Chapter VI: It's a Great Party I'm at Y'all
He first dragged me over to one of the cutest girls I've ever seen. She had pink skin, and yellow horns jutting from her equally pink hair. Her pitch black eyes matched her jeans, while her yellow irises matched her top. She was holding a red Solo cup, and laughing at something a yellow haired man had said.
They were friends and felt comfortable in their environment. The blonde man had a black streak in his hair, with an outfit similar to pinky's, but he had a flannel tied to his waist.
I recognized them as Alien Queen and Chargebolt.
"Hey losers!" Bakugo exclaimed in their general direction. They turned, their eyes lighting up when they saw me.
"Oh. My. Gosh. Are you the detective? You're so cute!" Alien Queen exclaimed.
"Says perhaps the cutest human I've ever seen." I retort smiling. Her cheeks transfer to a hotter pink at my comment, but she regains her composure quickly.
"I'm Mina Ashido! Nice to meet you!" She exclaims, grabbing my hand to shake. I laugh.
"(L/N) (Y/N)! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!" Chargeblot lets out a squeak when I laugh, making Ashido drop my hand, and I turn my head slightly to look at him. We shake hands, and he just stares at me. I avoid eye contact, scared to read his thoughts.
"I-I'm Kaminari Denki." He gets out eventually. He continues to stare. I finally make eye contact smiling.
Say something, Denki. Anything. Come on, say something! Why won't you talk! Come on, you're normally so charismatic! What is she doing to you?
I chuckle, and Bakugo looks at me confused.
"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to." I say.
"I do! But, I'm just awestruck at how pretty you are." He says. "There it is!" He exclaims, finally dropping my hand. I control my blush, and smile at the two.
"So, how did you meet Bakugo anyway? He's not the type to bring girls... anywhere actually." Ashido says.
"Well I was working a serial rapist case, and Bakugo had found one of my vics and brought her to a hospital. I went to said hospital to ask him a few questions where we met and the first thing he did was yell at me." I explained, completely ignoring Bakugo's remark.
"Midoriya, who is that?" Todoroki said, tapping his friend on the shoulder before directing his attention to the girl that had walked in with Bakugo.
"Oh Agent (L/N)? She's head detective. I didn't know she knew Bakugo." He says. "Why?"
"Because look at her Midoriya. Her hair flows perfectly, and her face is that of an angels. Her eyes are like diamonds." Todoroki goes on, his eyes not leaving the woman. He felt upset that she was talking with Ashido Kaminari and Bakugo. She should be here. Talking to him. Standing with him. Laughing with him. But she's doing that with all of them.
"Oh, you like her, huh?" Midoriya pokes fun at Todoroki but he swats him away.
"I think I'm in love with her."
"Hello! I am Iida Tenya!" The blue haired man said, making odd gestures with his hands.
"(L/N) (Y/N)!" I laugh. He's Ingenium, how could I not have immediately noticed with his amazing eyebrows and calf that are sculpted to perfection.
"Ochako Uraraka. I love your jacket by the way, it's really cool!" The cute brunette exclaimed.
"Thank you, you're really cool!" She flushes at my comment, causing Bakugo to huff from behind me.
"Asui Tsuyu, but just call me Tsu." Says the frog girl. I was suddenly hit by the realization that I was in a room full of pro hero's, all of which I looked up to.
I'm so cool.
"So (L/N), what do you do?" Ochako asks.
"I'm head detective of this precinct. I actually just wrapped up a serial killer case." I nod.
"That's really cool, fighting crime and all!" Tsu exclaims, taking a sip from her cup.
"Says the literal pro hero! Come on, how cool is that?" I exclaim back, causing everyone to laugh. Bakugo leans in, putting his hand on my arm, and his face beside mine.
"I'm going to go get us drinks." He states.
"Alrighty then buck." I respond, turning my attention back to my conversation.
"Come on Todoroki!" Midoriya exclaimed. "Just talk to her!"
"How do you talk to literal perfection?" He asks, his eyes not leaving the girl. He couldn't help but flush when she laughed.
