𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝚇𝚇𝙸: 𝙼𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎
"(L/N)! (L/N)! It's ok! I'm here!"
My eyes shoot open, and my vision is blurry. I blink, realizing I had tears in my eyes, letting them drip down my face. I see Bakugo in front of me, holding my hand with both of his.
"It's ok, he can't hurt you anymore." He said calmly. I look around, realizing I'm in my room and that I just had another nightmare. I'm ok.
I sit up, rubbing my tears away with one hand.
"Thank you for um, being there for me. I'm sorry I woke you." I said.
"I was already awake. I was about to get up to cook breakfast or something and then you started shaking and whispering to yourself." He explained.
Fuck, that's embarrassing.
"Well thank you for waking me up. I needed that. I'll go cook breakfast now." I start to get off my bed, but am tugged back by Bakugo's grip on my hand.
"Um, Bakugo. My hand por favor." He looks at me in confusion, obviously not knowing Spanish, before he looked down at his hand.
"Oh right."
"Do you have a shift today?" I asked while Bakugo and I ate muffins. We sat at the island I had in my kitchen, picking off pieces of blueberry deliciousness and stuffing our faces.
"Yeah, starts at ten." He says simply, taking a sip of whatever the hell he had in his cup.
"Good thing we got an early start then, wouldn't want you to be late." It was currently 8:48.
"Eh, whatever. I don't want to go to work anyway. What are you gonna do since you're out of a job?"
"I'm not out of a job, I just have a mandatory two week leave for recovery. Plus, it's a paid leave so ha."
"Whatever extra, answer my question." He grumbles, reaching for his second muffin.
"I'm not sure. I might just hang out here or stroll around town. At some point later this week I need to go to TBS to do a news interview." I rub my face, burning it in my hands. "I'm dreading that."
"No one says you have to go, just don't." He says as if it's that simple, speech slurred by the muffin in his mouth.
"If I don't show, they'll just come to me." I explain, putting my plate in the sink. "I might call up Mirio. Maybe." I say more to myself than to anyone else, trying to find ways to fill my time.
"Why would you call him? He's just a teacher." Bakugo says, scoffing.
"Is that jealousy I hear in Bakugo's voice? Wow, never saw that coming. For your information, when I had lunch with the teachers at U.A. after my seminar, Mirio said he would love for me to help him teach a Heroics class. Since I have all this time on my hands, why not do it now?" I explain.
"I'm not jealous! Are you stupid?!" Bakugo exclaims, standing beside the sink while I wash our plates. I laugh, putting a plate on the dish rack.
"Make yourself useful and dry the dishes." He grumbles to himself as he picks up a towel, beginning to dry of the plate.
"Jealous?" I hear him say quietly, "I'm not jealous, who the hell does she think she is saying I'm jealous." I hold back my snickers, knowing that I value my life over laughing at Bakugo.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Bakugo asks for the thousandth time. (In reality, it was really only six, I'd been counting.)
"Yes Bakugo, I'll be fine. Now go do hero stuff, there are more important people to save then me." I shoo him towards the door but he put his arms out against the door frame.
"(L/N)?" He asks, turning his head to look at me.
"What is it?"
"He can't hurt you anymore. You're safe."
"Can I tell you a secret?" He nods. "I kinda wish he had hurt me. That way I would have some sort of closure, you know? I would know that he's out there, rotting in jail wishing to hurt me again. But instead, I'm terrified because I know there's a villain out there, rotting in jail, so love-sick over me he can't see straight. He doesn't want to hurt me, he just wants to wrap his arms around me like chains again, put his face in my hair and breathe. Somehow that's worse." We both stand, not talking, the only sound in the room was our breathing, which was somehow deafening in a way. I sigh. "But enough about that. Go, you have hero work to do."
"Yeah whatever extra. If you tell anyone—"
"If I tell anyone what happened while you were, you'll kill me, yeah yeah."
"Good." He retracts his arms and stalks off down my hall, disappearing behind the steel doors of the elevator.
I close my door, slumping down against it.
"Was that a fever dream?"
I stared at Mirio's contact, music playing softly through my headphones.
"Do I even want to teach a class?" I ask myself. "It's a bunch of smelly teenagers with no censors." I thought it over a moment. "It's a bunch of upcoming hero's with no censors. God I'm good at convincing myself to do things." I open a text conversation with Mirio.
He's texted me already. While I was gone.
Mirio Togata
Wednesday, 4:59 P.M.
Hey! How are you doing?
Oh God, I hope you're ok.
10:37 P.M.
Please be ok.
Friday, 6:48 P.M.
I keep telling myself not to text, that you won't answer, but I can't stop myself. I'm worried (L/N). The city will crumble without you, you're a hero.
Saturday, 11:35 A.M.
It's been four days since you went missing. Midoriya says he's in contact with you, but he can't give details.
Sunday, 3:48 P.M.
Midoriya's been nervous lately. I asked him why and he said you were coming home. Please let it be true.
I stared at the texts and I was suddenly overcome with sadness. I caused him so much pain and didn't even know. He's caring, of course my kidnapping would hurt him. We'd only met twice but I would say Mirio was a friend.
Suddenly my throat felt dry, maybe from holding back tears, but I'd never admit it. I got up to a glass of water, and sat back down, picking up my phone.
Mirio Togata has cleared chat!
"You ain't slick my friend, I saw that."
Finally, I wrote my message.
(L/N) (Y/N)
Hello Mirio!
I was texting you to check in and see how everyone at U.A. was doing.
I'd also like to talk to you about something you mentioned last time we were together.
Mirio Togata
I'm so glad you texted, we were all so worried! We saw you were rescued, but the news said you wouldn't talk to them till later.
We're all great at U.A., better now that you're safe.
(L/N) (Y/N)
Turns out there wasn't much reason to worry, but jumping off a building was an interesting thing to do.
Mirio Togata
I'm just so glad you're home safe.
You're not hurt are you? They didn't hurt you? (No need to talk so seriously by the way, we're friends!)
(L/N) (Y/N)
I'm healthy, they didn't hurt me. I'm having some nasty nightmares, but that's about it
(Thank god, I hate texting like that)
Mirio Togata
Nightmares aren't fun, but at least you're healthy. You texted to talk about something, what is it?
(L/N) (Y/N)
I have a mandatory leave from work for at least two weeks from my boss, and I have all this free time I never had before.
Last time I saw you, you mentioned us teaching a class together.
Mirio Togata
What did you have in mind?
TBS is Tokyo Broadcasting System!
I know Bakugo is a little OOC here, and I'm sorry about that. Get ready for a lot of OOC characters, it's hard to write them falling in love and keep them true to character. I'll do my best though!
I just want to say again how much I adore your support. I love reading every comment you guys leave, it's a way for me to unwind after a hard day. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I would love to talk and interact with you guys more!
Stay safe out there! Slow the spread!
Over and out.
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