A hundred years passed and a woman's looking out her window making her wonder what the next generation's doing before she saw her friends who showed up as she has an apartment building for them which she kept for them only really.
'I see they're here for the opening of a new Freddy Fazbear restaurant really.' She thinks to her onii-chan.
'Yep. Mother sent them over and father sent my squad for the opening. He doens't blame her for her actions, but her parents are being punished and her siblings are in Heaven really.' Her onii-chan said as he's out on a mission right now.
'True.' She hears metal footsteps and turns around to seeing Nightmare Vixen behind her making her to wonder what's going on.
"What's up? Something the matter?" Nightmare Vixen's shaking in fear and she knew why.
"I'll deal with him." She left and hugs a cute boy from behind making him to calm before curling into her and went to sleep.
"Just because he has this Ruler and Prince thing on him, doens't mean he can't take lessons to use them properly. I'll have Aniki to help deal with this." She hands him over to said aniki and left the realm as she can't stay in the Nightmare Realm.
Four days later, she's hugged from behind and nuzzles into the chest of one of her lovers making them to fully chuckle before they picking them up and glitching to the others. She looks around and wonders why there's no lights on until they all went on fast.
"SURPRISED! HAPPY ONE HUDNRED AND FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY, IZUMI AFTON!" Izumi smiles as she's happy to have her family and friends with her as she's the Ruler of all Light since she can change her clothing to their color/element.
Her onii-chan, Tomura's the Ruler of all Darkness making him to have Shadow Bonnie a.k.a Zachary Emily and Shadow Foxy a.k.a Sammy Emily to help him out as Shadow Chica's in charge of his food which she doens't mind fully as she loves doing that as it's fun for her really.
Izumi's onee-sama, Rumi Usagiyama looks different in clothing of all black as she's looking weird in that female version of the Ruler of all Darkness clothing really making Tomura to blush as he's getting a boner from it and keeps hiding it.
Michael Afton 'got turned' into a female and Mason Carter had a nose bleed since Michael's fully pregnant with his child making it to be too much for him and he fainted on the spot before the glamour of it all vanished making Izumi to giggle at this as Michael joins her.
Izumi's and Tomura's bodies had a natural death as they died making them to be in their true forms, but they can't age pass that age as it'll take years to do that making them to hate this as three years on Earth equals only one year to their natural aging of their bodies.
Izumi's surprised when she had to adopt two more kids from a island cause of a Villain named Nine and she didn't regret it as Eri, her oldest adoptive child loved her new siblings and she played with them a whole lot really.
Kota got into her custody cause of the Wild, Wild Pussycats got killed making William to add remnant into the three to make it fair making them to have 'Ruler of all' to their own Realm making Izumi to wonder if they're going to be alright.
Izumi even saw that there's now bear symbols on the amusement park maps for each Freddy Fazbear restaurant, not including the mall since it's a restaurant itself, but it's firstly a mall more really upsetting the Glamrocks with that one. Izumi got upset when Gregory got killed.
He know possess a Glamrock version of Helpy making Freddy to be happy as Glamrock Helpy's his son, but got disactivated by someone making Gregory to feel sad really by this as Freddy looks upset which Monty whacks him in the head.
"Now look here, Rockstar! Freddy may be upset, but it's because he hadn't seen Glamrock Helpy in a very long time! He's not upset you possessed him as it seems the little guy likes you back if he's talking to you mentally!" Monty said making Gregory to see what he means.
"ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ." Izumi chuckles as Cassy Haldez-Brown-Wilson has shown her her multiplying bear symbols she drew for the park's own maps making it to be cute really. Jeremy Frizegerald helps fix the many animatronics up and William got him as he's apprentice.
Soooo much has changed and Izumi's sad since she looks to their story broad of her story that she kept from everyone. Toshinori Yagi's passing and being happy in Heaven just relaxing greatly with Enji Todoroki, Rei Todoroki, Mitsuki Bakugou and Masura Bakugo.
Touya went to Hell, but helps around by controlling the blue fire there and Toga Himiko's became the Ruler of all Vampires making Ochako Uraraka to be her wife there shocking her fully really. Fumikage Tokoyami became Tomura's helper and advisor in the Darkness Realm.
Twice made a whole lot of friends in Hell and they keep inviting him to places that he doens't fear splitting cause he has a whole lot of friends. AFO's in Hell and fully getting a extreme punishment by the grand master of torturment in Hell.
Izumi's pulled away by her second lover making her to giggle as he hands her a Kitten of Light making the little guy to nuzzle her face as Yenndo knows how to make her laugh while Lolbit got her a floating cat pillow for her new pet.
"I love them soo much! Thank you!" Izumi said as she kisses them on the nose making them to blush.
"Plan to do the same for Tomura, but with a Kitten of Darkness." Lolbit said.
"He'll love it, you two." Izumi has names for each squad in the amusement park.
Tormentors squad: Michael Afton, Mark Brown, Simon Williams, Frederick Jordan, Althea Moore, Lavender Brion and Hael. Funtimers Squad: Mason Carter, James Wilson, Stella Clark, Orion Valde and Cassy Haldez-Brown-Wilson and lastly Glamrockers squad: Jeffrey Clement, Joshua Vortex, Jeanette Vortex and Juliet Romaine.
Weasels Squad: Terrence Afton, Zachary Emily and Vanessa Clark. Cassy's part of both the Tormentor and Funtimer Squad cause of James and Mark really while Jeremy Frizegerald's in a squad with William and Henry called the Mechanizer Squad.
Both William and Henry got a kick out of it fully making Jeremy to blush at them. Izumi had a lot of children from both Yenndo and Lolbit really plus all Nomus are fully gone from the world. Though they did managed to rape every female on the planet that's over twenty-one.
(All well really. Just means families can continue on now really.)
The End.
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