𝚇𝚅𝙸: 𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚘 𝚝𝚘𝚘
I look out at the sea of students in front of, separated by class. Years one through three, hero course, general studies, support. All staring at me, trying to figure out which hero I am.
"Does anyone know who this is?" I ask, clicking the button on the remote in my hand. A picture of a pretty girl appears on screen. Wearing the cheer uniform embroidered with U. A., she's medium height and blonde. Her brown eyes pop against her light skin. "Just a show of hands. You don't even have to know her name. Who recognizes her?"
Several kids raise their hands, then more timidly follow suit. I wander over to a boy in the middle. Judging by his section, he's in first year support.
"Where do you know her from?" I ask him.
"I saw her yesterday at the sports festival. She was one of the American cheer leaders." He says.
"Based on how she looks and what you saw of her, what do you think she's like?"
"She looks... I don't know, happy. Bubbly. Energetic. Excited." I nod.
"Wonderful. Now what if I told you her name is Katy Gold?" People nod at my words. "And that she's been charged with eight murders over the past year, where only five bodies have been found." The boy's mouth drops open.
"So you're telling me that that girl," Mina says, pointing to the picture I had of Katy, "is a murderer?"
"Yes, and you guys are going to help me catch her."
"Now, what if I told you that this girl," I click my remote, showing a picture of a girl in cheerleading attire with flame red hair and sharp, pointed ears, "is me?" The kids are shocked.
I glance towards the back and see all the pros I met at the party leaning against the back wall.
"Now, what if I told you that this," I change the slide, showing four new girls. One had her hair mostly down, covering her ears, with completely black eyes. Another had her hair up in a purple ponytail, dark blue eyes looking solemn. The third had pink skin, deer antlers, green hair down to her knees, and white eyes. The last of them all had a yellow bob, looking nervous. They all wore the cheer uniforms Katy and I had. I used a laser pointer to point at the black eyed girl, "is the Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack." I hear gasps behind me.
"Or that this girl," I point to the purple ponytailed girl, "is Uravity?" People are shocked by now, the waves of shock energy I receive is astonishing.
"And this that this lady," I point to Bambi, "is Pinky; the Ridley Hero. And lastly," yellow bob, "is Creati." Everyone is shocked, even the my friends at the back, whom Shinsou had joined.
"Looks can be deceiving. We all know this. But just how deceiving?"
"How are we gonna do that?" Kyoka asks me.
"Simple." I pull out my bag. "Ladies, we're going undercover."
My seminar went on, until finally I opened the discussion to questions.
"Why did you go undercover when you could have just arrested her?"
"Going undercover gives us the opportunity to get closer to her. Since I'm a professional at this, I'm putting myself at risk. I'm going to let her corner me." The girls eyes widen.
"What? You could die! She could kill you!" Ochaco exclaims as I adjust her wig.
"That's the point. Give her a false sense of security. Then you guys will apprehend her, baddabing-baddaboom, we got her."
"Really going undercover is about inserting yourself into the unsub's world. You make them feel safe, they let their guard down, and you can get them apprehended easier." The kid nods, writing it down.
We all blushed madly when we saw each other in the uniforms, and I knew at that moment that they all liked women. My gay-dar was correct once again.
"Do you work with pros often? What was it like working with Pinky, Creati, Earphone Jack and Uravity?" One girl asked. Her long fangs gave her a small lisp.
"I don't work with pros too often, but it's wonderful when I do. They were amazing to work with, and it's always fun to work with your friends." I smile. Friends.
"Looking hot (L/N)!" Mina exclaims.
"She sure does, damn." Kyoka agrees. Yaoyorozu and Ochaco just nod in agreement.
"Oh shut up, you hotties." I say, laughing.
The girls leaning against the wall snicker.
I call on another student, who I notice has no legs, but instead has a snake tail.
"What was it like, capturing Katy?" He hisses out at me. I think back to moment.
"I wasn't fun, let me tell you."
"Katy?! What are you doing? You seemed so nice!" I exclaim, allowing the blonde to back me into a wall.
"I am nice, just not to little wannabes like you who piss me off!" She exclaims, going to stab her knife into me, only to find there's something holding her arm back. "Huh?"
Yaoyorozu smiles at her, holding the curved cane in place. It hooked around her elbow, making her not able to move it.
"Jiro, now!" Yaoyorozu exclaims, and I see Kyoka pluging one of her jacks into Katy's arm, diverting her attention with her own heartbeat so that Ochaco can tap her other arm, floating her into the air.
Once there, Mina quickly shoots acid at her knife dissolving it into a molten slush. Katy thrashes in the air, and I grab her wrists, forcing them into handcuffs. I hold the connecting chain with one hand, talking into my mic that was strapped to my shoulder with the other.
"We've got her." I signal for Ochaco to drop her, and she does, right as the police barge in the locker rooms. They take Katy away, with her screaming the whole time.
"Excuse me for asking," says a girl from a second year support class, "but what's your hero name?"
I simply smile at her. "I don't have one. I'm not a hero." I just know that everyone is astonished that U.A. let someone lecture that wasn't a pro hero. "I'm a detective. Agent (L/N)."
The kids were still shocked. I thanked them for their time, and said I would be in the teachers lounge at lunch if any of them wished to speak to me further.
I bowed at the applause that erupted from the crowd. Smiling, I walk backstage.
"I resent that statement." Aizawa says, leaning against a wall.
"What statement? I've made quite a few in our time together." I chuckle.
"You told that girl in support you aren't a hero." I freeze, my hand halfway towards my bag, holding the yellow wig Yaoyorozu had worn. I shake it off, stuffing it in my bag.
"I didn't lie." I retort, keeping my back to him.
"Look at me, (Y/N)." When I don't turn he adds, "I mean it." I turn slowly. He walks towards me, putting his hands on my shoulders and staring directly into my eyes. He didn't say a word, but we communicated the way we always had, back before my expulsion.
You are a hero. Sure, you might not be a government recognized pro-hero, but you are a hero. Don't forget that.
I smile. "With my line of work, hell, your line of work, it's hard to believe we're hero's sometimes."
We save people. That's what matters. We get them out of dangerous situations, both of us, on the daily. That's what makes us hero's.
"Are we interrupting something here?" Kaminari says from the door. Aizawa and I look up at him, the rest of his wall buddies trailing behind.
"Not at all."
"We just wanted to tell you you were great up there!" He exclaims, eyes twinkling. I laugh.
"Thank you, it means a lot." I smile at them all.
They all tell me what they liked about my seminar, and what they learned.
Mirio dove into the room, waving. Tamaki slowly entered behind him. A shorter woman entered behind them, and I instantly recognized her as The Wave Hero: Energy.
"Hey Agent! We dove out of our classes for a bit to come say hi and that we really enjoyed your seminar!"
The woman came up to me. "Hey there! I'm Nejire Hado! Nice to meet you!" She exclaims, holding her hand out.
"(L/N) (Y/N). I'm glad you enjoyed it, Nejire-San." We smiles at each other, when I turned to Tamaki.
"Hello." I give him a small wave and he gives me one in return.
"I'm glad you all enjoyed it!"
Finally, when it got quiet, I glanced at Aizawa.
"Do you all have a few minutes?" I ask them all nervously.
They all respond saying they do.
"Why do you ask, (L/N)?" Iida inquires, doing a chopping motion with his hand.
"I just wanted to tell you all a story, it seems like the right time."
"A story? We aren't kids, dumbass." Bakugo exclaims.
"Let the woman tell her story, hot head." Shoto returns.
"What story?" Kirishima asks, excited.
"The story of my expulsion."
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