Chapter Ten
(A/N: I just want to apologize up front for how long this chapter is. This may not come as a surprise to anyone, but your author doesn't really know how to map out chapter lengths! I hope it's ok with everyone.)
Christine's Point Of View
"I must say Erik, you are quite a talented dancer."
Erik blushed. "Thank you, my dear. But you are much better than I am." "Oh Erik-" "I am serious, my dear. You dance like a gazelle."
I giggled a little. "I haven't danced with anyone but Marguerite in quite a long time." Erik laughed. "Speaking of the girl, where has she gone?" "Oh, I told her she could explore on her own if she wanted."
Marguerite's Point Of View
"Who wants to hurt you?"
I clutched Christian's hand. "This man... in a mask." "Who?"
I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the grand staircase. "Him. Right there." I told Christian as I pointed toward Erik and my mother. "I found an old newspaper article about him in my mother's bedroom. In it it said he kidnapped her during something called Don Juan Triumphant and attempted to force her into marriage with him!"
Christian's eyes widened. "I think I've heard that story before... Come, my grandmother may know more about what happened."
He led me up the staircase and into a hall of bedrooms, pushing a door open. "She is in here."
Inside the room sat a woman at a vanity. She was dressed in a black taffeta with her hair pinned up in an elaborate bun. She appeared to be putting on makeup. "Grandmother?"
She turned to face us. "Christian, why are you here and not at the party?"
Christian stuttered. "Oh, erm, we have something to ask you."
Her eyes fell onto me and immediately seemed to fill up with tears, and before I knew it, she was clutching me tightly to her chest. "Christine... Christine, my little angel..." I quickly wiggled out of her grasp. "I-I apologize, but I am not Christine. My name is Marguerite."
She pulled her arms back. "You look almost exactly like Christine Daae. Are you her daughter, perhaps?"
I nodded. "Yes, that I am."
"Of course, I remember you. Now then, what did you want to ask me?"
Christian took a deep breath. "What do you know about Don Juan Triumphant?"
She took a deep breath. "Sit down, children. This will take a while."
One detailed description of what happened fourteen years ago later....
"I don't believe it."
She sighed. "Yes. Unfortunately, that is what happened. When Erik let your mother go, she ran away with that boy of hers... two years later, she was pregnant with you. My daughter was also pregnant, and they agreed to name their children after each other. The two of you were always together... that is, until your father died."
I sighed. "I miss him dearly." She nodded in agreement. "I hadn't told Erik about what had happened to him until he began to pester me. Eventually I gave in, and... somehow, he was able to locate you."
"What if history repeats itself? What if he hurts her, or me?"
She sighed. "He has seen the error of his ways, I do not believe anything such as that will happen. Now then, let's return to the party, shall we?"
Christian and I looked out at all of the dancing couples. "Are you still worried about your mother?"
I nodded. "I don't want anything to happen to her. I'm absolutely terrified of Erik."
Christian clutched my hand. "Marguerite, yes, Erik is absolutely terrifying, but we are at a party. Why don't we have some fun?" I chuckled. "I suppose it couldn't hurt."
He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. "May I have this dance?"
I felt my cheeks turn red. "Of course, Christian."
Christine's Point Of View
Erik tapped my shoulder. "My dear, it appears that your child has found herself a dance partner."
I turned my head to see my daughter dancing with a young boy. I couldn't help but notice how familiar he looked. "Erik, who is that boy?"
"His name is Christian Giry. I believe he is the son of your friend."
"Oh, of course! How did I not realize?" I let go of Erik and went over to the children.
"Mother!" Marguerite threw her arms around me. "Hello dear! Do you like the party?"
She nodded. "I found Christian!" I giggled. "Good, I'm glad to see that! Christian, I must ask, is your mother here?"
Christian nodded. "She's over there." He pointed to where a young blonde woman stood. Meg Giry.
I found myself running to her and flinging her into my arms. "Meg! I haven't seen you in years."
It took her a moment to realize who I was. "Oh, Christine, I've missed you so much!" "How are you? How is Christian?"
"I've been doing quite well. I am finally prima ballerina!" "Oh, congratulations! You've been wanting that for a while."
Marguerite's Point Of View
Christian and I watched as our mothers hugged and began to catch up with each other. After a while, the two of them finished talking and agreed to meet up later, for Christian's mother had to return to her lover. The rest of the night was a blur of dancing in the arms of Christian as well as my mother.
I collapsed onto my bed, still in my ballgown, much too tired to take it off. As I was about to fall asleep, with a feeling of euphoria surging through my body, my mother came in. "Ma Chere, do you plan on sleeping in your ballgown?"
I sighed tiredly. "I'm much too tired to change, mother." She laughed. "Why don't I help you, then?"
Using utmost care, she unlaced the back of my dress and helped to pull down my skirt. Her hands felt nice and cool against my hot skin. "Thank you, mother." I whispered silently as she pulled my nightgown over my head and buttoned it up. "Of course, dear."
As I got under the covers she noticed Angelique and picked her up. "Where did this little dolly come from?"
I yawned. "Erik gave it to me." "Did you thank him?" She asked with a hint of sternness in her voice. "Yes, mother." "Good."
She placed the doll in my hand and planted a kiss to my forehead before walking over to my bedroom door. "Sweet dreams."
The door shut, leaving me alone in the dark with my thoughts. I was on the verge of sleep, but found my mind thinking about Erik. He had done so many awful things.... but he'd shown a fair bit of kindness towards me....
"What am I to do?"
I sighed. "I'll think more tomorrow, " I said to myself as my eyes fluttered shut.
(A/N: I hope ya'll liked that! Two things. One, would anyone like to write an honest review of this book? Like, not just saying "it's good" to make me happy, but like an actual honest review? I hope someone will. And two, has anyone else experienced the feeling of getting home after a party and you just feel all tired and euphoric? It happened to me for the first time in forever this weekend, and I wanted to put it in here. Anyways, bye ya'll, have a great day!)
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