"Are we there yet?" Lucius called from behind Alvar and I, feet dragging heavily through the undergrowth.
His powerful legs crushed twigs and dry leaves, making consistently annoying crunching sounds as he stomped angrily along. Occasionally, he stopped to look over our shoulder or called out to Beast, but the Gryphon has been silent for a while, flying too high above to hear his calls. I didn't blame the creature, I too had grown sick of his constant complaints and ability to make the smallest of happenings the biggest event of the century. Only an hour before, he had scratched his nose on a stray hung branch and fell to the ground, writhing in fake agony. Alvar had kicked him playfully, but hard enough to get him to shut up. He was making it all too easy for us to be followed.
Beyond Lucius' annoying fits of boredom, it was getting very cold. It seemed to grow colder as Lucius' complaints grew and we travelled higher into the mountains. Soon enough I would shove the necklace shard down his throat, and bring back the blood as further evidence to my family. Wouldn't that have been a treat?
"No!" Alvar cried in response, whirling around to face Lucius, "But if it's peace you seek, why don't you just keep on talking, cause we will be caught in no time at all!"
Lucius' mouth snapped shut, just as I expected it to do. Although they both once wore white capes, Alvar was clearly held the strength and power of the duo, not to mention the respect.
Alvar took intimidating steps forwards, about to start another bout of insults, but we all froze when we heard a twig snap. No, not just a twig, more like a branch. There was a groan, and loud cracking sounds, wood grinding against wood. We all whirled around to face the direction of the sound, I expected to see a tree fall, grown rotten after years of poor care.
Alvar and Lucius glanced at one another, and a quick flash of terror stirred with concern in their eyes.
"What is it?" My heart thudded hard in my chest, fear sinking its cold nails into my lungs and shortening my breath.
"A Leafy." They simultaneously breathed out, eyes locked onto one spot in the woods.
My eyes followed their gaze, passing over the trees and undergrowth, and that is when I saw it. The leafy appeared at first glance to be only another one of the tall trees in the forest. But when closely examining it, I saw that the terror of the men was justified. This tree has uprooted itself; it's long and spindly branches acting as thousands of arms protruding out of its body. In the centre of it all was a void of darkness, a hole in its body where a mouth and teeth may go. But its mouth had no teeth, no lips, and no tongue, just a dark pit that seemed to suck the surroundings into it. Most frightening of all were its beady red eyes shining only just above its mouth, which were starting directly at us.
"Should we be running?" My trembled whisper broke the silence.
Alvar launches into action, but not in the way I was expecting. He dropped the sack from his shoulders and began to rifle through the blankets. He threw one to Lucius and myself before draping one around his own shoulders.
"Put them on inside out!" Alvar yelled, worry raising his voice.
"What?" I yelled my own response, but nevertheless put the blanket on inside out, the skin exposed to the Leafy.
"Just trust me!" Alvar's chest was heaving, taking in heavy breaths to fuel the anxiety that grew in his belly.
A crunch in the foliage signalled that the creature was on the move. My eyes shot over to its spot in the trees, but it was no longer there. It was at least twenty feet closer and it looked angry.
"Alvar." I trembled nervously; I had no experience handling any of these creatures and throwing a punch at it would not be enough to make it go away.
"They are extremely territorial and it will chase us down if we try to run. We have to confuse it, then we might have a chance of getting away."
"A chance?" I chocked out, staring wide-eyed at the creature.
It hadn't moved any closer, but it seemed to be analysing us for weaknesses and strengths. It's eyes found mine and I knew it thought it had found the weakness and it's first target. It took a haunting step forwards with its roots dragging through the dirt, creating a sickening symphony of cracking and groaning.
"Lyra, I need you to listen to me," Alvar spoke quietly, withdrawing his sword from his hip while Lucius muttered words beneath his breath, "we are going to cast a glamour and as soon as it begins to work I need you to run up the mountain. Beast is there now, he will protect you."
I stepped closer to him, my fear for him dragging a deep line in my forehead and causing my eyes to prick with heat.
"And you'll be right behind me?" I whispered, holding the skintight against my chest.
"Of course." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.
