Lost One-shot (w/ 2 OCs)
Don't like, don't read! Not going to be a specific pairing and based off the pilot episode but with my characters. Please please please no hate (even tho I haven't gotten any yet), if you don't like my OCs keep it to yourself cause I'm very emotional. Thx! ;)
"Would you like anything miss?" The lady with the cart asked me. I didn't notice for a second, but felt her presence so looked up. I took my headphones off. "Oh um just water I guess. Thanks." I answered. She placed a plastic cup on my tray and started to pour the water into it from the bottle. She accidentally missed the cup at the last second and spilled it over my jeans. I tried getting up to get a paper towel, but ended up spilling the rest of the cup under the seat behind me. I apologized profusely, but the guy just kept yelling at me in Japanese or something. I rushed for the bathroom, some guy running past me and bumping into me. "Hey watch it." I say annoyed. Just then the plane jerked up and I immediately grabbed the chair next to me. This was my first time flying alone. Well second I guess. I live in LA, but was visiting my Auntie Bobby in Sydney. I headed back to my seat, feeling a few bumps every now and then. I made it back to my seat and attempted to calm myself down. Once I was relaxed, I started to buckle my seat, but was interrupted by major turbulence. I tried to grab hold of my buckle and tighten it as much as I can. The oxygen masks suddenly came down and I almost fainted, but made sure not to so I could get the mask on quickly. Mine was slightly stuck on the ceiling and unfortunately I very short, so I could barely reach it. When I got a hold on it I pulled it on my head and tightened the white straps just like they said at the beginning of the flight. The plane started to drop and I screamed the loudest I could. I'm sure everyone could hear me. I was always afraid of those hills on roller coasters when I was younger so my sister told me to scream to make the experience better. Of course I was screaming out of fear, but I was also hoping to make this a lot more enjoyable then it is right now. Just pretend it's like a roller coaster track. I squeezed my eyes shut and didn't open them again until I was on the ground... sand actually. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a man getting sucked into the airplane propeller creating a huge explosion. There was a young blonde woman screaming and just standing in the beach and another young pregnant blonde. A man was shouting out for a 'Walt' and most were just screaming from the trauma, looking for someone or buried underneath a plane part or in the sand. I just sit and stare at the sand until I hear someone calling out to me. "Hey you! Come help me with this!" He shouts over all the noise. I rush over to see a man underneath a piece of the airplane. A few more people help lift the piece while the man who called us over drags the man out from under the airplane part. I don't really enjoy looking at blood so when I saw the man's leg I gagged in my mouth, ran towards an open area and then in the sand. I wipe my mouth off and take a seat on a nearby rock. Then I realize I should probably be looking for my friend, Casey. Sure I was going to visit my aunt, but Casey said she wasn't going to spend the break at home, so I let her stay with us. I stood up and wondered around the beach. She was behind me in the plane, but not that far back so she couldn't be too far. "Casey! Casey!" I shout running up and down searching for her. "Jodie!" I hear someone say. It must be her, I mean who else could know my name. I look around for the source of the voice and see her atop a tree. "Oh my god Casey! You're fucking alive!" I shout with joy, even showing a small smile. She waves, but falls from the tree and goes unconscious for a few minutes. I try to slap her awake. "Hey, hey don't die. Nope, you have to wake up now Casey. Casey!" I shout in her face. Her eyes open and she smirks. "Relax, I'm up. Back up will you, you're in my personal bubble." She responds back, making me laugh. Same old Casey. "I'm just glad you're up Cacky. Some people are going to find the rest of the plane, so I'm heading out." I explain and get up. "You coming?" I ask holding my hand out for her. She grabs it and steadily stands up. "Course I'm coming Pierre. Onward!" She says and runs to catch up with the others and I follow. We're racing through the jungle and I end up ahead. I look back at Casey, not looking where I'm going, and bump into a man. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I stop myself when I see his face. "Hey wait a minute. You were that guy who bumped into me weren't you? On the plane? You must've been in a mad rush to go." I asked him. He just just walked away after hesitating to answer me. "Let's keep moving. We want to be back before nightfall." The man in the front says to me and Casey. I continue to walk and we're not that far in before Casey of course starts to complain. "Pierre slow down my feet are hurting!" She cries out to me. The man I bumped into earlier turned around. "Why does she call you Pierre? That's not really your name is it?" He asks me with a British accent. I love British accents! "It's a long story. My name's Jodie." I answer. One time Casey literally just went up to me and started calling me Pierre and said I was, and I quote, a school yard bully who only drank San Pellegrino's. One of my favorite actors is Mark Pellegrino and so my name was then changed to Pierre Pellegrino. Don't ask me how the Felicia got into there. "Charlie." He said back and gave a quick smile. "I don't know if you've heard of me actually. I'm the guitarist for a band called Drive Shaft." He added in, trying to sound casual. "Really?" I ask and he nods back. "Hey Cacky, this is Charlie Pace just so you know." I say to the small brunette lugging far back. She regains her energy quickly and runs or at least jogs to me and Charlie. "She likes your band." I say to Charlie. He was about to respond, but was cut off by the other guy, the one that seemed to be leading us all. "Looks like we found it." He exclaimed making me look up. The front of the plane was right there being lifted by tree vines. The tilt that it was on made it look kind of dangerous, but when you're on a deserted island and just went through a plane crash, what the hell do it. So I started to lead us into the cockpit because everyone wouldn't stop just staring at the damn thing. "You guys just come here to stare or do you wanna look for survivors?" I asked everyone still on the ground level. I had called down through a broken window a few seats up. My voice somehow shook the plan or maybe a vine broke, but the plane dropped down a level. It came to me as deja vu from before the plane went down. How the cabin jerked up and shook from side to side. "We're all good." I shout down to them to let them know, even if they might not really care. They all start to climb through the large gap in the back of plane piece and catch up to us. I get to the cockpit before everyone else and find a dead pilot. Too bad, I talked to him before the flight and he seemed like a nice guy. "I found the pilot!" I informed the rest of the group. "I don't think he's alive." I add in. I get up close to examine him and suddenly his eyes shoot open and he inhales roughly. I fall back and shout "Holy shit!" And end up hitting my head on the ceiling. Man, these cockpits are so small. "Never mind, he's alive." I say obviously, correcting myself. "Let's get him back to the beach then." Casey and Charlie both say. "Shouldn't we find a radio or something? Airplanes usually have those right?" I questioned. The leader nodded and turned to the pilot. He asked him where a communication radio might be. The pilot shakily pointed to a cabinet. I opened it and quickly found a machine that looked like a walkie-talkie. I attempted to turn it on but the screen wouldn't light up. I tried shaking it cause I was told that helps batteries. Still nothing. "It's dead." I stated. Then the trees in front of the plane's now smashed window started to shake. After more and more shaking, the plane headed closer and closer to the ground. Then, silence. The silence only lasted a few moments before the windows shattered and the pilot screamed as he was ripped from the cockpit. We waited until we thought it was all clear and went after the pilot. It was a tad bit hard to find him, but we did find him. I found him first. He was in a tree. "Dead." I exclaimed to Casey looking at him, all bloody and hanging in tree branches. "First one of us to die on this island." My friend said to me. "I hope I'm not next."
That excerpt of a story was called Neverland. The title makes more sense later. I could continue but only if people actually see it and like it. Thx and peace out bitches! 😜
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