Chapter V: I'm on Me Mum's Motorcycle
I stared in the mirror at my appearance. I looked like I always look off duty, with a pair of jeans and a black crop top. I wore a my favorite jean jacket with it. The jacket itself was covered in pins, patches and embroidery. Bakugo said casual, so he's getting casual.
A knock on my door alerted me that he was here. Walking over, I straighten my jacket and look through the peep hole. Seeing the spiky haired hero, I unlocked my door.
"Hey Bakubro, what's up?" I ask, smiling while I grab my keys off the table beside me.
Phone, wallet, keys, gun, badge. I think I'm ready.
"Not much really. You ready to go?" He asks, keeping his gaze away from me. He's sporting cargo pants and a baggy shirt.
"I'm ready if you are. By the way, is there a reason that you can't look me in the eye?" I say as I lock my door behind me. Bakugo looks down at me and we lock eyes for what has to be the millionth time since we met.
"Happy?" He says, flushing ever so slightly. I smile.
"Yep! Oh, I thought about this earlier, do you wanna look really badass in front of your friends?" I ask, pressing the button for an elevator.
"I already do, dumbass. But what did you have in mind?" I smirk before entering the elevator, pressing the button for the parking garage.
"Here she is, my pride and joy!" I exclaim, showing Bakugo Nessie, my pitch black Harley-Davidson.
"You own a motorcycle?" Bakugo asks in shock.
"Yep! This was my idea, you pull up with a beautiful girl, riding on a Harley. Pretty badass if I do say so myself." I say. "What do you think?" I bite my lip, looking up at the hero.
"Oh hell yeah." He whispers. I pump my arm in triumph and get us both helmets. I help Bakugo put his on with his hair and hop on myself. He gets on behind me as I'm fastening my helmet. We sit a minute in silence.
"Well?" I say through the speaker in the helmet. I had them specially designed to be linked, as if on a call.
"Well what?" I sigh.
"Look, this may harm your masculinity or whatever, but you need to hold on to me." I explain.
"W-what?" He stammers. Imagine that. Bakugo. Stammering. I sigh, grabbing his arms and putting them around my waist.
"Hold on!" I yell as I swerve out of my space and onto to roads. "Be my guide, I don't know where to go!"
"Take the first left up here!" Bakugo yells, so I turn. I swerve hard, making the bike go close to pavement, so close that I run my finger tips across it. I feel Bakugo's arms tighten around my waist.
"A right a little father up!" When it comes to time to turn, I don't go down as far. I won't scare him out of his skin yet. Yet.
We stop at a red light after the turn, and I pause to take a breath. "So, how's your first ride on Nessie going?" I ask.
"Be better if you didn't dip like that on the first turn!" He yelled and I laughed. The light turned green, and I hauled ass.
"It's up here on the left, can't miss it!" I nod before turning and seeing the huge building zoom into sight. It was Red Riot's agency. Damn.
I park in the parking garage below the facility, and we start to make our way over to the elevator. Bakugo puts his helmet on the handle of my bike, just for me to pick it back up. He gives me a look of confusion.
"I've lost at least three helmets from doing that. All stolen." I explain. He nods, taking the helmet back.
The walls of the elevator are reflective, so we fix our hair in our warped reflections. Helmet hair was Nessie's only down fall.
"So, does anyone know about me?" I ask.
"Know about you?"
"Well, have you told your friends I'm coming? Did you tell them I'm your girlfriend or something?" I specify for him.
"What? No! Dumbass, I told them I'm bringing a detective, that's it!" I nod.
"Alright then." I smirk, and the doors open.
Everyone's eyes turned to us when the doors dinged, letting everyone know that we had arrived.
"Katsuki! You made it! This must be the detective?" A red haired man asked. I recognized him as Red Riot. How can you not with his hair? He held out his hand. "I'm Kirishima Ejiro! You might know me as Red Riot! Call me whatever you want though, I don't mind!" He exclaimed, showed off his sharp teeth.
I take his hand, "Hey, I'm (L/N) (Y/N), but I'd be surprised if you knew me at all!" I laugh nervously.
"Know you? Of course I know you! I'm a bit of a crime nut so I'm a huge fan of what you do!" He smiles even wider.
"Really? I'm flattered, I'm a fan of yours as well." I grin like an idiot.
"Let Bakugo and I show you around, let you meet everyone!" He exclaims.
"I can show her around myself, shitty hair." Bakugo growled out in the baby sharks direction.
"Oh! Alrighty then Bakugo!" He chirped before leaning in towards me. "You must be special for Bakubro to get territorial," he says, laughing. I chuckle, trying to hide my flush.
"That's just the lasting effect I have!" I exclaim, making Kirishima laugh. His laugh was a sound to behold. It came from deep within his gut, almost as if his soul was laughing with him, as if it heard the joke. It was glorious.
"What are you dumb asses talking about? Let's go, you have people to meet." Bakugo says after hearing us laugh. He gently grabbed my wrist, gently but quickly. He was trying to look tough.
I wave at Kirishima, before Bakugo drags me off; off to meet his "friends."
Hi there! Author here. People are actually reading my story, which is surprising to say the least. I hope you like the story, please let me know if there are any grammatical errors, and please feel free to comment. I would love to read your comments. Thank you for reading!
Over and out.
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