𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝚇𝚇𝚅𝙸𝙸: 𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚖-
Mirio and I stood on the tarmac of Ground Beta, waiting for the students to arrive. The air was warm and a tad humid, the sun bright.
"Hey Mirio." I said.
"What's up?"
"Is it okay if we spar to show the kids what I mean? Distraction wise?" I asked sheepishly. I'm not sure how he would feel fighting me.
"Yeah sure! Whatever will help them learn!" He exclaimed, smiling at me. I chuckled.
"You're rather optimistic. Teaching must be important to you."
"Oh yeah, teaching is great! I love working with the kids, it's the best feeling ever knowing that I helped make the next generation of hero's. Really rewarding you know?" He asked, eyes twinkling. It was cute.
"It's good to have something you're passionate about, and teaching is obviously that something for you. It's awesome to see people so invested in what they do." He smiled at me, and we heard the gate rattle. We turned, expecting to see students, but were met with Tamaki.
"Hey Amajiki!" Mirio exclaimed.
"Hey! Wait what is (L-L/N) doing here?" He seemed to loose confidence when his eyes met mine, but I didn't have time to put up a wall.
Did he get me out here on purpose? Oh god, why is she here? Mirio knows I get all flustered around attractive people!
I felt bad for the poor guy, though I was flattered. I waved, smiling at him. "Hi Tamaki. How are you?"
"I-I'm good." He stuttered out, nervously looking to Mirio. "Did you need something?"
"Not really. I just wanted you to see (L/N)." Mirio explained, smiling. "She's teaching my class right now, and I figured it might be interesting to watch so I brought you along. I would have asked Nejire, but she has a class at this time." Tamaki nodded shyly in my direction, and I smiled, attempting to make him feel more comfortable.
"Mirio-Sensei, (L/N)-Sensei, Suneater! A pleasure." Says Asa, bowing at the hip towards each of us. She's literally Iida, oh my god.
"There's no need to bow sweetie, I'm not the emperor." I chuckled, smiling at her. "I'm just a detective."
"I've told you before Asa, you really don't need to bow every time you see a teacher." Mirio said. The girl nodded vigorously and waited for the rest of her class. I looked over at Tamaki, who was blushing from embarrassment, chin to his chest.
"Are you alright?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. He squeaked, flinching. I moved my hand away, leaving it to hover over his shoulder, shaking my head. "Right!" I chuckled, "You don't like being touched. Sorry."
He quickly pushed my hand down with his, so that it was resting on his shoulder again. He blushed harder, looking away.
"You just caught me by surprise is all." He stuttered out. I looked at him in surprise, opening my mouth to say something.
"(L/N)!" Mirio exclaimed, making Tamaki and I look up. He gestured to the crowd of students around him. "Ready?" I smiled and nodded, turning back to Tamaki.
"Let's talk later." He nodded, still looking away.
"So," I said, approaching the students, "how are we all feeling?" They looked at each other, trying to figure out what to say. "Just a simple question. There's no trick."
The class then answered, nodding and saying "good," or "alright," and asking how I was.
"Awesome. I'm good as well, thank you for asking. Now, does anyone know how a distraction can be used in a one on one fight?"
"To give you an opening?" Asked a tall, scaled student, looking at me.
"Is that a question or an answer?"
"Answer." They said firmly. I smirked.
"Perfect. What's your name?" I asked the kid.
"Nakazawa Kenta. Excited to work with you detective." They responded, making happy eye contact.
"I'm excited to work with you Nakazawa. Your classmate is correct, you can use distractions to give you an opening." I looked to Mirio.
"Can I use you as an example?" I asked. He nodded, smile never leaving his face.
"Of course!" He exclaimed, getting into a fighting stance across from me.
"Mirio-Sensei is going to spar with me to show what I mean. Watch when he tackles me down." I said the students, getting into a similar stance across from him. I saw Tamaki wringing his hands someways behind Mirio.
Mirio flew at me the minute he saw my eyes flick behind him. He charged and I stepped aside, letting him fly pass.
"That wasn't very nice!" He exclaimed once he was past me, turning in my direction. I simply smirked, watching as he came towards me again.
Once he was close enough, I swung my leg towards his head. He grabbed my ankle, something I hadn't expected. He flipped me over, my back hitting the pavement.
I coughed, the air knocked out of my lungs. I tried to get up, but Mirio places his boot on my chest. I tried to shove his foot off, but he kept it firm on my chest.
"Pizza rolls are Italian gushers!" I screamed, making the class erupt in laughter. Mirio gave me a perplexed look.
"What?" In that moment, that split second of confusion, Mirio shifted his weight, lifting his foot the tiniest bit. And that was my chance. I shoved his foot of my chest, throwing him off balance. He stumbled as I rolled away and jumped to my feet. Regaining his balance quickly, he charged. I turned again, letting him fly past me and almost into a wall. He stopped himself quickly, catching his breath.
That gave me my opening. I slammed my full body weight into him, pinning him to the wall with my arm against his back.
"And that," I say, backing away and making sure Mirio was alright, "is how you use a distraction!"
The class cheered and soon a chant started up. They kept yelling "(L/N) wins!" Over and over in sync. I laughed and Mirio assured me he was alright, giving me a look of surprise. I grabbed his hand, raising it up high.
We smiled and bowed in front of the class, making their cheering louder. I looked over to where I last saw Tamaki, and he was staring at me in awe. He blushed and looked away when he saw I was looking, but clapped shyly.
"So, who's got questions?" I asked. Several students raised their hands. "Oh dear." I murmured to myself.
"Let's see, uh, Asa!" I said, calling on the blonde girl. She straightened her back and cleared her throat.
"(L/N)-sensei, how often do you use this technique?" She said, making dangerous eye contact.
"Often enough. The last time I used this, I was undercover and catching a rapist." I explained. She thought for a moment and nodded.
"What about you?" I asked a short boy in the front. He jolted up when I called on him, almost scared.
"Right! I wanted to ask you how you know what to say." He said, nervously chuckling and looking down.
"Whatever comes to mind really. I have a lot of stupid thoughts that float around in my head so this is a good way to get them out and into the world." Everyone laughed at that.
"What are some other things you've said?"
"Exactly how effective is this method?"
"Did you come up with this?"
"What's the secret to doing it perfectly?"
"How did you manage to beat Mirio-Sensei?" A girl asked. Everyone turned to look at her, she stood in the back.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking from the girl to Mirio.
"Well, I don't think I've seen anyone beat him in sparring before. Even teachers." She explained, rubbing her arm. "I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just genuinely curious."
"You're alright sweetheart, don't be sorry." I looked at Mirio, who stared back at me, still looking surprised. "Is that true?" I asked under my breath.
Mirio nodded.
"No one other than a pro has ever pinned me like that. You really are something else."
Hello again!
The students are really fun to write, the next chapter was a lot of fun. I feel like this plot point is harder than the others to write. I don't know, Mirio is a difficult character for me to write.
Anyway! We have over 88K reads and 4K votes... AHHH THANK YOU
Reminder: If you feel like the whole world is against you, it's not. I promise. There will always be someone standing tall beside you, ready to help. I love you all <3
Fun fact: (Y/N) likes alcohol. She's legally allowed to drink, but she's only been drunk once, and that was the first time she ever drank. The reason she can't get drunk is because it overrides her quirk, making her need to do a hard reboot. A hard reboot is her just sleeping for 36-48 hours and then eating a lot when she wakes up.
Over and out.
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