Chapter Three • Giants
My phone the next morning was riddled with texts.
To Maia- Again? Geez girl. What about Rhizas for dinner two days from now on Monday?
And it was kind of weird. Oscar felt like a third wheel most of the time-he said. Promise not to do that again! - Gabii
I felt awful, ditching her again. But at the same time she couldn't know what was happening. Gabrielle was many things- loyal and kind- but not one to understand and keep secrets.
But the worst part wasn't over.
To Maia- Oh ok. Gabrielle says we're going to dinner on Thursday. Can we talk then?
Not as bad as I thought. I admit I was a smidge terrified of his response.
I told both of them I'd be at Rhiza's for dinner- but was paranoid at the same time. Rhiza's was not just your ordinary diner- it had candles and pianists with fine dining. The mood was romantic for couples, but probably tense for Oscar and I.
But I had to push that away for now. As I strode into the kitchen Saturday morning, Tohru was cooking up breakfast for a while lot of us. Sage was out, as expected, and there were new guests at the table.
"Welcome!" Tamaki Suoh of the Ouran High School Host Club announced.
Kyoya sighed, across the table. "Idiot. You do know this is her home?"
I was immediately puzzled. The Ouran characters were here- all here. In their show, they didn't have any magic or violent antagonists. Were they still caught up in the midst of the anime war?
"Not to be rude." I clear my throat. "But why are you here? Were you also in the war?"
I yelped in surprise as both of the Hitachiin twins were behind me. They leaned the closest arm to me on my shoulder, and grinned.
"Let me explain." Haruhi said. "We were all in the music room at this elite school when it happened. We heard explosions and screams. But since the building we were in was so sturdy, it held up for a while. We all stayed through six days in that building while it was on lockdown, thinking it would end soon."
"But that wasn't the case." Honey said, hugging his stuffed rabbit- usa-chan to his small body. "The beasts appeared in the night."
"Beasts?" I asked. All of them averted their gaze. I saw Haruhi shiver.
Tamaki took the reins. "They were enormous- skinless giants with the most terrifying faces. They knocked down the building with a strong swipe to the middle. Kyoya's guards held them off while the rest of us and other civilians fled to safety. The eight of us were in a pack, until we found a strange book. That's how we stumbled here."
Skinless Giants...terrifying faces.
"Titans." I froze. That's right. The anime world has so many amazing beings but also a ray of killing machines as well. I'm just glad neither of them are hurt.
It was a tense meal, but Tohru's breakfast hit the spot. There were even leftovers- and I saved some for Sage. He'd probably claim he was fine with a granola bar but would give in after a look.
"We need to bring the book to the barn." I told them. "And I'm going to need help cleaning it and making it a good living space so you can all lie in there. Okay?"
They all nodded like they were from the scout regiment. I wonder if Eren, Armin and Mikasa are fighting for the world as we speak.
One by one, they all moved into the barn with cleaning supplies. Each member cleared a part of the barn up, and did their part. It was a nice morning.
And in a couple of working hours, the barn was cleared. Mounds of hay still slumped on the floor for comfort, and a single light was inserted into the roof, connecting all the way to my house.
"I know it's not all that comfortable." I cringed. "But this is the best place for you all I think."
Yuki gave me a small smile. "It's more than enough, thank you."
Over in the corner, I could hear Tamaki ranting on about commoner's housing but Haruhi threw daggers of shade. I always admired her strong-willed persona.
Just as I looked away, I found the boys from Free! coming over to me.
"I know you've done so much already." Makoto started. "And we really appreciate it..."
It didn't take me long to realize what they wanted. I just had to remember the path of their anime show.
"A pool right?" I ask them. All five of them looked hopeful towards me.
"I don't have one at my house, but there's a pool for the swim team at the building across from my school. I know someone who's on the swim team- so I think I can get you in. Is Monday okay?" I asked them.
Nagisa's arms launched out and hugged me. I could tell all of them were extremely excited about swimming. They may have even thought they'd never be able to again, after the war.
"MAIA!" I hear from Aladdin.
My gaze shifts to two high-schoolers- clung to each other like they'd never let go. One with a flip phone, and another with a bloody knife.
The boy looked scared- traumatized. And the girl looked protective- some might say... Yandere.
"Everyone." I tell the other characters. "Back away from them. The boy isn't violent but the girl is. If you so much as give her man a smile she'll stab that knife through your chest. Don't- I repeat- don't get on her bad side."
She threw me a sick smile. In the anime, Future Diary, I hated her guts. But I'd have to act civil with her now.
I sucked in a breath. "Yukkiteru? Yuno? It's alright. We are the safe zone. But you can only crash here if you put that knife down."
She raised an eyebrow. "I don't trust anyone who isn't yukki."
"Then you are free to leave." I reply.
She hesitates. So, even the war has scared a psycho-path like her.
Yuno gives Yukkiteru a worried glance, and places her knife on the ground. Morgiana moves to pick it up, and give it to me.
"You can stay here until the war is over." I nod. "And for the record- you two make an amazing couple."
She beamed, and hugged her boyfriends arm. "Good."
As they washed up, I thought about how difficult it could be with them here. For the record, I hated both of them so passionately it made it hard to look them in the eye. The only ones I was worried for in the anime of Future Diary were a detective named Aru Akise and a rebel named Ninth.
I wonder where they are...
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