Chapter 6
We were walking down the hallway when Scott started going on and on about his dream. It was about how he and Allison were on a bus and he killed her. Imma leave it at that. Only clean version. Then Stiles made a dirty joke and when we walked outside we see that it may have happened. And Scott wasn't dreaming.
"Scoot, are you sure that was a dream?" I ask. And before I get a response he run's off, leaving me and Stiles to look at the destroyed bus.
"If he did kill Allison then we have got a problem," I say
"Why?" he asks
"Her parents are werewolf hunters," I say.It seems to click because he nods, or he's just nodding.The bell rings so we head to class.
The intercom speaks
"Attention all students. Even though there was an incident last night classes will resume as scheduled"
I let out a groan along with a bunch of other students. I decide to head to class. I sit next to Isaac while Scott and Stiles sit next to each other. We have to work silently but you can hear Stiles and Scott talking from the other side of the classroom.
"Mr.Stilinski if that is your idea of a hushed whisper then you need to take those headphones out. I hope you two don't die from separation anxiety. Mr.Stilinski over there" he points to a chair that is across the room from Scott. I couldn't help but giggle at that. I felt eyes on me and I turned around to see Isaac staring at me. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. We all went to back work. A little while later a girl pointed out something so everyone went to the window to check it out.We see an old guy getting put on a gurney. He then pops up and everyone jumps back. I accidentally bump into Isaac.
"Sorry," I said
"It's fine," he said
We walked back to our seats and as I did the test I went to hold my necklace but it wasn't around my neck. I looked in my backpack and it wasn't in there either. I feel a tap on my shoulder and it's Isaac. And he has my necklace.
"It fell off when you jumped back," he said.
"Thanks for keeping it safe," I say. He nods and hands it to me. When I get it back though I notice that it was broken. He must've noticed too because he whispered
"I can fix it if you want me to," he said.
"You would do that for me?" I ask. He nods and I hand him my necklace. The bell rang and we handed our papers to Mr.Harris. When we walk out of the classroom I turn towards Isaac and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Then I ran off to go find the other two at lunch. I usually don't eat, so I quickly sat down across from Scott and next to Stiles. Then Allison came. Followed by Jackson,Danny, and Lydia. Jackson sat at the head of the table, Lydia next to him and Danny next to me.I was happy. Besides from Scott and Stiles, Danny is one of my best friends. I don't know if he considers me one but I consider him my best friend.
"They're saying the attack was some sort of cougar," Danny says.
"I heard it was some sort of mountain lion," I say.
"A cougar is a mountain lion, isn't it?" Lydia asks. When did she become so smart?
"Who cares? It's probably some homeless guy" says Jackson.
"Actually, I just found out who it is," says Danny. We all crowd around Danny's phone. And by crowded around,I mean Stiles is practically laying on me, Which causes me to have to practically lay on Danny.His arms are around my head so everyone can see the phone. They say that the victim's name is Garrison Meyers. He survived but that name sounds familiar. When the video ends Stiles is still on me so I'm still on Danny. Danny looks at me and I point to Stiles. Stiles smiles at Danny and tried to start a conversation.
"Stiles, please get off me. I'm pretty sure that Danny wants his lap back," I say. He quickly gets off of me, as if noticing that I was there for the first time, and then I get up.
"Sorry," I say to Danny.
"It's fine," He says."What's that?"
"What?" I ask.
He points to my shoulder. I now notice it and I remember when I got it. I look at it. I look up and see only Danny notices it.
"It's a tattoo," I say, quietly.
"Why are you whispering?" he whispers back.
"Because no one else knows about it" I whisper back."Can you keep it a secret?"
"What are friends for?" he asks. I look at him and smile.
"Best friends?" I say, hopefully. He nods and I hug him. He hugs back and I pull away. I then turn to the conversation.
"So where are you and Scott going tomorrow?" I ask.
