Izumi asked him and she got permission to use it from him really.
'Permission granted. *Sighs* Why does life throw curve balls at us?'
'No clue really.' Izumi had to go since the match is about to start really. Ojiro and Yaoyorozu were up making Izumi to worry since Yaoyorozu isn't a fighter, but more the line of a support unit in games really. Her onii-chan can see that really.
Ojiro went onto the attack once the match starts and Yaoyorozu had a bo staff making her to block using the staff and then kicks him in the face making her to quickly attack him as he defenses against her before he flips her over his left shoulder.
Ojiro slams his tail fast onto her stomach making Yaoyorozu to be out of air which allows Ojiro to win the match. Yaoyorozu's picked up by Ojiro's tail and brought to Recovery Girl. Izumi and Monoma were up next making her to have a plan fast.
Izumi calms herself fully as when his Dark Shadow attacked her, Izumi's ready as her eyes snapped open and she stops him with her own Dark Shadow as Hiroko comments about her Quirk being a new type of Quirk really as the two shadows fight it out.
Izumi's quick to fully charge at Monoma making her to use Super Strength Quirk to send a punch making him to dodge as Izumi's then kick his legs fully out from underneath him as he jumps and she uses her right hand to launch herself and kicks him.
Monoma's quick to block before Izumi had her Dark Shadow wrap around him and she dodged his Dark Shadow before removing two weeks worth of emotions to blind him with light and make him retreat back into Monoma.
"Midnight, I surrender. I can't get out." Izumi shakes hands once she let's him go making him to notice she's emotionless making him to keep this a secret as he's not going to be outlining her Quirk really as she did leave a big crater in the ground really.
Todoroki and Tokoyami were up next as Todoroki's trying to fully figure out Izumi as he's confused to her Quirk really. Tokoyami sent out Dark Shadow and Todoroki'd froze him and then he'd fully froze both Tokoyami's feet and hands.
Shinso and Aoyama were next, but like before, Shinso made Aoyama walk out of the ring ending the match quickly and that's it for that round as Izumi's very thankful for being emotionless as she can't feel the darkness inside of both Shinso and Todoroki anymore really.
Izumi hates how big they are and warns her onii-chan she's going to do it twice making him to sigh since this is going to blow up in her face really, but Izumi knows what she's doing. Both Izumi and Shinso went down making her to be fully ready to save him.
"Your Quirk's weird." Nothing.
"How do you even handle fighting with someone else's Quirk that you stole?" Still nothing.
"Tsk! You're nothing, but a freak! A freak who's not even human!" Izumi's eye twitch before she moves making Shinso to expect a punch or her talking, but not for her to grab his two wrist and pulls him in for a kiss on the lips really.
The moment Izumi's tongue got in, Shinso went black as it was like a Biju Ball before it went medium marble size and it's floating up to Shinso's mouth before it went into Izumi's mouth and fully down her throat. Izumi breaks the kiss and let's him go and he faints.
"Darkness secured." Izumi said making Midnight to claim Izumi the winner making both Hiroko and Present Mic to comment about her Quirk as it seems she's stealing darkness from people really. They don't know anything else about it.
Todoroki and Ojiro were next and Todoroki just freezes him as he's too slow to stop him fully really. Todoroki stays as Izumi's coming down and she's in front of him. She needs to take his darkness away as it's not a good thing to have it really.
'What's she thinking fully really?' Izumi's set and then she's on the move making Todoroki to send ice, but she uses her father's Quirk before she got in front of Todoroki and grabs his wrist tighter before kissing him fully on the lips really.
It's making his to be one hundred times the size of Shinso's making it to shrink down to a medium size marble. It's fully moving up to Todoroki's mouth, but it's fighting back making Izumi send darkness to wrap around it and pulls it up.
She fully took it into her mouth and she'd it wrapped more in the darkness to keep it there as she let's go of Todoroki and she's won the Sport Fest Festival making her to feel how powerful it is really. She doesn't fully like it really.
She got the golden medal and then heads home after healing Tensei Iida as she said she can help really. She took Tensei's darkness and she used it to fully heal him back up making him to be back to work as a Hero making Iida to thank her for this fully.
"You're very welcome, Iida."
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