Chapter Four
Chapter Four
A/N: Sorry this (short) update is so long overdue!! I've been totally SWAMPED with studying for AP exams. I just took my last one yesterday so I am super relieved (totally behind on other work though, oops) Well, I hope you enjoy it! Hopefully I will get a new update out to you guys soon.
Also, I updated my Mikayuu fan fiction "Runaways", which you should totally check out if you want :D
Side note: This is my first update as a sixteen year old, omg!! *sings awkwardly* Happy birthday to meee~ 🎂
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Like someone took a black marker and scribbled on the paper sky, the twelve bird humans painted black streaks of color in the air. Already intuitively knowing how to fly, even though they've been kept in cages for their entire lives, they soared as gracefully as actual birds.
They didn't quite understand it, but there was a magnetic force in their cores, alerting them of where to look for the two teenage boys Asano wanted to find. One, the makeshift leader of the flock, flew front-and-center of the v-shape, a determined expression on his face. Everyone else trailed tentatively behind him, wanting to fly faster and find the boys first but not wanting to anger the vicious One. He was notorious for his violent outbreaks; one step out of line and they'd be reduced to ribbons of flesh and plucked wings.
It had already been over a day since Asano released the bird children to find Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster. Everywhere they went seemed to have a faint trail of their scent, and yet the flock couldn't ever locate the missing duo.
This angered One, who was the most passionate in finding them. When Asano was vulnerable as he doted on the couple, One would take his chance and make his escape, no matter the cost.
Eight, who was near the end of the line, felt uneasy about the direction they were heading. His mentally-ingrained global positioning system - again, unbeknownst to him how it was there - told him that they were going the wrong way. The flock was currently headed east, over the mountains and eventually towards what they hoped to be a city.
This was too easy, Eight thought. There was an indescribable feeling in his gut; something was telling him that this was not the right direction.
Although he was positive the flock was heading in the wrong direction, he didn't want to break away from them and call attention to himself. Going rogue would be nothing short of dangerous.
After moments of planning, Eight decided that the best time to make his escape would be as soon as possible, so when he felt a strong gust of wind hit his bare arms, he pulled his wings back tightly and dropped out of the air.
Eight watched, fascinated, as the world around him began to rapidly surround his body. Dangerously low to the ground, he snapped his wings out again, widening his distance from the group, who didn't seem to notice. As they soared eastward, dead-set on their mission, Eight coasted north.
Now flying solo, Eight couldn't help but notice the beauty of the world around him. He hadn't ever seen so much green at one time, and it was so overwhelming; the landscape looked like the creator ran out of every paint except green. Valleys dipped up and down, and the grass growing on the hills was overgrown but plush. Multicolored flowers grew in clusters, the most delicate things he'd ever laid eyes on.
Eight wanted to land and see the grass and the flowers closer, but he reminded himself to stay focused on the mission at hand. Find the boys, he told himself, flapping his wings harder to fly faster.
Unlike the other eleven mutants, Eight had a unique talent; whereas the others could only fly at about thirty miles an hour, Eight could clock in at up to one hundred miles an hour for brief intervals of time. Of course, this talent was unknown to Eight, who coasted at a reasonable pace through the clouds.
The wind threading through his hair, Eight relished in the freedom of flight. By the time the three days were up, Eight didn't think he'd ever be able go to back in those cages. This world had so much to offer than the constricting metal bars and cold cement floors - Eight felt like in this infinite world, he could experience the wonders of humanity.
The valleys melted into a flat countryside, complete with houses and animals Eight had never seen before, only mutations of them. There's a harras of horses, Eight remembered, unsure how he knew what it was, considering he had never laid eyes on one before, but the word came to him nevertheless. Alongside the running horses were pigs in pens and cows grazing on the open field.
Eight knew he was getting closer to where he needed to be. The feeling was so overwhelming, like a pounding heartbeat that pressed against his chest, harder with each beat; and then suddenly, just as things were looking up, they started to crash-land. Literally.
A surge of adrenaline rushed through Eight's body, and before he had a chance to react, he felt himself pick up in speed, like he was slicing through the wind resistance like it was paper. Moving faster and faster, Eight wondered how he was able to move so quickly as he coasted downward. The wind blasted against his face and arms, creating goosebumps. However, Eight had no concerns about how cold he was, because he was currently spiraling towards a lake and had absolutely no control over slowing down.
A scream tried to rip out of his throat, but the wind lodged in his airway and blocked out any noise that tried to come out. The body of water, an aquamarine lake, moved closer and closer. Eight braced himself for impact, feeling every part of himself turn ice cold when he landed in the lake.
The water's surface tension did nothing to protect him, as Eight felt his entire body ache as the cold water engulfed him and swallowed him under. Eight remained trapped, frozen in time as he plunged under the water, unable to push himself up to the surface of the lake as he did not know how to swim. As his lungs burned, begging for oxygen, he saw silhouettes of people swimming towards him.
I'm going to die, He thought as the last bit of air escaped his lungs.
Eight noticed through half-lidded eyes that a couple of kids were swimming his way. It must've been his lack of consciousness, but he swore they had gills on their necks, and when the light hit just right, he could see the faintest traces of scales on their temples.
Goodbye, world, Eight ignored his hallucination, accepting his fate as his eyes fluttered shut. I'm glad I finally got to see you.
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When Eight first opened his eyes, white light streamed into them, making him shut his eyes once more. He murmured a sound of annoyance, turning his head to the side to avoid the bright light.
He tried to open his eyes once again, slower this time. As he adjusted to his surroundings, he realized he was in a bed, something he had never been in before. There was a row of them, probably four or five in the white room. It wasn't too comfortable, but it was a huge step up from concrete floors.
Where am I? Eight thought, more confused than he was worried or scared, as he tried to sit up. His back ached as he did so, and he groaned in pain.
"Oh, hey, you're awake!" A voice to his left commented. Eight, rubbing his eyes, turned towards the voice. Removing his hands, he looked straight into the bluest eyes he had ever laid eyes on.
"You look a little green, are you alright?" They asked, worry apparent on their face. Eight couldn't stop staring, noticing every little detail about the person. Dark blue hair, pale skin, muscles, and most noticeably, a pair of dark black, crooked wings stretching behind him. There was no doubt about it. It was him.
This isn't possible, he thought. I must be dreaming. This is too easy.
And another question remained: where was the other one?
The world spun around on its axis, twirling around unevenly like a top. Eight's vision blurred, the last thought ringing in his mind as he fell back on the pillow, fainting.
"Oh my God! Nurse! Someone get some help in here!" They shouted, voice trailing away and fading into nothingness as Eight lost consciousness.
Gray Fullbuster...
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