"IIZZZAAAAYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!!" The honey-mocha eyed blonde in a bartender get-up yelled as he threw yet another vending machine at the aforementioned informant.
"Oh, but Shizu-chan, I'm bored!" the crimson-eyed raven in a fur-trimmed black jacket retorted back, dodging the flying vending machine by meters as he climbed up a wall, the vending machine embedding itself in the wall he just climbed. "Shizu-chan, you're getting messier and messier everyday, you really must be a monster after all!"
"I told you to stay out of Ikebukuro, you flea!" Shizuo lifted up a dumpster, preparing to throw it at the raven, only to notice his enemy had already parkoured up the building and was smirking down at him.
"Well, I hate to leave you now, Shizu-chan, but I have to meet a client in an hour, and I would hate to smell like I just ran a marathon, so I have to get cleaned up! Bye-bye now, Shizu-chan!" Izaya said, heading home after toying with his fav-what was he thinking... his least favourite monster. There was no human to Shizu-chan, after all...
"Get back here you flea!" Shizuo yelled. Izaya felt unease all of the sudden.
Izaya turned around and very much too his surprise, was met with a trash barrel a foot in front of him. Too late to dodge this one, but hey, that monster could only throw this small trash can up the building, so Ha! I win! Izaya thought as he was met face-first with the trash can. He got up from the impact and was a little dizzy... the vision in his right eye was red. He reached his hand up, touching the partially closed eye, his fingers meeting a small shard of glass, no bigger than a piece of lead from a wooden pencil, stuck in the eyelid. He removed it and tried closing his eye, it closed but wouldn't re-open. Damn that monster! Izaya knew he should go to Shinra's but he didn't want the doctor messing around in Izaya's other personal matters too... Like that underground doctor always does.
It had been a long day, and honestly, Izaya hadn't even wanted to mess with Shizu-chan until he had seen that blond bimbo near him earlier, but he finished his work with his client earlier, before his run-in with Shizu-chan. He didn't even have another client until Monday, so he had the entire weekend to troll on the Dollars website, and mess with Shizu-chan, and play with his humans. He hadn't had three days off in a row in months, let alone a Friday-Sunday add-up. He was thrilled, so much free time to watch his human.
As he was jumping from roof to roof across the city, he kept his hand on his right eye, and his mind from the dark thoughts that had been plaguing him for months. The thing that kept haunting him in his sleep. He didn't know what it was, but it was getting harder for him to want to sleep anymore. He had talked to Shinra, but the underground doctor kept saying nonsense about him having mental health issues, and trying to prescribe him medications. How insane, God cannot and does not have any mental health issues. Izaya let the doctor give him the medications, but of course they just sat in Izaya's bathroom cabinet, unused.
After having his icy shower, Izaya cleaned his eye and put butterfly sutures on the torn eyelid, then wrapped the area around his right eye to prevent any debris from getting in the wound. As far as he could tell, his eye itself was fine, but he didn't want to risk the eyelid getting infected, and him losing his eye or something. Izaya was making his way from the bathroom to his room, but noticed something out of place. The window in his room was wide open... he hardly even opened the windows... he didn't have a knife in his immediate reach, so he was slightly nervous.
Izaya flipped on the light switch, illuminating the room in light, but revealing nothing of who had been there. Obviously someone had. Izaya went over to his nightstand, grabbing the switchblade on its surface, preparing for an attack at any moment. But then he noticed a certain something that should not be there...
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