Chapter 1
Tomorrow is the day. First day of school. Yay!!! I think sarcastically. I should be getting some sleep but nope I'm here. Sitting on the porch. Doing absolutely nothing. Then as I was about to head inside Stiles, both mine and Scott's best friend, drops down. hanging upside down. I let out a scream and then a few seconds later Scott comes through the front door with a baseball bat.
" Are you okay? Stiles what did you do" he says laughing, along with Stiles. I glare at them both and then turn to Stiles, who had calmed down from his laughing fit.
" Stiles, Do you know what time it is? What are you doing here?" I ask.
" I know it's late but my dad 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're calling in every officer from Beacon hills plus the state police" Stiles said.
" Why?" Asked Scott
" Two Joggers found a body"
" A dead body?
" No A body of water. Yes, a dead body"
" Okay, then why did you come all the way to tell us this?" I asked.
" Well I came to say that they found half of the body and we are going to find the other half"
"Yes!" I exclaim while Scott says "No"
We both turn and give him a funny look. He's usually up for this stuff what has changed.
" What? I have to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow's practice"
" Just so you can sit on the bench?" Stiles asks
" No. I'm going to be playing this year and I need a goodnight's sleep for that" replied Scott.
" Come on Scott. We will get back in enough time for you to get the sleep you need. Please" I beg, making sure to give him my best puppy dog eyes. He looks at me.Then he looks at Stiles, who is doing the same thing as me. He gives in and nods then head back inside to get his jacket. I also grabbed my hoodie. We set off to Stile's blue jeep.
The boys got in the front seat while I sat in the back seat. When we finally reached there we all got out and started walking. During the walk, I heard Scott sat " Shouldn't* wheeze* you let the * wheeze* severe asthmatic person hold the flashlight?" Just before Stiles could reply we all saw flashlights in the distance. He started running off. Me almost being the same speed as him but then slowed down to Scott's speed. The before we both knew it we were hiding behind a tree. While Stiles ran into the police and their dogs.
" Wait, don't do anything. This little delinquent belongs to me" we both heard Sherif Stilinski.
" Hey dad, how are you doing?" asked Stiles.
" Do you listen in on all of my conversations?"
" Not the boring ones"
" Where are the other two partners in crime?"
" Who? Scott and Angel? They stayed at home. You know.. To get sleep for school tomorrow" Stiles replied. Then a flashlight shone over to the direction that I and Scott were at. Then a few other places. We then heard Mr. Stilinski sigh and he went to Stiles.
" Well, I will be walking this one to his car and talking about privacy," he said while pulling Stiles towards his Jeep.
We waited until we heard the rest of the search team leave the area, then we came out of hiding.
"Let's go," said Scott, walking in the direction that we saw Stiles and his dad go. While we were walking we heard a herd of deer running towards us. We both started running but then laid low, hoping that the deer would miss us. Well unlucky for me, one kicked me in the back. I let out a grunt but then tried to sit up as the rest of them ran past. Scott came over to me and helped me sit up. "Are you okay?" he asked with concern written all over his face. Before I could respond he fell a few feet away from me.
"Scott!" I yelled. The thing that knocked him away, turned around and looked at me. Then it made it's way towards me. Then it did something unexpected. It bit me. That wasn't the unexpected part. The unexpected part was after I screamed it walked to Scott calmly and bit him. Then it ran off. Leaving us both alive and not ripped to shreds. I quickly made my way to Scott, ignoring the pain in my side and back.
" Scott? Are you Okay?" I asked. He nodded and sat up.
" Let's go home and look at both of the bite's and your back,"he said.
I nodded and started to get up. But my back restrained me from doing so. That led to Scott giving me a hand up then helped me walk. As soon as we reached the road we stood there for minutes. Those few minutes almost cost us our lives. Luckily the driver noticed in time and swerved out of the way. We quickly got off the road and began the walk home.
~ time skip to the house~
When we got home my back started to feel better. So all we did was cover the bites with a bandage and then went our separate ways. Just as I was about to go in my room Scott turned to me and said " Promise me that if mom need's to find out about your back that she won't find out why. If she does we will both be dead"
I nodded then said" Goodnight"
" Goodnight"
Then we finally went our separate ways and I immediately went to bed. Not caring what I was wearing and passed out.
So this my first Teen wolf Fan-Fic and I would like to know how I am doing so far. So if you did like this chapter please either comment and let me know or leave a vote. If you didn't like it please leave a comment why or message me and I will work on those problems. Have a good night!!
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