Before he could turn away I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into a hug. My lips found his cheek as I swallowed a hiccup of emotions too strong to be real.
"Don't be long." I said quietly, watching his face as I pulled away. There was shock in his eyes, but he was not unhappy with my actions. If there weren't a Beast after us, I'd say he might have even been happy. And that was comfort enough for the time being.
The Leafy took another frightening step closer and Alvar began to mutter under his breath. The steam began to curl around his face, and when it parted he looked more frightening than the creature looking for its next kill. Alvar and Lucius' faces had been duplicated on the back of their heads and their clothes and feet seemed to be facing forwards on both sides. It was like there were two of them, only stuck together by their backs, creating a contorted perception of reality, which was as frightening as it was magnificent.
"Run, Lyra!" Both of Alvar's faces shouted at me as the two Fae men began to walk towards the creature.
I didn't hesitate to sprint up the mountain, feet flying under me at a wild pace fuelled by adrenaline. I didn't falter or trip, gliding over stones and jumping over large logs as the sounds of fighting broke out behind me. I dare not swivel around to see what was happening, but I could hear the things sickening sucking mouth screeching and the shouts of Lucius and Alvar.
The trees grew thicker and the forest denser, forcing me to slow down and wind carefully through the trees. There was a thud ahead of me and for a moment I feared the worst. But when I saw golden flecks of light shining of nearby leaves, I ran faster towards my saviour. In a small circular clearing Beast was crouched down, predatory ears pricked and claws extended. I had no time for words so I ran at him, clutching his large front leg in a hug and sinking beneath his outstretched wing. When I was under, he curled his feathers back towards his body, hiding me from the outside and pressing me against his body. My hands on his chest, I could feel his heavy heart thudding erratically. Mine too was beating just as fast, fluttering in my chest like a caged hummingbird.
We waited for a long time, neither of our hearts slowing, for the noise in the distance to cease. After what seemed like hours, there was one final loud roar and then nothing. No shouting, no clashing of swords, and no sound in the foliage. Beasts mind opened, and I saw an image of hope in his mind, a world free of danger for the time being. My shoulders relaxed and I pressed myself into Beasts side, suddenly overcome with fatigue and nausea.
Just as quickly as I relaxed, Beasts body was gone from beside me and I fell suddenly into the dirt, jarring my shoulder upon impact. I cried out and my eyes looked in a million places at once. Beast was gone, nowhere in sight, but his thick crimson blood was on the ground. Lip quivering in fear, I waited for the Leafy to appear. It emerged from behind me. I could not see it, but I could hear it breathing.
A ghastly collection of screeching souls fell out of its mouth, its wooden limbs creaking as it crept closer to my back. The hairs on my neck rose with a cold shiver, my body trembling as its dark shadow was cast over me. Everything darkened; soon my voice would join the symphony of its prisoners. So close to death, my mind opened and revealed itself to the world. I set free all my doubts, my regrets, and my fears. I felt the sadness and the happiness of existence, all the greatest memories of my life, all at once. And I felt the earth beneath my fingertips and revelled in the continuous cycles of energy that passed through it. As long as I ended in the earth, I would be okay, because it was where I was meant to be.
All sounds ceased once more. The air around the shadow and me regenerated disappeared from my body. The sunlight seeped back in through the trees, my skin warming from its golden touch. My lungs released, my eyes opened. The sky's never looked brighter, the trees never greener.
I shifted on the ground, clutching my shoulder as I rose shakily to my feet. My body turned slowly to the direction of the creature to see it retreating into the forest. My eyes locked onto its beady red ones, head tipping to the side in curiosity, and I somehow understood. The message came to my heart like it had been carried by the breeze; it would not hurt me, and it was sorry for hurting my friends. A tiny smile pushed dimples in my cheeks and I raised my hand to wave at the creature. It groaned, eyes fading from red to black, and slunk down the steep mountain, disappearing through the trees.
Something crashed behind me, pulling my gaze away from the forest and to a crumpled form of the Gryphon. Beast limped towards me, stumbling over with a bloodied paw and a disfigured wing. I ran towards him, stopping him from walking any further, and we collapsed together on the ground. Although it pained my shoulder, I curled my arms around his strong neck and sunk my face into his soft feathers. He relaxed against me, his body huddled over with one crooked wing outstretched.
