𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝚇𝚇𝙸𝙸𝙸: 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚘𝚕𝚢
"Kaminari!" I exclaim upon seeing the yellow haired male. He wore a onesie and held a box of Cheez-its in his hand.
"The hell? You two know each other?" Shinsou asked.
"Yeah! Bakugo introduced us!" I exclaim, digging my hands in my pockets.
"You know Bakugo?" Shinsou asked, a look of disgust on his face.
"Don't mind him, he hates Bakugo. Hitoshi, this is the detective I mentioned. The one Bakugo brought to Kirishima's party a few weeks ago." Kaminari said, walking over and swinging his arm over my shoulder. I looked down at him and chuckled.
"You told me about that? I must have been tuning you out." Shinsou said, shrugging. I laughed.
"So how are you? I haven't seen you in a few days." I asked Kaminari.
"I'm good, I've just been vibing and eating Cheez-its." He replies, gesturing with the box in his hand. "How are your parents?"
"They're..." I tensed up, thinking back to a few nights pervious.
"Then leave."
"They went back home already. We had a little fight and they went back early. Not that I'm complaining." I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself.
"We don't have time to unpack all that, I'm still trying to process the fact that you know Bakugo." Shinsou said, rubbing his temples. "You're too nice to be linked with that hothead."
I thought back to his fingers intertwined with mine, laying in my bed when he thought I had gone to sleep. I had laid there, unable to sleep without seeing the face of a particular villain, staring at Bakugo.
Why me? I thought.
"Well maybe you're different and shit. You know? You're nice and I care about you and you're in pain."
Why be nice to me?
"I honestly don't know how I know him either." I said, eyes fixated on a floorboard. "One minute I was meeting a rape victim's savior, the next I'm getting yelled at." I look up and chuckle.
"Wait, Wait, you met how?" Kaminari asked, stuffing his face with Cheez-its.
"It's a long story. Trust me." I laughed, causing both men to stare. I caught Shinsou's eye from where he was standing.
It's like an angel's laugh.
I blushed, but tried to play it off as nothing.
"Well I should get going. It was great catching up with you Shinsou, and good to see you Kaminari. You guys have my numbers if you need anything, so call me. I have the time now." I said as I walked towards the door, waving over my shoulder.
"We should hang out over your leave!" Kaminari exclaims.
I turn in the door way, leaning against the frame. "I'd like that." I smile at him, making him flush. I waved goodbye once more, both men waving back at me. I slipped through the door, noticing Shinsou slipped out behind me.
"Thanks for the ride. It took guts to let me on, I admire that." Shinsou said.
"Thank you for being respectful. It means a lot to me."
He smiled softly. "Call me Hitoshi."
"Only if you call me (Y/N)." I said.
And with that I left.
"Ok, I swear to God, this whole thing feels like a fever dream. Am I sure I'm not living in a romcom?" I mumbled to myself, swinging my leg over Nessie's seat.
Chiharu slid her laptop in her bag, and looked to her desk, making sure she had everything.
"Hey, Chiharu! Before you leave!" Daichi exclaimed, barreling around the corner.
"Yeah what's up?" Chiharh asked, eyes not leaving her desk.
"Do you think (Y/N)'s gonna be ok?" Daichi asked, leaning against the counter of Chiharu's desk.
Chiharu took a deep breath, looking up to meet Daichi's eyes. "Honestly? I don't know. I've known (Y/N) for years now, since high school, and she's always buried her feelings. With her parents, peers, everything. She keeps it inside, putting on a smile. It's admirable, but it scares me. If she keeps it all in now, I'm afraid she might burst. Lash out.
"But then again, you saw how much those hero's care about her. They've changed her, Daichi. She might be more open with them or because of them. Who knows?" Chiharu sighed after finishing her explanation. "Long story short, I don't know if she'll be ok in the long term. What I do know is that I miss her."
"So do I. So. Do. I." Daichi said, tapping the desk. "I just hope she gets better soon. Because if not, I'm not sure either of us will survive." Daichi snickered at his joke. He had referenced the temporary Head Detective that was in place while (Y/N) was on her mandatory leave.
"I know right? He's a total asshole." Chiharu whispered, causing both of the adults to laugh.
Daichi held up his water bottle, screwing of the cap. "To (Y/N), that she may recover and be well so we can have our fun boss back."
Chiharu held up her coffee cup. "To (Y/N)." They both took swigs of the liquids, swallowing.
They both broke out in coughing fits.
"Day old coffee."
"Two month old water."
Finally arriving home, I turned on the TV, flipping the channels till I got to TBS.
The weather was on at the moment, something I had no interest in, so waltzed into my bedroom, taking my shoes off.
When I slid back into my living room on my socks, I saw they were updating the public on my case.
"-as a temporary replacement while (L/N)
(Y/N) is out on a leave." Says the news caster, adjusting the papers on her desk. "As for her captor, Tomura Shigaraki," I froze a bit at his name, "he is in police custody as we speak, preparing for his trial. Along with kidnapping, his charges include murder, obstruction of justice, breaking and entering, possession of weapon, attempted murder, and possession of weapon with intent to kill." She paused to take a breath.
"Ain't getting out of this one bitch." I mumbled.
"He, along with Dabi, Toga, Kurogiri and Twice, infamous members of the League of Villains are all in police custody. When asked why he kidnapped (L/N), Tomura Shigaraki only said, 'So we could be together.'" A shiver went down my spine at the words.
"(L/N) (Y/N) has not released a statement about her kidnapping, but stated at the scene of her rescue that she would meet for an interview with the station later this week. If you are watching (L/N), just know that we at the station are looking forward to your return, and what greatness you will accomplish. This has been Suzuki Nyūsu with TBS." She smiled at the camera, and it changed to a commercial for aspirin.
"You flatter me Suzuki." I said, flipping the channels to cartoons once more.
After watching an episode or so of the blonde hero and her squad, I heard a knock on my door.
"God dammit." I got up, walking to my door. Pulling it open, I said, "Bakugo, I'll be ok, I'm-"
I paused when I saw who stood in my doorway.
This feels so rushed—
Fun fact: Chiharu and (Y/N) are the same age, placing her at 25. Her quirk is Grow, she's able to mature things by a small amount at a time. This works better on plants than living things, so there's always a fresh bouquet on Chiharu's desk that seems to last for months.
Thank you for all your support!
Over and out.
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