"I will call her over." The green haired man threatens.
"Midoriya, Don't you dare."
"I will."
We talked for a short while before Bakugo came back with our drinks. He handed me mine and I sniffed it, chuckling at something Tenya said. I peer into the cup before bringing it to my lips.
"I'm sorry if this is rude but, why exactly did you sniff your drink?" Ochako asks, rubbing the back of her neck.
"It's a habit of mine, I just always do it. I've seen to many cases where people's drinks were drugged, so I sniff my drinks before actually drinking them. Most times you can smell the drug if there is one." I explain, looking down shyly.
"Agent (L/N)!" At the call of my name I turn, and am met with Midoriya calling me from across the room. Bakugo tenses from behind me. I smile.
"Midoriya! Good to see you!" I shake his hand, then noticing the poor man behind him. He cowered a bit, but regained his posture quickly. With his hair spilt down the middle, and an awesome scar, the dude looked badass.
"That reminds me Bakugo, I have a bone to pick with you." I say, turning. The male hums in response. "This is Shitty Deku? Really? I mean come on, look at that face! He's adorable!" I gesture to Midoriya. Ochako laughs and Iida snickers behind me.
"Adorable? Please! What do you even see in him? He's just a shitty Deku!" He yells, drawing attention.
"Bro, calm down a tic or two, I was poking fun. He is cute though, I'm not about to lie to you." I say, giggling a bit. He huffs.
"What ever. Just don't go saying that stuff about IcyHot." I turn the red and white haired male.
"You would be IcyHot I assume? I'm (L/N) (Y/N), a pleasure." I take his hand shaking it.
"The pleasure is mine." He flips our hands, half bowing and half bringing my hand to his lips to kiss so he can kiss it. "Todoroki Shoto."
"A charmer I see." I laugh out. We make brief eye contact.
God she's beautiful.
"Why thank you."
"I'm sorry?" He says, clearly confused. I simply laugh in response while Bakugo guffaws behind me, as he knows what happened.
"Well, boys will be boys. Come on, let's go introduce you to the other girls!" Ashido says as she walks over, taking my hand. Ochako takes my now empty cup, placing it on a table behind us. Taking my other hand, the girls lead me other to a table where two women reside.
They talk and laugh, happy in each other's presence. A literal god of a woman sat on one side of the table, while a punk looking girl sat on the other.
God I love women.
"Momo! Jiro! I have a surprise for you two!" Ashido sings out. The girls look up at us approaching.
"You make it sound like I'm a present, Ashido. I'm not that amazing." I say.
"Oh please! From where I'm standing, you're amazing. A literal goddess. Call me Mina hon." She says calmly as we reach the table. I flush at her words.
"Alright Mina." I gather myself as the girls drag me over to the other girls.
"Hello. I'm Yaoyorozu Momo, but call me Momo. A pleasure." She holds out her hand, and I take it. She comes from a rich family and shook the hands of many important people.
"Kyouka Jiro," the punk one says, throwing up a peace sign. I put one up in return and she softly smiles at me.
"(L/N) (Y/N). Lovely to meet you both." We make small talk, before Yaoyorozu says that I look familiar. I chuckle nervously.
"Well, makes sense. I went to UA for a while." I put my hand to the back of my neck, looking down.
"No way! We all met there! Everyone in this room! We were in the same class!" Ochako exclaims excitedly. I laugh at the look on her face. One of pure joy.
"Yeah I did. Surprised I went this far without being noticed. Then again, I never really stood out. I remember you guys, the infamous Class 1-A. THE Class 1-A. You were impressive." I smile at the looks of joy from the girls.
"What year were you in when we were in year one?" Jiro asks.
"Second year." I smile sadly at the memories. I shook my head.
Their hands were tied, (Y/N). They had no choice.
"Hey guys! I brought a surprise for all of you!" Kirishima exclaimed suddenly. We all turned in his direction. The doors to the elevator dinged open, revealing the man himself. The man, the myth, the legend.
"Hey kids."
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