Chapter 11: Thunderclap
You still have no idea whether the man is okay.
Instead, he's decided that you are his enemy, about approximately 3 seconds after you asked him that question. You have no idea why, but you don't exactly have the time to think about it either as he pounces at you, his hands pressed together in front of him as he sends a fierce line of blood your way.
You dodge just at the last second, the attack only snagging very few hairs. But then-
You know that technique.
" Wait! What's your name?"
He narrows his eyes at you, glaring as he huffs. His attack doesn't stop, and instead, he sends multiple blood missiles your way.
" Kamo Choso. What's it to you?"
You raise both your hands, your technique overpowering his own. At once, the blood missiles stop midair.
This was the very reason why the Kamo clan disliked you. Not only did your mother marry an outsider, she also gave birth to someone who could nullify their preciously honored technique.
You don't know a Choso. Perhaps he was only in this universe, and not your own.
Choso's eyes widen, taken by surprise, before they narrow again into a glare.
" What's your technique?"
" Wouldn't you like to know? Don't bother fighting me. This is a fight you will not be able to win."
You glare right back at him, your warning very much a statement. You ready your stance, holding his blood missiles in place for now.
He grits his teeth, the mark on his face tightening up, elongating into a thin, dotted line.
He doesn't say anything after that, instead charging at you to face you in hand to hand combat. You don't back down, reshaping his blood in a circle around you, you send it straight back at him. Granted, the circle was thin, but it was enough to catch him off guard.
Meanwhile Choso is completely confused. He hopes he isn't showing it too obviously ( and it's working, you have no idea that you've completely caught him off guard.) Although he has never run into other sorcerers who can use blood manipulation, he's sure that they shouldn't be able to use his blood. It's weird, considering you seem to be able to. He's trying to puzzle together the pieces of your technique, trying to figure out how you manage to control his blood.
However, Choso has not met many sorcerers, and doesn't have the needed knowledge of the water skins resting on her hips to be able to connect that your technique is something related to water. And as long as you won't use it, he'll never know.
Soon enough, he's onto you, throwing punch after punch. He's quick, nearly as quick as the Sukuna you're familiar with. Meanwhile you keep 'dancing' around him, your body following his movements fluidly. It's like you're his shadow. You're there, but he's unable to land a hit on you just yet.
Gritting his teeth at the challenge, he narrows his eyes at you, studying your physical features.
" What's your name?"
The question catches you off guard for some reason, your millisecond lag of response giving him the opportunity to land a good punch in your face. You cringe as you hear your nose crack.
Fuck, he's stronger than you expected. He definitely just broke your nose. He doesn't understand your technique, so it's best to heal it later.
Blood trickles down your nose as you grumble and get up, wiping your sleeve against your nose. The bleeding doesn't stop, but you choose not to pay too much attention to it.
He is not getting the chance to hit you again. It's simply too risky.
" Y/N. Kamo Y/N."
His eyes narrow as he approaches you, his mind whirring with this newfound information. Wouldn't that make you family of the body he possesses? That was concerning, and difficult.
Noticing your name has caught him off guard, you take your chances. You close the distance between the two of you quickly, before aiming to kick him right across his face.
Sadly, he catches you at the very last second, blocking your leg and aiming yet another punch at you.
However, he's caught by utter surprise as you manage to use his arm to flip your weight over him, doing a cartwheel right over him. His eyes widen. He had already noticed that you were flexible, especially with how you kicked him just now, but you're more athletic and agile than he had expected.
For a moment, a peaceful silence seems to hang over you two, the both of you panting to catch your breaths.
And then you're both charging at one another again. The fight is quick paced, kick after punch after elbow after knee, and all blocked or avoided by one another.
It's been a good while since you've had to work this hard to keep up with someone in physical combat. Choso is physically much stronger than you. ( Sadly, most people you find yourself against are, though that isn't usually an issue.) On top of that, he's fast, fast enough to keep up with you. Usually, your quick reactions would cancel out your lack of strength. Sadly, it does not today.
However, in one lucky hit, you manage to punch him right in the ribs, somewhere Yuuji has delivered a blow earlier as well ( Though you have no idea of that, so you really are just lucky.)
You collect your breath, spitting out the blood that's trickling down your nose as you fix your gaze on him, readying your stance.
" Where's Yuuji?"
His eyes widen like you've just spoken about a miracle.
" Yuuji- Yuuji's-"
He doesn't have the chance to say whatever he's wishing to say. From a distance, a dark, evil cursed energy had been around, and it was moving now. In fact, the entrance behind you bursts full of flames, like someone has fire wielding abilities and has dropped it down right on the ground above you.
The metro station shakes, and in a reflex, you draw yourself closer to Choso. You uncap one of your water bottles, and with more water then you'd like to use, you create a shield, trapping you and Choso in a water bubble.
