𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢-𝚜𝚒𝚡: 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚢'𝚜 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝
Once Daichi and Chiharu left my office, everything was quiet again. The only sounds in the room were my pen on paper and the ticking of the clock.
I signed papers and hummed to myself, lost in my world of contracts and official business.
I stopped a moment, pausing in my actions and looked around my office. The closed door, the balloons, the chairs, the plants, the window, the flowers, the flag, my degrees, my filing cabinet.
Something was off. What though, I couldn't tell you. I reached for my phone, opening my camera. I looked at myself in the screen, twisting my head. I traced along my jawline, hand coming to a stop under my chin. I twisted the diamond earrings that were posted on my ears, watching them shine.
I had got them when I worked my first serial killer case a few years back. The mother of the first victim gave them to me, saying to keep them.
"Agent! Agent (L/N)!" I heard a voice yell over the parking lot. I looked around spotting Suzuki-San as she ran towards me.
"Suzuki-San, how are you?" I asked when she came to a stop in front of me.
"Oh thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed, bowing to me and ignoring my question. "You've brought my son's killer to justice!"
"I only did what was right Suzuki-San. Please call me if you need anything, anything at all. You have my number." I said, smiling softly at the woman in front of me.
"I will, I will. But I want you to have these." She grabbed my hand, unfolding it and placing two small diamond studs in my palm.
"Weren't these...?" I started asking before trailing off.
"They were my son's, yes. I cleaned them for you. He always gave people jewelry as gifts and I thought he would want you to have these. They were his favorite pair." She informed me, closing my fingers over the earrings.
I looked up at the woman face as she clutched my closed hand with hers. She brought my hand to her lips and kissed it softly.
"Don't you want these? Especially if they were his favorites?" I asked, bewildered by her gift.
"I want you to have them more," she said, looking up at me and smiling, tears pricking her eyes. "Thank you. So much."
I smiled, removing my hand from hers and opening it to reveal the studs. I put them on, slipping the backs onto the post.
Suzuki-San held back a sob at the sight of me wearing them, smiling to herself.
"They look so perfect on you." She muttered.
"I am honored by your gift. I will guard it with my life."
I smiled at the memory, twisting the stud back and forth. I always wore the earrings, barely taking them out unless I wanted to clean them or I went undercover.
I shook my head and put down my phone, trying to get out of the nostalgic mindset. I looked around the room once again, smiling at the flowers before returning to paper work.
I packed my bag a few minutes before my hours were over, the day seeming to short. Maybe I was a workaholic, but at this point I didn't care.
I walked by Chiharu at the front desk whilst I was leaving, seeing her hard at work.
"It's almost time for you to go Chiharu, what gives?"
"I'm making a pros and cons list for each pro hero you're involved with to increase my chances of winning the bet. Daichi already has his money on Deku, Lord Explo and Creati." The brunette informed me, not looking up from her monitor.
"That's three people."
"I know. We decided to each bet on three people since you have half the city in love with you." She joked, chuckling to herself. "But I'll probably leave here in a minute so I'm ready for a long day of lists tomorrow."
"Good idea." I praised, making Chiharu smirk.
"Hi guys! Bye guys!" Daichi exclaimed, almost slipping on the floor as he ran through the lobby.
"Late for another date?" Chiharu asked.
"Hella!" The grey haired man responded as he yanked the door open, threw me a wink while clicking his tongue and left.
"I have no clue how his girlfriend puts up with him." I thought aloud, watching him turn left.
"Me either." Chiharu said, both of us watching as he turned around and ran to the right.
"Well," I sighed, hitting the desk with my hand, "see you tomorrow."
"I better! I swear to god if you get kidnapped again I won't even save you!" She yelled after me, making me laugh.
I walked the long way home, avoiding the alleyway. I thought about how it was sort of funny how most of my friends had congratulated me, yet my parents hadn't said a word.
Then again, I wouldn't answer if they called.
I entered my apartment, putting my keys in my dish by the door and hanging my bag on the hook. I shed my jacket, hanging it up and slipped off my shoes.
I started making something for dinner, which ended up being a handful of these weird healthy chips and a granola bar.
Halfway through my bar, I got a call from the one and only Deku. I smiled, pressing talk.
"Detective (L/N)," I said, heating Izuku pant on the other end of the phone.
"Thank god you picked up!" He exclaimed between panting, "I didn't think I'd have another chance to call! How was work?"
"Work was great, quiet for the most part. Are you on a mission?"
"Just finished one up and then I have a few more hours of patrol. I wanted to call to congratulate you and talk for a bit since we haven't been in touch since... since um..." he trailed off, apparently to embarrassed to finish his thought.
"Since the entire country thought we were dating?" I finished for him, hearing him force a chuckle on the other end of the line.
"Yeah, since... that." I laughed, and I think I caught him off guard.
"We can talk about it you know. You don't have to avoid it."
"I- I know that! It's just I wasn't sure i-if you were ready to talk about it yet." He reasoned, making me smile. I approached my glass wall on the end of my living room, looking out at the dark sky.
"I'm always ready to talk about anything," I informed him, "especially with you."
"Oh!" He stammered out, tripping over his words, "alright then! In that case, I uh, I have a question."
"What's up?"
"Do people... have people... asked about it?" He asked quietly. I heard his steps get louder and echo more and I could only assume he had stepped into an alley.
"If we're really dating?" I asked as I slid open the door to the small balcony I had.
"A few have, yeah. What about you?" I asked. Izuku sighed and chuckled.
"Quite a few. Fans on the street, reporters, even my close friends."
"Same here. Well, not fans and reporters. But close friends. Endeavor even asked me about it." I told the male.
"Wait, you mean Shoto's dad Endeavor?" He asked.
"Yeah, he accused me of cheating on his son. Little does he know, right? Shoto and I aren't even dating." I sighed as I sat down on a lawn chair I had out there, staring up at the stars.
"It's crazy he hasn't seen through it, I'm surprised."
"I am too. I guess that's just how the cookie crumbled."
"Hey (Y/N)?" Izuku asked softly. I hummed in response, adjusting my hold on my phone.
"The kiss..." he trailed off in his words, not sure what to say.
"What about it Izuku?"
"Was it... nice? I mean- agh!" He exclaimed, "I don't know what I'm asking, or why I'm asking."
"Are you perhaps asking if I enjoyed it?" I prodded and I imagined Izuku's face up in flames right now.
"I suppose I am." He mumbled.
"Well in that case, I did. It was a nice kiss, I enjoyed it."
I heard Izuku squeak, making me laugh.
"I um-" he stuttered, "I enjoyed it too."
"I'm glad."
I started watching Hetalia as a joke and now I'm emotionally attached to countries. 😐
Fun Fact: Jiro took over Mic's podcast. Or, she will when he retires from it, for now they host it together.
Me posting last chapter: I kind of hope they like Cash Grab better, I have more of it done and it's easier to write.
You guys: Vanilla please!
Me: well, let's just write a little and see if I can get into a groove with me.
Also me: writes five chapters of Vanilla within two days and is now ECSTATIC about releasing it
I'm so excited for you guys to read it, you don't understand.
Reminder: Don't you ever let any one treat you less than a god. You are perfect in every way and you deserve better. Don't be treated for less than you are. I love you all 💞💞
When the reminder is literally about your father: just trauma tings 🤪
Over and out.
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