Izumi's sick
Izuki's not fully feeling very well making Nightmare Freddieya to hold a bucket under her head as she throws up making Lolbit to show up as all three Freddles rub her back making them to get her onii-chan asap. He checks her temperature and flinches.
"I'm calling U.A and telling them she needs days off. Her fever's pretty high. 102 Fahrenheit. Must of been from doing everything by herself. Tsk! I shouldn't have been kidnapped! I would have helped her! Grr!" He's got his two fangs out and he's upset.
"Not... Your... Fault... Onii-chan. *Cough* *Cough*" Izumi said as she coughs making Lolbit to glitch a cloth of warm water onto her forehead.
"All... For... One... Must of... Been mad... At me for... Stealing you first. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*" He's pissed and wants to rage, but he needs to wait for the very right moment to do so fully as Izumi comes first. Both Lolbit and Yenndo stays with her after each show really.
The Nightmares that Izumi still needs to prove herself to can't attack her since those she did gain their stuffies would protect her and growls at them really. Nezu thanks him for calling it in and he'll make sure someone helps her out really.
Her onii-chan'd also told him about her College Bachelor's Degree in the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Bachelor of Science (BS or BSc) plus the College Degree in Math, Robotics, Business Management, Engineering, Science, English, History and Construction degrees in college.
"Thank you for letting me know, sir. I'll remove her from those four classes thanks to knowing about this really." Nezu's shocked that Izumi's that smart really.
'What's next for her really?' Izumi hates this as she's get well cards and lots of medicine care packages to help her out fully really. The Afton and Emily families also helped out as Izumi shows and William saw where's she's going with the new restaurant.
It's making Henry also to help out there as a lot of plots were fully brought and gothic rides were set to being built. Both William and Henry shows the blueprints for them as she'd them finish during the breaks of the matches making the two to be surprised.
All of the Nightmare Animatronics were going to work there for the gothics since they don't fear really anything and might get a kick out of it really. Not to mention a good challenge to see if anyone gets scared of them which makes them happy.
They took a liking to that really as Izumi's trying to make them something to do while in the bod daylight. Izumi'd a lots of scars on her body while Felicity fully cloth bathed her. Lira'd to explain and that Rioghanch wasn't in her right mind cause of a man.
"Who Izumi'd killed and then opened the sky forcing the man into accepting both his fate and punishment." They're shocked making Henry to go and fully ask if the man's getting what he deserves. Izumi doesn't like being sick at all.
It's making Felicity to know as she then places clean p.j's onto her to sleep in as they feel warm and soft to her plus it's making her to fall asleep even faster than before fully really.
(AN: Ignore the character in the picture really)
Many in her class doesn't like it when she's not here making them to feel lose really. Hiroko doesn't like this for them. Bakugou just groans in his mind.
'The damn fucking nerd worked herself fucking sick.' Bakugou thinks as Todoroki looks down to the mark on his left wrist that looks like a diamond, but another one is over top of it turned slightly to the left between two points and had shorter points plus was fully black.
'Shinso also has it and even he doesn't know what it is. Midoriya... What does this mean?' What they don't know is those marks allow Izumi to steal their darkness faster and keep light in their bodies to keep them being Pro-Heroes than Villains really.
Izumi's actually sick cause of Shinos's and Todoroki's darkness's too much for her and her onii-chan knows it as while she dreams, she talks to the two of them and Dark Todoroki's furies with her making her to shout that her uncle Enji is nothing like the man he's saying he is.
Izumi always wakes up with tears in her eyes after that each time making it harder for her really. Dark Todoroki saw her memories of her 'uncle Enji' and how he actually treats them until he changed as she's over one time and then he changed to who he is.
Dark Todoroki's in shock as he finally calms down and behaves making Izumi's fever to go down a whole lot cause of this making her onii-chan to smile as she made a break through with him as Shinso's darkness doens't hate her and doens't mind her really.
Lolbit and Yenndo smiles as Izumi is going to be alright making them to be happy since they miss going on dates with her really. Izumi feels the same way as them making her onii-chan to think of something and he did a poem that fits his crush making him to also send gifts.
She blushes and wonders who the sender is as they got the poem to a 'T' and knows her favorite food as well, too. Izumi smiles as her onii-chan's found his soulmate really like she's her two soulmates really. It took another week for her fever to go away fully making everyone happy.
Izumi waits two days to go back to school as she plans to go on dates for those days to make it up to Lolbit and Yenndo which's fine by her onii-chan really since it's Saturday and Sunday really. No fast rides or spinning or twisting rides either which's fine by them really.
Izumi loves the ferries wheels and Yenndo got to go onto it with her making him to see what she means as some security guards use it for the high points and to see crimes really. Izumi allows it as long it's in civilian clothing to hide it from the costumers really. Yenndo likes that.
Next's the tunnel of love making all three to go on it as Lolbit went female for this one making it perfect since Yenndo's giving jealous looks really from all of the single males in the park making him to chuckle at them as he doens't care for their opining's fully really.
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