Nightmares (Asra x Reader)
"Burn the witch! Burn the witch!" The crowd cheered as I opened my eyes wide, seeing myself in a cage, lowering down to a pit of fire. "You will pay for your sins!" Nadia shouted at me and Asra looked at me, disgusted. I clamped my hands onto the bars. "No! Nadia! Asra! It wasn't me! Please...!" My feet started to burn, then my legs. "Asra..!" I winced as I felt my skin burn off. "Asra... I love you.." I whispered and he stared into my soul. He then laughed. "Do you think I'd love you after what you've done? Hah. Goodbye Y/N."
"No-! Asra-!" I sobbed out before I felt the flames swallow me, and everything went black.
I bolted up, my face dripping with sweat. My face was completely flushed and I sobbed intensely. I quickly got up and stumbled to the bathroom, the pitter-patter of my bare feet echoing the quiet house. I put the toilet seat cover down, and sat on it, sobbing into my hands.
"Asra..." I whispered out. "I'm so sorry..."
"Sorry for what, Y/N?" I jumped up startled at the voice, and turned to see a concerned-looking Asra. He looked me up and down, flushed face, puffy eyes, tears, and shaking. "Y/N, are you okay, darling?" I shook my head no, as I choked out a sob, stumbling over to him. He almost immediately embraced me in his arms. "Come here, darling. He led the way to the bedroom and cuddled with me. "You don't have to talk about it. I'm here. It's okay."
He whispered sweet nothings into my ear until I fell asleep.
My eyes darted awake once more, this time I couldn't move. I watched a figure move to me, Asra. "Y/N. You will pay." He flicked out a knife and sliced at my shoulder and my knees. "Asra-! Don't do this... I love you.!" I winced out in pain. "Well, the feeling isn't mutual." And like that, the vision disappeared. And only in reality, I was scratching very intensely at my at arms, blood dripping from them. "Asra... Asra please.." I shook the sleeping Asra until he woke. "Y/N-! Is there something wro-..! Ah! Your shoulders!" He jumped up, ran out, and came back with bandages and wrapped them around my arms. "Asra.. in my.. nightmares you always... you always hurt me.." I squinted at the floor, my vision blurred from tears. "...Why?" Asra stared at me. "That's not me." He grabbed my hands and looked at me with a gentle smile. "I'll love you till the day I die, and when we meet in heaven, I'll still be head-over-heels for you." He smiled a bit, and my face flustered. "I love you, too..." I whispered out, and he hugged me, using a bit of his magic to bandage me so he didn't have to move.
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