"You're okay?" His voice breathed through my mind, tired and confused. Weak, I saw through to his thoughts; questions flying by of the creature and where it had gone.
"It's okay. It didn't hurt me. It's okay." I spoke gently, afraid to hurt him anymore than what he already was. Instead of explaining, I opened my mind to him as I clutched his neck and felt his breath down my back.
Still weak, I could sense his confusion and his concern. It was clear that the creature normally hurts or kills all of its trespassers, but as soon as my mind had opened, it had stopped and reconsidered. I sensed that maybe it just didn't want to hurt a small human girl, desperate to find her way back to her family. That only brought another strong surge of questions to Beasts' mind and I winced as the voices began to rise.
I acted on impulse and began to stroke his neck, hushing him with the sweet lyrics that played on my tongue.
"I'm a goner
somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you."
Beast's breathing slowed, his heart steading in his chest. His mind slowly began to clear, but the pain was still consuming his body. I paused and ran a hand up his side, a warm shiver passing through my body, and continued to sooth him.
"Though I'm weak
Beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath..."
Slowly, his wing began to mend and his paw stopped bleeding. His eyes fluttered shut as I felt the sigh escape his body. The pain was lifting from his body. My shoulder no longer bothered me. I knew in my heart I was doing something; there was a warm in my belly and a tingle in my blood that I had never felt before. I could see it in my mind; the thin cord of the Gryphons life force, tethered to mine. A soft glow stitched to wall blank of colour, devoid of fantastical light. They fed off one another, as our minds remained linked, healing the bones in his wings and mending the ligaments of my shoulder. But none of it felt wrong. Rather, it felt so right that my entire body was singing with happiness I could neither anticipate nor comprehend.
I could hear the others approaching, the Gryphon was still restless in his mind. Sinking my fingers into his feathered neck, I continued to sing, and let my conscious flow against his.
"I've got two faces
Blurry's the one I'm not
I've got two faces
Blurry's the one I'm not
I need your help to
Take him out
I need your help to
Take him out...
Don't let me be gone...
Don't let me be gone..."
It was done, his life cord glowing bright against my own. His eyes flicked open and locked onto mine. There were so many unspoken words in his gaze, and I understood them all. He was just as confused, and as awed, as I was. But we knew to trod lightly on this matter, neither one of us completely knowing what it meant, or would mean in the future.
"Lyra! Are you alright?" Alvar stumbled out from the woods, blood running down his temple.
My breathing quickened at the sight and I wanted nothing more than to run my hands through his hair and make sure he was all right. But I was too afraid to move from my spot; nailed to the ground by the creeping fear of the abilities the Gryphon had shared with me. Before I could speak, he rushed over and pulled me into a deep and familiar hug, warming my entire body with his touch.
"I am okay. Beast chased the thing off." I whispered my lie in his ear, my arms clutching his back. "Are you? You look hurt." I mumbled into his shoulder, refusing to let go.
He chuckled, my body moving with his chest as he squeezed me tighter against his body.
"Would you be surprised if I said most of this is Lucius' blood?"
"No." I laughed and then frowned at myself, "Is he okay?"
"Yes. Nothing he can't heal with his remedies. He is just not a big hiker."
"I heard that!" We all heard Lucius call weakly from the distance.
We both laughed, a sigh escaping his chest. Relieved everyone was alive and in one piece, I pulled back to eye Beast who was staring at our display of affection.
"That's a lot of blood on your fur, Beast. You okay?" Alvar spoke aloud, and Beast nodded, glancing my way.
"We can't tell him. Not know." I whispered in Beasts mind before he could tell Alvar anything. "I want answers first. I don't know what this means, and neither do you, but the last thing I need is for them to keep me here because of this. I need to figure out what this is. And I need to go home."
"I know, Lyra. I understand. We will not speak of this until we understand it." He bowed his head before me and I reached out to stroke the bridge of his beak.
"Thank you."
It would be our little secret, at least for a little while.
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Charli xx
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