𝚇𝙸𝚇: 𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚔 𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
"Please Chiharu? Spare me! Please!" I beg the woman standing above me.
She scoffs, "You're acting like a child (Y/N), just do the damn paperwork."
I groan in response, tearing the stack of paper from Chiharu's hand. "Fine."
"Thank you!" She beams. I roll my eyes, slinking back to my desk. I sit down, my back straightening and my face falling into my business face. I grab a pen and start filling out the forms.
What a drag.
Midoriya paced back and forth in his office, from his desk to the far wall and back again.
"Come on, just do it." He tells himself, nearing the desk.
He turns, silent.
"But what if she thinks I'm weird?" He asks himself quietly, nearing the wall.
He turns.
"No, she'll think it's charming!" He exclaims, nearing the desk. He stops right in front of the sheet of glass that held his laptop.
"Right?" He slowly walks to the other side of the desk, sitting down in his chair. Picking up his phone he started to furiously type. He paused, finger hovering over send before he deleted the message and rewrote it. This cycle continued until the man finally pressed send.
"Oh she's gonna hate me." He says, burying his face in his hands. He brought his face up, his eye peaking from above his fingertips. He stared at his phone, waiting.
It dinged.
He hastily grabbed it, opening her contact. He read her text over and over.
"Maybe not."
Hello (Y/N), I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.
Big Brain
Anytime! What do you need?
I was wondering if we could meet up sometime and I could ask you some questions about your quirk.
Big Brain
Sure, can I ask why?
It's just so I can take notes! I started this hero journal when I was a kid, and I've studied people's quirks ever since.
Big Brain
You still do that?
You know?!
Big Brain has changed [Midoriya] to {Adorable Puff}
Big Brain
Yeah, I used to see you with the journal all the time before I left U.A., you always had it with you.
I saw you once open it during a training session when you thought I didn't know you were there.
You just stood there, not knowing what to write and left a few minutes after.
For your information, I wasn't using my quirk at that time.
Adorable Puff
I don't remember that...
Big Brain
That's the downside of being a human computer. I remember EVERYTHING.
Adorable Puff
Interesting. I've been wondering about your quirk lately, and I wanted to know more about it. Are you free today? I could come over to the agency after I'm done working.
Big Brain
That would be rad! I have a ton of paper work to do today, so seeing you would make it so much better.
Adorable Puff
I'll see you at 5:30 then?
Big Brain
5:30 it is.
Midoriya blushed at her words, setting his phone down.
I glanced at the clock, not fully believing it.
"5:28, huh?" I asked. I looked at my stack of paperwork which was considerably thinner than when I started. "Score."
I started cleaning up my desk so I didn't look like a total slob when Izuku comes.
"(Y/N), Midoriya is here for you." Says Chiharu over the intercom. Her voice comes out scratchy, a result of the poor system.
"Send him in," I respond.
A moment later, the shape of a man enters my office.
"What's up my man?" I ask, holding out my fist.
"Oh, um, the sky?" He asks, bumbling my fist with his. I pause, narrowing my eyes at him.
"I like you, Izuku. I like you." He laughs, and it comes out a lite giggle before morphing into a deep laugh. I chuckle, thinking about how wonderful it is to hear someone laugh.
"So, what is it that you want to know? Come on, sit." I insist, gesturing to the run down couch in my office.
We both sit down, facing each other. He takes out a notebook, labeled "Hero Notes Vol. 26," in sharp, precise lettering. Izuku gingerly flips through the pages until he reaches an empty page. He takes out a pen before adjusting himself to a comfortable position.
"Ok," he says, surprising me with the seriousness in his voice, "so tell me the basics of your quirk."
"Well," I start, "when I look into someone's eyes, that's when I 'connect' to them." I say, making air quotes. "You can see my eyes go all staticky and glitchy, and that's when I enter the headspace."
He nods, writing furiously and not looking up at me. "What is the headspace like?"
"Imagine a monitor. The background is your favorite place, and the screen is littered with folders. There's the memory folder, personal information, goals, stuff like that."
Izuku hums in response to my words. "You mentioned earlier that you remember everything. Can you expand on that?"
Geez, he's serious about this.
"Well I have what's called a photographic memory. Basically it's like a camera that's always recording, starting from the moment I got my quirk till I die. It's a blessing and a curse." I explain, fiddling with the cuff of my dress pants.
Izuku doesn't lift his head, but I see him furiously writing "camera: always recording" in his notebook. His tongue is stuck out of his mouth a tiny bit, an effect of his concentration. His hair falls limp around his head, obscuring his eyes.
"What are some tricks or abilities you have concerning your quirk?" God, it feels like a press conference.
"I can see in infrared, x-Ray and ultra violet light, if that's interesting. If I touch a building or object and focus hard enough, I can see its status, when it was built, hits it's taken etc." I pause for a moment. "Oh! I recently hooked this up! So since my head is a computer, I hooked my email address up to my brain so when I get an email, I can read it from my mind." I explain excitedly. I was so proud when the whole thing actually worked that I kept sending myself emails.
Izuku stops writing and looks up at me, eyes wide. "Really?" I nod furiously and grab my laptop from my desk. I hand it to the man in front of me, instructing him to write me an email but to not let me see it.
"Geez, you're writing an awful lot Izuku." I say, adjusting a sticker on my laptop.
"I know, I know." He pauses, eyes going from left to right, left to right. He presses enter. "Sent!"
"Watch my eyes." I instruct quickly so he doesn't miss it. He stares into my eyes, getting lost in the (e/c)ish color. I hear a dinging in my head and a my own voice saying, "You've got mail." when Izuku gasps.
"What did it look like?" I ask, genuinely never having seen it before.
"The whites of your eyes turned blue and your irises turned into an envelope!" He exclaims, grabbing his pen and notebook.
I enter my own headspace, going to the newly installed mail program. I open it and I see the email.
"Dear (Y/N)," I read out, "I'd like you to know that I throughly enjoy spending time with you. I hope to do it more often, and I hope you do as well. Please, never hesitate to lean on me for any of your needs, financial, mental, physical, you name it. You're an extraordinary woman. Sincerely, Izuku Midoriya; Deku." I recite. "You wrote business emails a lot, and to important people."
"Yeah," he says, scratching the back of his neck, "the labors of being number one I guess."
"Well Izuku, thank you. That's very sweet of you to say." He blushes at my words. "I would love to spend more time with you."
"No." He mumbled. "Get away from her."
He watches the scene before him, appalled at it. There she sat, his love, with a pro hero. Disgusting.
"You leave me with no choice." He pauses. "I do this only out of love.
You guys are not READY for the next chapter.
Over and out.
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