"Actually, Lydia, Jackson,Scott, possibly you, Stiles, and I," Allison says.
"Depends, what is it?" I ask.
"We are going bowling," says Lydia.
"Hm, maybe," I said.
"Great, more people who can't bowl," says Jackson.
"Who says we can't bowl?" asks Allison
"Well can you?" asks Jackson.
"I can, What about you Scott? Can you bowl?" she asks
"Sort of, or yes?" asks Jackson.
"I'm a great bowler," Scott says confidently.
~In the hallway~
"Scott, you suck at bowling," I say.
"I know," he says
"God, that was like watching a trainwreck," Stiles says."I mean, first, it turned into the whole group date thing.And then out of nowhere comes that phrase.Hang out.You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's Like death.Once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend."
"You and Danny can start hanging out" Stiles finishes his rant.
" I either killed a guy or I didn't," says Scott
" I don't think Danny Likes me very much," says Stiles
" I ask AIIison on a date, and now we're hanging out," says Scott.
" Am I not attractive to gay guys?" asks Stiles
"I'm going to be late for work," Says Scott, as he runs off.
"Scott, you didn't answer my question, " Say, Stiles. He turns to me."Do Gay guys find me attractive?"
"Why don't you ask Danny?" I say. He nods and he goes to find Danny. I go to find Lydia and Allison before they leave. I luckily do.
"Can I hang out with you two?" I ask.
"Of course, you can help me pick out Allison's outfit for tonight and we can pick out your's and mine," says Lydia. I nod and follow Lydia and Allison to Lydia's car. We all get in and go to Allison's house. When we reach there we immediately go up to Allison's room. She opens up her closet, while I sit on the bed with Lydia, saying yes or no to clothes. I find some of them really nice but then Lydia says no. So I go with her opinion. Eventually, we find something for her and as we were getting ready to head over to my house, Mr.Argent comes in.
"Hi, dad," Allison says.
"Right, sorry I forgot to knock," he said
"Hi Mr.Argent" Lydia and I say at the exact same time. He nods at us and turns back towards Allison.
"I just wanted to say you are not going out with your friends tonight"
"There is an animal out there killing people"
" Dad I'll be fine"
"There is a curfew for 9:30"
"I'll be fine"
"You are not going out and that is final" with that he walks out.
"Someone's daddy's little girl," says Lydia
"Not tonight," says Allison, as she puts on a beanie and climbs out the window and backflips off the roof.
"We'll take the stairs," says Lydia, dragging me before I could do the same. We then drive to my house and Lydia picks out my outfit.
Afterwards, we head to her house and she puts her outfit on and we all head to the bowling alley. I hope Stiles shows up. I don't want to be the fifth wheel. But when we get there I see that it is the 2 couples and me. I wanted to call Stiles, but his dad is the Sherriff. And if he's not here he is probably at home doing whatever. I let them bowl as couples and I pulled out my phone. I decided to see if Derek would answer my questions.
A=Hey Derek. Do you know of any supernatural creatures that can transport from one place to another?
D= Not by memory. But I have a book
A= Is there any way I can read or borrow it?
D= Come by my place and yeah
A=Yay! Thanks! When would be a good time to pick it up?
D= Now
A= I'm on my way
I sneak out and hide around a corner. When I make sure there is no one and no camera's around I transport to Derek's house. When I open my eyes I see that I'm here. I walk up to the door and knock. I don't know what else to do. He opens it and lets me in.
"How did you get here that fast?" He asked
"Like I said, I can transport to any place I want. It has to be on my mind, though. I wonder if I can transport into books?"
He just shakes his head at me and then picks up a book.
"This is the book I was talking about," he says, as he hands it to me. I nod.
