Final Exams part 2
Izumi's worried as she's not sure what the finals are going to be like really. They've all saw Shinso and he's copy of Eraserhead's costume, but he'd no goggles and a mask over his lower face plus had a blow dart for a weapon with a first-aid box really.
"Hey, Shinso! Next outfit! Smart move with the first-aid box there really!" Kaminari shouts out to him making him to blush a bit and Ojiro can see that fully Shinso's changed really. Izumi smiles as Kaminari's getting all friendly friendly with Shinso.
It's making him to blush at it fully really since he never had friends before really making Shinso to fit right in with them really. Nezu's liking this as no on can change his mind on this if they see this being a too fast moment transferring students really.
Once Nezu explains their finals, Izumi's panicking mentally while being emotionless outside to hide this really. She did not expect this and she doesn't know how to take this really. Bakugou and Shinso's going up against both Toshinori and Izumi.
Nezu did a twick for her making Toshinori to agree and will tell her personally really. Once she heard, Izumi. Exe shut down making Nezu to tell that she's fainted from this making Midnight to laugh as this is gold really. Recovery Girl just shakes her head smiling.
As each exams go on, five didn't make it which has Izumi face slapping herself after she woke up making Toshinori copied her there as that's pathetic really. Izumi's wondering who they had making Toshinori to not want to know in case it's Nezu really.
It's their turn now and then they both punched the air at the same time making both Bakugou and Shinso to go flying backwards fast making them to see both of them there standing as both were doing the same actions and lines like they rehearsed it all together fully really.
"Not telling, Villain. For we have come to take you out of the picture and rule over Japan. Defeat us and you shall save Japan from us both. Fail and we shall kill you where you stand." Izumi had never though that she can control people with their darkness inside of her really.
Toshinori allowed it as a small experiment and he's laughing inside his mind cause this is actually funny as fuck, too. Izumi ducks down like a mole and Toshinori slams Bakugou into the building fast while Izumi kicks Shinso in the stomach.
Both retreated and Shinso shows his stomach making Bakugou to flinch since it's starting to bruise badly. Who knew that Izumi and Toshinori were that strong equally really? Bakugou needs a plan, but Izumi's behind him and kicks him out of the building.
Toshinori went to kick Shinso, but he dodges and runs to Bakugou making him to jump up with Bakugou and fully hides inside of another building for safety. Both can't win against them like this making this to be a very bad thing really.
"The fuck is going on?" Shinso's also confused as he doesn't get it at all really. How did those two became equally matched? Izumi's been letting Toshinori do attacks while she controls his talk to be matched up to her own making him to like this really.
Izumi founds them and snaps her finger making Toshinori to fully collapse the building making her to land onto his shoulders as both Bakugou and Shinso gets fully out of the rumble of the collapsed building. Both had it and looks murderous at the two of them really.
"So? Have you giving up or are you going to try to defeat us?" Izumi and Toshinori didn't expect Shinso to brainwash them at the same time, but Izumi broke free and kicks Bakugou back making Shinso to freak as Izumi broke free and then she claps.
Toshinori punches Bakugou in the stomach and then Izumi cross chops Shinso in the back of his neck making Bakugou to grab him and heads for the gates as fast as he can making him to hold onto Shinso tightly making Toshinori to give chase with Izumi on his left shoulder.
Izumi had darkness spikes aiming to hit through the arm only, but Bakugou dodges them and they got through the gates making them both to pass. Izumi let's go and Toshinori can talk all by himself again as Izumi bows to him for the small experiment.
"No problem. Let's get them to Recovery Girl, shall we?" Izumi nods and picks Shinso up while Toshinori has Bakugou in his arms.
"Easy, young Katsuki. Easy." Bakugou heard that voice before and then went to sleep making Toshinori to smile as he walks to Recovery Girl who'd gave both of them a letcher since they didn't hold back on both of them really which Izumi back up with proof.
"In exams like this, you don't hold back at all really." Nezu chuckles as he figured out what Izumi did and she tilts her head making Nezu to explain and she just nods making Toshinori to rub her head as it's funny to see them soo freaked out really. Both glared at them.
"It wasn't fucking funny, Nerd/Midoriya! All Might!"
"Miss. Midoriya passes!"
"Not only did she shown tactics, but also shows a different why of teamwork with acknowledgement of her opponents to bring out what's the best in them all and to get them to work as a team, too. Cause of this, Miss. Midoriya has passed." Nezu said to her.
"Thank you, Nezu-san." Izumi said as she bows to him. It was time to go home and Izumi had to give a small letcher to Yaoyorozu about that Pro-Heroine she'd picked making her to do a redo with Midnight which Nezu noticed and allows for next week.
Izumi smiles as she got home cause Lolbit and Yenndo were there making her to hug them as seeing them both after school brightens her day the most really. Both would always take her out on days once she got back from her school really.
'This is the best day EVER really!' Her onii-chan had to chuckle at her as she seems to be having fun and won't stop it as her smiling is the best gift to him fully really.
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