Choso is looking at you with wide eyes as you do that.
Weren't you supposed to be his enemy?
He doesn't speak until the fire has died down, until your water shield has evaporated due to the heat. You're breathing heavily due to the scare of it, your body sweaty from the heat of the flames that nearly licked you.
" You- Are you Itadori Yuuji's friend?"
You raise your hands against him, clasping your water skin closed. He's been kind enough to not kill you while he had the chance but you never know if he decides to do so again.
" Yes... Why..?"
For a moment, Choso is just staring at you, his mind all over the place. You've sincerely got no idea what's going on in his head, but you don't question it this time.
" I- You can leave. I won't kill you. Or harm you."
And with that said he's walking away, his head in his hands once more.
You're left utterly confused, your eyes questioning what just happened.
However, you choose not to ponder on it too long. You have no idea what's going on the grounds above you. For all you know, they need your help.
Without another thought, you sprint up, up the stairs and-
Your eyes widen, taking in the destruction surrounding you.
Something big had been passing over. Every building around you seems to be in shambles, half burnt, or cut in two. With wide eyes, you pass along, hoping to find someone familiar at least.
On top of that, that pull of cursed energy that exactly feels like your own, is starting to feel less distant. It's heading towards you now.
You don't have time to think about that too much, your eyes widening as you round a corner.
" Megumi!"
Stood a few meters away from him, was another sorcerer (or curse user?) You don't know.
Megumi is in terrible shape. He's laid against a wall, knocked out, his head hung low, and covered in blood.
Your eyes widen as you run over to him.
You don't bother turning to face the stranger with a ponytail. You don't know who's side he's on, but you just hope he won't bother you.
You uncap the water skin you have, not wasting a second as you press your other hand to Megumi's chest. His heart is still pumping, his blood flow alive under his skin. You manipulate the last of your water around your hands, pressing it against the places where you guess he's hurt the most.
To your surprise, the very worst of his injuries are okay. Like someone's been here before. Healed him already. You can feel Shoko's reverse energy signature, though it's distant. It couldn't have been her. However, this leaves you to wonder, who was it?
You're sigh, noting that you need more water. You won't be able to fully heal him, but he still has injuries that need to close up. Focusing on the very core of your strength, you raise your hands, pulling water from thin air. It's a demanding part of your technique. Exhausting you, though you figure you'll come across a water source to heal yourself sooner or later. Even a simple tap would do.
You'll be fine.
You continue healing Megumi. However, you're pulled from your thoughts when ponytail suddenly starts laughing, charging at you with his sword in hand.
Your eyes widen. You can't stop the healing process now. If only your Sukuna was here- He'd have-
The source of your cursed energy is here.
Your mouth falls open in shock as ponytail gets pulled back by his hair, thrown in the nearest building.
In front of you, with his back facing you, is your closest friend.
" How stupid are you to heal someone when an enemy is stood right beside you?"
Overrun with positive emotions, your reverse cursed technique finishes up quicker than expected.
" Sukuna!"
You throw yourself at your best friend. Hugging him tightly, your arms snaking around him as your face is pressed in the crook of his neck. You enjoy the familiar warmth as he hugs you back tightly.
Because it doesn't matter how cold or tough Sukuna may act, you know he cares more deeply for you than anyone you know.
The two of you remain in each other's embrace for a moment, happy to finally be near one another again. When you finally pull apart, your touch lingers on one another.
He glances over at Megumi.
" what happened to him?"
" I'm not sure."
" It couldn't have been that ponytail, right? Megumi's not weak. Or is this Megumi weak?"
You shake your head, your eyes glancing at him.
" You're already aware that we appear to be in a different universe?"
" Nobara filled me in.- How much water do you have left?"
You grin cheekily at him, your hands messing with the bracelet on his wrist. Of course, that's why it felt so familiar. That pull you felt is your cursed energy. The energy you lended to your best friend so you could always find one another in times of need.
" Seems it led you to me once again."
You grin at him. Sukuna was not amused. He knew you were really just avoiding the question and trying to get him distracted.
" So you've got no water left?"
" Err- Well, no- "
He cuts you off, heaving an annoyed sigh. Pulling his arm out of your loose grip, he uses both hands to untie the water skin on his back. The one he always wore with him, just in case you managed to run out of water.
" Have you been carrying that around all this time while I was gone?"
He scoffs.
" I knew that I'd find you, and I knew you're stupid.-"
A demanding presence suddenly silenced both of you.
You turn to your left, noticing Yuuji- no- Was this the Sukuna of this world? The one they spoke of?- Either way, he was stood barely a few meters away from the two of you, his eyes fixed on yours.
" Oh, nice, there's another me."
Ryomen Sukuna smirks at his words, you step back, pulling your best friend with you.
Fuck, he doesn't know.
