π²ππππππ π΅ππππ’-ππππ: π°ππππ, ππππ ππππ πππ
Izuku left after that, quickly, quietly, and significantly redder than he was when he arrived. I tried to stop him, tell him I wasn't mad, but he was too fast. Out my door like lighting.
I slept in the next morning till sometime after noon, deciding I needed a break from my usual six AM alarm. When I woke the next afternoon, I started to go out my door to get my mail but was stopped by a vase at the foot of my door. I looked down and found a bouquet of brilliant yellow roses at my feet. I picked them up, turning to bring them inside.
The vase they were in was beautiful, intricate glass carvings in waving patterns. I couldn't decide if the pattern was cats or waves.
Who the hell sent me roses?
I poked around for a card, trying not to prick myself but quickly realized the thorns were snipped off the stems. I finally found the pesky card and read it over.
My love for you still burns bright.
I hope to see you soon, I miss you terribly my love.
Love, Shoto
Right! Shoto did call me from the florist last night, I completely forgot.
I admired the roses a bit more, pruning the leaves and petals to make them look more lively. The vase was truly one only Shoto could afford. I decided to put them on my window sill in my living room, where I would see them often.
The next few days went by smoothly, and I was half way through my leave. I wanted to go to my boss and tell her I was ready to work again, but I knew she'd rather die than have me work right now.
"(L/N)-San," she'd say, "that was a mentally scarring experience. You don't just bounce back from that."
Bitch please.
I was on day eight of my work leave, sitting on my couch doing a whole lot of nothing. I sighed heavily, watching the characters on my television screen as they laughed and posed.
My phone started to ring, making me turn my head towards it. I stared at it for a second.
"Wait someone's calling meβ" I quickly grabbed the device, putting it next to my ear. "Hello, Detective (L/N) speaking."
"Heyo!" Said a cheery voice on the other end of the line.
"Oh, hey Mina! What's up?"
"Nothing to special, just missing my favorite detective. We haven't talked a lot, so I wanted to know if we could get together sometime and do something!" She exclaimed. I smiled.
"Yeah, of course! When are you free?"
"I get off at seven tonight if you want to grab dinner?" She asked.
"Seven works for me. I'll meet to at Red Riot's agency?" I asked, excited to finally have something to do.
"Awesome! See you there!" The dial tone rung in my ear as she ended the call.
"Yes! Dinner with a hot girl!" I yelled, pumping my fist in the air. "Finally!"
I was happy Mina invited me out, mostly because I hadn't spent time with another female in a week, and my gay ass was suffering.
I was staring at myself in the mirror, trying to decide wether or not I look gay enough. I wanted to make sure it was obvious just in case.
"Ok," I whispered to my self, "cuffed jeans, Hawaiian shirt that I have no idea where it came from." I gave myself the once over. "Alright."
I walked out of my apartment and down to the lobby where I waved at the receptionist before leaving.
I rode on Nessie over to the agency, fixing my hair once the helmet was off. Walking inside I was hit with the calming atmosphere. The music was low, and the hum of people talking on their way out was quiet. I looked around, not seeing Mina, and decided to sit down.
The lobby looked like a fancy living room, almost like Enji's if he cleaned more often.
A fireplace sat along the back wall, with fancy red and embellished chairs surrounding it. The small table in between two of the chairs was filled with magazines and novels.
I sat down, sinking into the chair and picked up a Hero's Weekly. Ochaco was on the cover, cheeks puffed and fingertips touching.
Exclusive Interview with Uravity! The cover said, A look into a top pro hero's life! Diet! Exercise routine! Love life! More!
I flipped to her interview, reading through it. She spoke of her rigid exercise routine and her very lenient diet. She said, "I don't diet much really. I just kind of eat what I want. Portion control is totally important though!"
I smiled at her words, thinking about how well she was put together.
They started asking questions about her love life; who she liked, what kind of person she would like. They even asked about her sex life, but she shut that down quickly, saying she was uncomfortable talking about it while being recorded.
A certain question caught my eye, though.
As we know, last year, Uravity came out to the public as bisexual. She said, quote, "I've decided to start living my truth. I love women and I love men, and it's as simple as that."
So we asked her if there was a special woman or man in her life.
"Well," she stated, "there's someone I would be open to dating, but I won't disclose their personal information. I just think they're an amazingly good person."
"Are they a man or a woman?" We asked.
Uravity laughed, saying, "Does it matter?"
Ochaco had a way with the press I could tell. Successfully dodging their questions without raising suspicion and only answering half the question yet leaving the interviewer satisfied.
I finished the article, turning the page to something about how hero's fighting styles evolve. About halfway through that, someone taps my shoulder.
I flinch and turn around. Red hair and a toothy smile greet me.
"Hey (L/N), what are you doing here?" Kirishima asked, sitting down in the chair beside me.
"I'm waiting for Mina actually. It's great to see you!" I responded, putting down my magazine.
"It's honestly great to see you too! We were so worried. How are you feeling?" He asked gently.
"I'm doing alright, but I wish I could go back to work. It's so time consuming, so I never had time for a hobby or anything. Now that I have all this time, I have nothing to do with it." I chuckled.
"How long are you on leave for?" He asked, adjusting the cuff on his shoulder. He was in his hero costume, but his muzzle mouth thing was gone.
"Another six days." He gave me a sympathetic look.
"It's really hard not doing what you love. But maybe this time off is for the best, you know? Let's you find yourself, the real you, not Detective (L/N), hahaha, so mean! You know?"
I laughed at his words.
"You're right. I should really get to know me more. I tried in high school and that didn't really work out." I chuckled, looking at my hands.
I looked back up after a moment. "Thanks."
"Anytime." He smiled wide, making me happy. He was just so jovial.
"(Y/N), is that you?!" Mina calls. I turn around and smile at her.
"Yeah, it's me! It's great to see you Mina!" She squealed as I stood up, hugging me tight.
"Oh hey Ejiro! Aren't you usually off by now?" She asked once we pulled apart and she saw Kirishima.
"Usually, but I got some more forms in today about U.A. internships I had to look over." He said, standing up as well.
"Are you done? You could join (Y/N) and I for dinner!" She said.
"That's alright, I've got a few more to go over anyway. I wouldn't want to spoil your evening." He said, smiling still. Are his teeth natural, or does he file them?
"You wouldn't be spoiling anything, the more the merrier!" Mina exclaimed.
"Yeah, we'd be glad of you joined us." I smiled softly, but even trying to outshine his.
"Well, if you insist. I can look at the papers in the morning."
Hello hello hello.
First of all: please please please look at my latest community post. I'm not searching for attention, this is a real thing that's happening and it's revolting. It needs to be brought into the light.
Reminder: You are so valid. You are the way you are for a reason. Maybe you were born as the wrong sex, or you like the same sex, maybe you like both and that is perfectly ok. You are valid. You are perfect. You are so outstandingly you. I love you all <3
Fun Fact: - In the original outline of The Analyst, (Y/N) was kidnapped by Overhaul, who used her as a bargaining chip against Tomura and Hawks caught her after she jumped, not Tamaki.
On a lighter note, remember that playlist of all the characters and how they bond with the reader? It's coming together. I might drop it when this book ends if you guys are interested ππ
Over and out.
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