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"So are you going to go see him?" Dabi asks. Toga slaps his shoulder, telling him to stop ruining the mood.
I was only allowed a two hour visit, and we had fifteen minutes left.
"What? You were wondering too!" Dabi exclaimed, making Toga go quiet. He was right, I knew he was.
"I'm- ha, well I'm not sure." I said, fidgeting with my hands. "I don't want to provoke him to do anything, and I'm not sure if I even want to see him."
"You're all he talks about you know. I'm not trying to guilt you into going, but he never shuts up about you. I mean is your skin really that soft?!" Dabi exclaimed, reaching over to rub my arm. "What lotion do you use, god damn!" He exclaims, taking my hand and rubbing it. Toga took the other, and I laughed as they rubbed my hands.
"Thank you?" I asked, still laughing. After we all calmed down, Dabi and Toga still hold my hands, I looked down and furrowed my brow.
"I think... I think if I saw him, it would trigger something in me. Make this whole recovery process longer. So I don't think I will visit him." I explained, looking up. "Tomura Shigaraki isn't worth it. Maybe I'll visit him later, but nowβ" I took a deep breath, trying not to gag from the dry and stale air, "now is my time."
Toga yelled in happiness, putting her arms high into the air. I laughed at her antics while everyone in the room looked at us. They quickly turned back to their loved ones, paying us no more mind.
A hand fell heavy on my shoulder.
"Say your goodbyes. Five minutes left." A guard says from behind me, and I nod solemnly.
"Well guys. Five minutes left."
"Please (Y/N)-Chan, don't go! You can sleep with me in my cell! You'd get to see Dabi and I everyday and it'll be great!" I giggled at Toga's remark.
"Babe, I can't stay. The prisoner visitation laws state that I can only visit for two hours at a time. But I'll come back, ok?" I told her. Her facial expression dropped, and she frowned.
"Fine. But only because you promised to visit again!" She exclaimed. I smiled and nodded.
"I'm gonna be honest Squirt, I missed you. Which sounds weird to say out loudβ"
"Because you're a heartless bastard." Toga said, staring intently at my hand as she played with my fingers.
"Exactly, because I'm aβ hold up." Toga and I started laughing hysterically, and Dabi sat there looking offended.
"I am hurt, you two. Toga I expected, but Squirt... I'm disappointed." He said, sitting back, interlocking his fingers and staring at me.
"Wow, I'm so sad." I said, making Toga laugh even harder. She gripped my hand as hard as she could and I had to stop myself from wincing. She's just excited. Once we both calmed down, I asked if they each had my card, seeing a guard walk towards us. They each held up their card and we all stood up.
Toga trampled me, burying her face into my chest as I rubbed her back. I rested my chin on her head and she started tittering on her feet, rocking us from side to side.
It was strange to see them both in the dull green uniform. It didn't suit them.
I leaned down, kissing the top of Toga's head. She looked up at me, redder than normal.
"I'll come back ok? I promise." I told her. She started to tear up.
"You better."
"Stay strong for me ok? I love you." I said, and she buried her face in my chest. But I felt her tear. The guard put a hand on her shoulder, making her step away.
Dabi took her place in front of me, quickly wrapping his arms around me and shoving my face into his neck. It was a strange comparison to the hug I gave Toga. He squeezed me tight, and I looked up at him.
"I'll call you, ok?" He said, looking down at me.
"I'll kick your ass if you don't." He laughed, squeezing me again. "Oh and Dabi?" He hummed, looking back down at me.
"Don't be Tanaka's bitch. He's in here for a failed bank heist attempt with hostages." I told him. "I should know, I put the guy in here."
"Oh shit really?" He asked. "I'm so gonna hold that over him." He leaned down and pecked my cheek. "Thanks squirt."
He smiled at me, stepping away and guard grabbed his wrists.
"I love you. Both of you." I said as they were being walked away. They turned their heads over their shoulders to look me.
"I love you too (Y/N)-Chan!" Toga exclaimed after me, voice cracking on my name.
"I love you Squirt." The door shut behind them, and a guard pointed me towards the visitors exit. I stood for a moment, finally excepting how cold my arms were without them, and left.
I walked up to the desk to sign out, and as I was signing, a thought came to my head.
"Excuse me?" I asked. The woman from before sighed heavily and turned to look at me.
"I was wondering if I could be updated on these two prisoners. How they're doing and if they get into any trouble. Is that possible?" I asked.
"Only emergency contacts are given updates on prisoners conditions." She said, looking back to her monitor.
"Well can I be listed as the emergency contact then?" I asked. The woman slowly turned to me.
"The prisoner lists an emergency contact. You can't be listed as an emergency contact unless the prisoner says you're an emergency contact." I sighed in defeat.
"Alright then. Thank you for your time." I walked out of the prison, breathing in some fresh air that didn't smell like felonies.
I started walking down the street, on my way to the parking lot to get Nessie. I drove home after that.
Only then did I realize neither Dabi or Toga ever touched my waist.
When I got home, I realized I still had quite a few hours of sunlight.
"Should I actually go on a walk now?" I asked myself. I contemplated it for a moment. I groaned. "Fine."
I grabbed my keys and left my building, walking down the street. I harmlessly walked by the agency, hoping Chiharu or Daichi would see me.
It wouldn't hurt to... step in for a moment right?
I pushed the door open, walking inside.
"Get out." Chiharu said, not looking up from her paperwork.
"Yeah, ok." I said, stepping out again. Should have seen that coming.
I started walking some more, letting my mind wander to places to didn't know it could wander.
What the hell was that the other night with Bakugo?
How long has it been since Iida was in a healthy relationship with someone that gave physical affection?
Is Shoto insane? Talking to my parents like that?!
I wonder how Tamaki is, he seemed so red whenever I saw him yesterday...
Mirio... what the fuck even was that?
And god, I haven't seen Sero since... since I went to The Grove with them all!
"(Y/N)!" A voice yelled at me from across the street. I looked up and saw the pro hero Deku sprinting and waving at me. I smiled and waved back. It's nice to see Izuku.
He caught up to me and looked at me through his mask. He was panting, hands on his hips.
"Hey." He said simply.
"What's up my guy?" I asked, putting my hands in my pockets.
"I'm just finishing up patrol. Hey, are you uh... are you free?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah why?" I asked.
"I just wanted to know if maybe you wanted to take a walk with me after my patrol. I only have a few minutes left, so you could meet me at the agency and I'll meet you in the lobby?" He said questioningly.
"Sounds like a plan my dude. I'll see you in the lobby then?"
"See you there." I kept walking straight, towards the agency, while Izuku walked in the opposite direction.
"Oh my god I actually did it." He whispered to himself.
"I have heightened senses you know."
"You have whAt?"
Today's Fun Fact is sponsored by these comments left on Chapter Twenty-seven: I'm sorry.:
(Big shoutout to these people they are the SHIT. Sorry for making you cry though :/)
Fun Fact: Mugshots! Whenever you're arrested, they need pictures of you for the file, so obviously Tomura, Dabi and Toga have them. But what were they like? In Tomura's front facing picture, he's sneering at someone behind the camera. In his profile or side facing picture, you can see him barely holding back tears. He was sneering because just before they snapped the picture, he was yelling for the love of his life to come back. In Dabi's, you can see him in both bitting the inside of his cheek, giving the camera an empty look. In Toga's, you can see her mid-sob, and in her side facing one, you can see the tear tracks that trail down her cheeks.
Reminder: Look at you, beautiful ass bitch. You're gorgeous and talented and you can do anything. So go do whatever it is you want to do and do it with pride. I love you all <3
Over and out.
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