" Erm- Kuna', this you is, well, complicated and uhh, not nic-"
You don't get a chance to finish your last word. Instead, Ryomen Sukuna has grabbed you by the neck, and has taken to the sky, once high enough, he flings you into a building not too far away.
Ryomen Sukuna is annoyed. Two golden opportunities. Killing you, and witnessing the full strength of Fushiguro Megumi. On top of that, he finally had the space to fight again. However, it appears he doesn't have enough time. Below his skin, Yuuji is desperately grappling back for control, and it won't take long until he wins.
He needs you dead before you know of your actual potential. Of just how strong you actually are.
Noticing your bloodied form moving beneath the rubble, he grumbles in annoyance.
He aims at you again, intending to choke you with his bare hands.
However, before he can reach close enough, a chain is wrapping around his middle. He's barely glancing down at it, before he's pulled down, harshly into the ground.
It doesn't harm him. Not in the slightest. However, his interest has been piqued.
" Who're you?"
Standing across from him, stood none other than a replica of him, with minimal details. The only detail that stood out to Ryomen Sukuna was his duplicate's lack of cursed energy.
Your Sukuna doesn't reply, his eyes narrowing at him.
" Could ask you the same. The fuck's your issue?"
Ryomen Sukuna smirks.
" You have no cursed energy. You can't defeat me."
With that said, Ryomen charges at his duplicate. Kuna' is quick, on par when it comes to hand to hand combat. It's a quick work on punches and kicks, elbows and knees as they fight one another.
Meanwhile, you climb out from under the rubble, holding your ribs which are broken without a doubt. You grit your teeth, shaking your head in hopes to shake away your hazy vision. You will not die here. And neither will your Sukuna. You will personally make sure of that.
Meanwhile the two are still fighting one another. Your Sukuna is able to handle more punches than Ryomen expected, and he can't help but feel annoyed by it. However, in one lucky opening, he manages to land a swift, strong punch to his duplicate's stumic, sending him flying back.
On his other side, you have approached as well, your body flexible as you take up the challenge to fight him.
Truth to be told, you've forgotten that he specifically wanted you dead.
You don't really realize that he wouldn't bother to finish off your best friend, that he'd chase after you instead.
Sukuna finds himself even more annoyed with your style of physical combat, you're dancing around him, using his weight and movements to your advantage.
He doesn't understand where you're getting the strength from. You're all bloodied up, injured, and you're still fighting. Perhaps you're growing stronger on a quicker pace than he'd like.
He smirks at you, done with your fluid movements as he grabs you by the neck. You glare at him.
Behind him, he can hear his duplicate getting up. At the same time, he can feel Yuuji push more and more for control, desperate to not have you dead.
" Watch and learn, you have no cursed energy. You're not strong enough to win from me.-"
His duplicate is much quicker than he expected. Before he can react, he's send flying in the building behind him.
Your Sukuna grits his teeth. You cough, getting up from the floor as you fix your sight on the unbothered four eyed male who's leaving the building unscathed once again.
He's closing the distance between the two of you with the blink of an eye- his hand raised for what you don't doubt to be an activation for his slice technique.
Instinctively, you fall back, your hands raising as you take control of the closest water source.
You hate doing this. By your own morals, you never use it until you have absolutely no other option. And judging by the fact that Yuuji is currently prisoner in his own body, you suppose that this is one of those moments. You hate it, but you can't allow him to kill you.
At once, Ryomen Sukuna's movements still.He cackles.
You're not sure why, but after a moment, a glint appears in his eyes as he looks at you.
" Ah, you're lucky. The brat's gaining control. You won't be so lucky a second time."
Beside you, you notice your Sukuna about ready to slice his neck, and you raise an arm, stopping him as he gives you an incredulous look.
" Y/N, what the-"
" No! You don't understand. You can't kill Yuuji!"
Your Sukuna watches with wide eyes as the marks on Yuuji's face disappear, the smirk falling off. His mouth falls open in shock as his brother's features take over, wide eyes taking in the scene.
The resistance against your manipulation is gone, yet your body still trembles due to the adrenaline rushing through your body.
" Yuuji?"
Your voice is careful, uncertain, as you don't lose your control over his body just yet.
" Y-Y/N, I-"
With that, you release your hold, falling to the ground.
Yuuji looks around. His eyes connect to your Sukuna's for a moment, but neither say anything.
Your Sukuna doesn't know how to act, or what to do or say. He knows him as his brother. He doesn't want to kill him, but he doesn't understand what to make of the situation either. What just happened?
Instead, he walks over to where you've collapsed, your body out cold.
Yuuji watches him move. He's picking you up with care, carrying your body close to his own, picking up the water skin that's lying on the ground abandoned as he carries it on his back once more.
And then he's walking off, not looking back once.
Yuuji throws up as he remembers what just went down.
He almost killed you.
You would've died if your Sukuna hadn't been there.
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