"Can I borrow it? I'll read it tonight and then I'll bring it back tomorrow" I said. He nods. I hug him and leave. I think about the bowling alley bathroom and then I am there. I step out and go back to the lane. I sit down like I didn't go. I had the book behind me so that it wouldn't be noticeable. They finish up and I just watch them all walk off.I get up to follow Scott but I see him and Jackson talking, so I go find the girls. I couldn't find them so I decide to head home. I text Scott to let him know that I was walking home. Then I started walking home.
Scott texted back saying okay. I'm pretty sure that he didn't read it fully but whatever. As I was about to text him back to mess with him saying that I met a cute guy and I won't be coming home tonight I ran into someone. Is it a coincidence that after I was talking about a cute guy that I run into a cute guy. Sure, why not.
"Sorry," I say as I walk past him.
"Wait!" he shouted.
I turned around and looked at the guy.
"Why are you out so late?" he asks.
"I could ask the same thing," I say.
He just laughs and steps a little closer to me.
"But I asked first"
"I'm walking home from the bowling alley," I said.
"Cool," he said
"Now you answer me," I said with a smirk
" Looking for beautiful girls like you to save from the streets of Beacon hills", he says.
I couldn't help but blush at what he said. I looked away and realized that I had to get home.
"As much as I would love to stay and talk to you, I have to get home," I said, walking away. He caught up with me, though.
"Hey, why don't you let me walk you home. Just for protection reasons" he says.
"I can tell you won't take no for an answer so sure," I say. He just chuckles and smiles at me. OMG, that smile, though.
"So I didn't get your name," He said, after a little bit of silence
"My name is a name that I am being called" I say
"Hahaha," he says sarcastically "Seriously, though, what's your name?"
"Angel, what's your name?" I ask
"Brett. And that name matches your appearance" he says, smiling down at me. I may be Scott's twin but I am not that tall. He then looks at my shoulder.
"It looks like you have something on your shoulder" I looked at it and realized that he was talking about my tattoo.
"Oh, It's a tattoo,"I said.
"Can I see it?" he asks. So I show him it. His eyes start to go down and I quickly pull my shirt back on the right way. We reached my house at that time and I saw it.
"Here we are," I say. He nods.
"Thanks for walking me home," I say.
"No, thank you," he says with a smirk. and he walks off. At first, I'm confused by what he means, then I realize what he means. My cheeks turn as red as a tomato and I run inside. When I close the door, I'm still facing it. And when I turn back around I come face to face with Scott. I let out a little yelp and then I glare at him.
"What the hell Scott?" I ask him.
"Why were you late to coming back.I left after you did and when I come back you're not home" he asks. Then shakes his head,"Right now I have more important things to deal with. So go to bed"
I just head upstairs and go to my room to sleep
Scott's POV
I quickly head to Derek's place.When I get there I yell
"Derek! I know you're here! I know what you did! "
"I didn't do anything," he says
" You killed him!"
"He died"
"Like your sister"
"My sister was missing. I came here looking for her"
"You found her"
"I found her in pieces. They used her as bait to catch me"
"I think you killed them both.I'm going to tell everyone.Starting with the Sherriff!" I yelled
I then started to transform.
"Cute,"says Derek.
Then I decide to throw him through a wall. When I see him again he starts to wolf out.
~Time skip to when they are done fighting~
I make my way to his couch and sit there before Derek starts talking.
"Look, we didn't kill the bus driver. It's not my fault and it isn't your fault"
"It's your fault.It's all your fault.You ruined my life!"
"No, I didn't"
"Yes, you did. You bit me.
"I didn't bite you. There's another" he pauses then continues," It's called an Alpha. You and me we are Beta's. It's more powerful and animal than both of us. My sister came here looking for it. And now I'm looking for it. But I don't think I can do it without you or Angel"
"Because he bit both of you. You guys are a part of his pack. It's you two that he wants. Not me or anyone else. Just you two"
Okay people.So if you are wondering why some parts are longer htan others or why some parts are shorter. That is because I'm doing this out of memory. So there will be parts that are longer and others that will be shorter. So if you do like it please leave a vote!
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